Horizons Vote for Khelder's Keep

Vote for Khelder's Keep

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Postcard from Lester's Plateau...

I took a trip out to Lester's Plateau and I have to say that this formation is MASSIVE.
Yeah it looks like a bug, but as you said it should be cleaned up and kept it in the game.
Just from approaching this thing, I was amazed by its size:


Shot down a few drones:

Picked up a few Tea canisters:

A 10Km drop:

Then at the bottom of that same drop, heavy fog, couldn't see anything:

One last look before heading off:
I'd like to see this idea of yours getting implemented into the game, maybe even by the means of a Community Goal.
One suggestion though, probably should ask a Mod to move this thread to Suggestions & Feedback, where it is more
likely to get noticed by the right people.
There is also an email addy floating around on these forums, where you can send in your CG ideas and the
"Devs will take it into consideration" but for the life of me I can't seem to find it.
If/when I do, I'll be back with it... Unless someone else knows it.
This is what I thought when I first saw it:

That's good. I can't rep you yet, though.

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I took a trip out to Lester's Plateau and I have to say that this formation is MASSIVE.
Yeah it looks like a bug, but as you said it should be cleaned up and kept it in the game.
Just from approaching this thing, I was amazed by its size:
Shot down a few drones:

Picked up a few Tea canisters:
A 10Km drop:
Then at the bottom of that same drop, heavy fog, couldn't see anything:
One last look before heading off:
I'd like to see this idea of yours getting implemented into the game, maybe even by the means of a Community Goal.
One suggestion though, probably should ask a Mod to move this thread to Suggestions & Feedback, where it is more
likely to get noticed by the right people.
There is also an email addy floating around on these forums, where you can send in your CG ideas and the
"Devs will take it into consideration" but for the life of me I can't seem to find it.
If/when I do, I'll be back with it... Unless someone else knows it.

Thanks for the visit. I have added it to the log.

I wasn't going to put it in as a suggestion. As I've said all along, I'm not 100% serious (maybe 95% [hehe]). I'll save the official suggestions for functionality suggestions. It's quite possible that it's been noticed already anyway.

ADDED: I noticed you found some of the staple contraband on that planet. The tea must be good. There's plenty of stashes of it and usually pretty well guarded. Of course, I am suspicious that it might just say "Tea" on the canisters. [wink]
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I'm still of the opinion that this should be fixed. A bug like this in the procedural generation propogates. The only thing that makes it special was that it was one of the first discovered, which when you're talking about bugs in video games doesn't make it special, it makes it an example of what to look for when you're fixing things.

It doesn't add variety to the game. Much more impressive vistas have been found on planets where the PG is working just fine.

And finally, if Pops understood the value of computers he understood the value of bug-free programming. I obviously don't know the gentleman, but I think he'd appreciate a memorial on a genuine piece of landscape more than he would a quirky mistake. It is a legacy, after all.
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