VR support 'not at launch' for Odyssey

Source of that 20%?

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I should imagine the 20% figure comes from the recent Reddit poll:
or the poll Exigeous took on their YouTube channel, or the vrlfg.net website (that counts VR players in Steam) (Edit: possibly incorrect interpretation of the figures) both of which had similar ratios.

I know, I know, it’s statistics and you can always discount them if you don’t like them because reasons, but that’s probably where the figure being bandied about has come from.
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Where in that website does it show a ratio btw? I've not used that site before and at a quick glance I cannot locate what you describe; it does show player numbers. Oddly, Elite Dangerous isn't listed on it.

Steam's own hardware survey says 1.92% of Steam users own a VR headset:
I think you have to set the filters first - I haven’t used it myself, just regurgitating something I saw on an article that expressed surprise that out of the 10k or so users playing ED in Steam at the time, just over 2k were using VR. I haven’t a link offhand, it was in someone else’s post a few days ago.
I think you have to set the filters first - I haven’t used it myself, just regurgitating something I saw on an article that expressed surprise that out of the 10k or so users playing ED in Steam at the time, just over 2k were using VR. I haven’t a link offhand, it was in someone else’s post a few days ago.
Cheers. Changing the filter to Show All VR Games brought Elite Dangerous into the listing, but it doesn't differentiate between CMDRs with/without VR. It only shows the concurrent player numbers:

Cheers. Changing the filter to Show All VR Games brought Elite Dangerous into the listing, but it doesn't differentiate between CMDRs with/without VR. It only shows the concurrent player numbers:
Dunno 🤷‍♂️

Like I said, that’s just me trying to remember what I read a few days ago. I think this was the post I saw the figures in, though I thought the post had a link to the source:
Could be someone misinterpreting the displayed numbers from vrlfg.net or it might not. I was just trying to show that the 20% figure hadn’t been plucked from m335’s rear end :)
I should imagine the 20% figure comes from the recent Reddit poll:
or the poll Exigeous took on their YouTube channel, or the vrlfg.net website (that counts VR players in Steam) both of which had similar ratios.

I know, I know, it’s statistics and you can always discount them if you don’t like them because reasons, but that’s probably where the figure being bandied about has come from.
According to those numbers it's much more than 20%.
16% is the percentage of players that play ONLY in VR. But it also comes out that 640 out of 1618 players own a VR headset (40%) and 27% use it regularly.
Dunno 🤷‍♂️

Like I said, that’s just me trying to remember what I read a few days ago. I think this was the post I saw the figures in, though I thought the post had a link to the source:
Could be someone misinterpreting the displayed numbers from vrlfg.net or it might not. I was just trying to show that the 20% figure hadn’t been plucked from m335’s rear end :)
So who's rear end are numbers being plucked from these days?

Sorry i couldnt help it
Dunno 🤷‍♂️
Like I said, that’s just me trying to remember what I read a few days ago. I think this was the post I saw the figures in, though I thought the post had a link to the source:
Could be someone misinterpreting the displayed numbers from vrlfg.net or it might not. I was just trying to show that the 20% figure hadn’t been plucked from m335’s rear end :)
I can't see how Golgot has got those numbers from the website 🤷‍♂️


Volunteer Moderator
I should imagine the 20% figure comes from the recent Reddit poll:
or the poll Exigeous took on their YouTube channel, or the vrlfg.net website (that counts VR players in Steam) both of which had similar ratios.

I know, I know, it’s statistics and you can always discount them if you don’t like them because reasons, but that’s probably where the figure being bandied about has come from.

Yeah ok. But I am afraid that % can not really be used as source, or fact, to support any argument here though. Too many possible ways for such a poll to be significantly biased and grossly inacurate.
I can't see how Golgot has got those numbers from the website 🤷‍♂️
I suspect someone may have looked at the Peak and Current numbers and assumed it meant total players versus VR players 🤷‍♂️

Looks like I’ve possibly made the mistake of taking that post at face value, I’ve no wish to mislead anyone or put out duff information so I’ll edit my original post.

Yeah ok. But I am afraid that % can not really be used as source, or fact, to support any argument here though. Too many possible ways for such a poll to be significantly biased and grossly inacurate.
...I know, I know, it’s statistics and you can always discount them if you don’t like them because reasons, but that’s probably where the figure being bandied about has come from.
Yeah ok. But I am afraid that % can not really be used as source, or fact, to support any argument here though. Too many possible ways for such a poll to be significantly biased and grossly inacurate.
The truth is that the number probably lies somewhere in between. The 2% of active steam users is too low because a VR user is most likely more probable to play ED than an average Steam user. The question becomes ”how much more likely”. For every 100 Steam users there are 2 with VR and 98 without. If a non-VR user has a probability of x to play ED and a VR user probability y, then we have 98x non-VR players and 2y VR players. The fraction of VR players im ED then becomes 2y/(98x+2y) = 1/(1+49x/y). Now, y is likely larger than x but the question is how much larger. A factor of 2 is probably too low and a factor of 10 is pushing it high so say around 5. This would give you 1/(1+49/5), which is just above 1/11 or about 9-10%.


Volunteer Moderator
The truth is that the number probably lies somewhere in between.

Oh, probably. But that still does not really add much to the discussion I am afraid.

For example, if I said my poll shows 80% of VR users and then I go into magnanimously saying... "but, you know, the truth is probably somewhere in between 2% and 80%"... Hope you get the drift.

There is absolutely nothing in those polls that indicate if the actual number is much much closer to a 2% than to a 20 or 80% (!). There is even the possibility, as remote as some of us may think it is, ED has a % lower than the 2%.
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