Update 9.01 - Patch Notes

You not required to be playing a Frontier game to be a member of this forum.
It does beg the question why someone who doesn't play a Frontier game feels the need to still be on here complaining about Frontier games, though.

(This is being typed from a Mac Pro, while an Amiga 1200 with a TF1260, Indivision, and chubby wee CF sits across from me, for what its worth)

Deleted member 182079

Yeah, it's... weird.

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted by the fact that I can't reach the power center console because the hitbox of the bugged out corpse is blocking it.

View attachment 280815
The fact I'm not able to play EDO because it's unplayable on my laptop - 12fps on medium settings in settlements - which however handles EDH ok (am away from home so no access to my gaming PC) seems to turn out to be a bit of a blessing in disguise.
I know, that's exactly what I'm doing.

Oh have they paid for Odyssey too? Sorry, I thought they were people who played on the console platforms, must be getting my user names mixed up again because you'd obviously never draw a false equivalence like that.

(As I've said roughly 10,000 times now, I totally get the frustration of our console companions but one thing I can say categorically is that no matter how much they might want to, they have not paid for Odyssey already.)
We paid for Odyssey through financially supporting it's development all the same as actually purchasing it. 😋

Deleted member 182079

My first thoughts where, these new LMPs are so good (for small ship mining at least) that ii somehow has to be compensated. But then I realised, that the max limpet number is total, for both the prospector and collector limpets. So if you want to go on mining with a max. possible number of collectors, you'll frequently have to switch off and on the controller which, unfortunately, kills all currently active limpets. Either that, or moving far enough away from the prospector so you exceed the distance limit which only kills the prospector limpet. I think this small nuisance is compensation enough. Otherwise My CMK4 would fly like a mini Conda. ;)
Fwiw, I haven't even tried them yet. I looked at the convoluted design (that table the CMs shared before) and the fact the mixed variants come only in size 3, and the 'true' MLC only in size 7 completely killed my enthusiasm - I initially hoped that the MLC would outright replace existing limpet controllers, and it'd allow us to build more diverse ships, particularly smaller pad ones. A size 1 MLC on a Sidewinder or Hauler... or freeing up some slots by not wasting them on 3-4 different limpet controllers making ships more versatile... but it seems true QoL features like that are for some reason frowned upon.
The fact I'm not able to play EDO because it's unplayable on my laptop - 12fps on medium settings in settlements - which however handles EDH ok (am away from home so no access to my gaming PC) seems to turn out to be a bit of a blessing in disguise.
Do you also find it easier to breathe, easier to sleep and/or do you have a lower blood pressure? Maybe this is the way to go forward. I have the same every year when I buy the new FIFA and then decide to uninstall it again after a few week because it's utterly infuriating. It's my yearly shock therapy, really kicks of a healing and cleansing process.

Deleted member 182079

Do you also find it easier to breathe, easier to sleep and/or do you have a lower blood pressure? Maybe this is the way to go forward. I have the same every year when I buy the new FIFA and then decide to uninstall it again after a few week because it's utterly infuriating. It's my yearly shock therapy, really kicks of a healing and cleansing process.
A few years ago I decided to no longer purchase games of the following genres:

Fighting games (Tekken, Streetfighter, etc.)
Competitive MP FPS shooters (used to be into the Battlefield series)
Competitive MP sports games particularly football

I no longer feel the need to put my fist through the screen, yell obscenities into the void and use my controller as a throwing device. My blood pressure has always been good so no worries there.

Even the bugs in Elite no longer give me rage episodes - though disappointment, yeah that still occurs. But it only got better once I accepted that EDO will be in an awful state for a very long time, possibly forever, and that playing other games instead of dumping all my energy and enthusiasm into this single game is no longer a good idea. X4 helps a lot as a space game substitute, not the same as Elite (and I'll still play that) but it ticks a lot of boxes that Elite will never be able to, as much as I'd love it to.
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I would appreciate if we could get any update on the progress from the CM. At least before they leave for the day. I am sure the day was very intensiv an full of discussion with the dev team.
Personally I am interessted in the current process, where are you. Any best guess on timeing. Or do you still investigate the issues. Is there any priority you could already share with the community?
Do you also find it easier to breathe, easier to sleep and/or do you have a lower blood pressure? Maybe this is the way to go forward. I have the same every year when I buy the new FIFA and then decide to uninstall it again after a few week because it's utterly infuriating. It's my yearly shock therapy, really kicks of a healing and cleansing process.

