Ok, my stand on this:
I will NEVER submit to your inspections(or any other by any cmdr/squadron) , and any try to inspect/interdict me I will treat as an act of aggression on me, regardless of my clean and/or wanted level and I will react accordingly to my best abilities at the moment.
With that said, I will explain:
I will not be bullied in Elite by no one, never.
You guys can role play that you are galaxy police, I'm cool with that. But you cannot expect me to accept it just because you say so.
I role-played my game as an independent freelancer. And got bored a little. I had credits, ships, mats, but was missing content/reason to play. Then a fellow cmdr told me about The Nameless, LR's and their troubles and agendas in Colonia and I was like:"Hey, there's a content I'm missing." So I packed my stuff and moved to Colonia, joined LR's and made Rock my home. Found some nice people and I'm having fun with them.
Before few weeks ago I didn't know anything about all this, even now I dont know who is who here, who are leaders, about squadron treaties and such. Don't care about it.
So our role plays took us on opposite sides. That's ok with me. But statements like: "we expect to submit just because we say so and are role-playing like that" is bullying in my book.
Even in real life if real police is not doing their job properly, i don't cooperate. 20y ago I almost went behind bars because i didn't allow to be bullied by real police, which ended in a fight where i stripped policeman of his badge and gun and slapped him a bit (good times
). Luckily for me, good lawyer and bad police work kept me out.
So you role-play your game, I will role-play mine, but don't sell me that"we are official game police" and expect me to bend over.
I don't do that. Ever. And I never will. Till my last breath. In Elite or in real life.
So my message to you guys is:
Source: https://youtu.be/EdytiYSt_mQ
*pay attention to lyrics