Christmas cheer!
Yeah, it's... weird.

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted by the fact that I can't reach the power center console because the hitbox of the bugged out corpse is blocking it.

View attachment 280815
I don't have Odyssey myself (VR player here), but I've read from other people that plasma shotguns at point blank range can have some interesting effects on NPCs.

Deleted member 182079

If you can't be bothered to try it yourself on a CMK4, I really can't help you. For me, it's just great.
I don't have access to one, but how did it affect your jump range? I'll start bothering with the new limpets once they fix their messed up mass values. I'd like to build a ship specific to megaship looting/rescues but not with the current impact on jump ranges.
A few years ago I decided to no longer purchase games of the following genres:

Fighting games (Tekken, Streetfighter, etc.)
Competitive MP FPS shooters (used to be into the Battlefield series)
Competitive MP sports games particularly football

I no longer feel the need to put my fist through the screen, yell obscenities into the void and use my controller as a throwing device. My blood pressure has always been good so no worries there.
Mortal Kombat is still okay, even though it kinda lost its comedic value along the way (it used to be gory funny, now it's just gory). Used to play Battlefield too, but gave up after 4 and CoD's not much better nowadays. As for sports games, honourable mention for the NHL series for still staying relatively playable and not too gimmicky. Just a shame you can't get it on PC.

Deleted member 182079

Mortal Kombat is still okay, even though it kinda lost its comedic value along the way (it used to be gory funny, now it's just gory). Used to play Battlefield too, but gave up after 4 and CoD's not much better nowadays. As for sports games, honourable mention for the NHL series for still staying relatively playable and not too gimmicky. Just a shame you can't get it on PC.
Actually, even single player fighters (Tekken vs Streetfighter on the Vita was my last purchase...) could boil my blood (probably not anymore now because now I no longer care whether I can 'finish' a game). BF3 was my last game in the series, that was a few years ago and even then I realised my reflexes aren't there anymore. I still like shooters in general but usually not of the dedicated sort (CP2077 shooting feels quite satisfying for example, EDO much less so unfortunately). Last NHL game I played was NHLPA '93 on the Mega Drive, have that on my RPi3+, awesome game still.
Mortal Kombat is still okay, even though it kinda lost its comedic value along the way (it used to be gory funny, now it's just gory). Used to play Battlefield too, but gave up after 4 and CoD's not much better nowadays. As for sports games, honourable mention for the NHL series for still staying relatively playable and not too gimmicky. Just a shame you can't get it on PC.
One of the main reasons I still have the Amiga up and running in the office. Games from a simpler time that require nothing more than up, down, left, right, and a single button to play, and are fully focused on the games actually being fun rather than looking pretty. (Shadow of the Beast notwithstanding.) Every time I try to play FIFA on my PS4, I give up and just fire up Kick Off 2. Any time a buddy insists on playing Madden, I need a session of Speedball 2 to cleanse the soul. Every time I try playing a game that requires the finger dexterity of a world class pianist to manipulate the hundreds of button combinations, I boot up a bit of James Pond, Gods, Fire and Ice, or one of the billion fun but ludicrously simple platformers of the time.

And yep, even still have my save from Frontier Elite 2...
Actually, even single player fighters (Tekken vs Streetfighter on the Vita was my last purchase...) could boil my blood (probably not anymore now because now I no longer care whether I can 'finish' a game). BF3 was my last game in the series, that was a few years ago and even then I realised my reflexes aren't there anymore. I still like shooters in general but usually not of the dedicated sort (CP2077 shooting feels quite satisfying for example, EDO much less so unfortunately). Last NHL game I played was NHLPA '93 on the Mega Drive, have that on my RPi3+, awesome game still.
Ho ho ho!

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