We need more Tritium hotspot outside bubble

There is already plenty of tritium to be had in hot spots. Adding more will not speed up the process because the process is limited by your collection rate, even at the recommended 3 limpets per laser. Having more limpets out means less cargo capacity as each limpet controller takes up precious cargo space.

If you don't like mining, then don't mine, but also don't take your carrier out of the bubble.
It's possible to go from the Bubble to Beagle and most of the way back on stored tritium alone. And also possible to arrange a refuel from another Carrier.

I've still never mined any.
There is already plenty of tritium to be had in hot spots. Adding more will not speed up the process because the process is limited by your collection rate, even at the recommended 3 limpets per laser. Having more limpets out means less cargo capacity as each limpet controller takes up precious cargo space.

If you don't like mining, then don't mine, but also don't take your carrier out of the bubble.
Fdev could have raised the percentage collected per chunk... but won't as they raised the fuel efficiency of FC instead...
As changing 33% to 66% per chunk was harder...
Instead, cutting FC fuel use per jump again would be done for yet another change, this would make the distance they do per 25K storage of tritium stupidly insane, let alone the distance on a single tank for the bubble jumping before empty...

This would allow much more tritium to be transferred from bubble to colonia as thoe FC doing this will have more left over in the tank...

256 tons per hour that allready can easy be mined would of course crash in price in colonia if this was done...
Fdev could have raised the percentage collected per chunk... but won't as they raised the fuel efficiency of FC instead...
As changing 33% to 66% per chunk was harder...
Harder? No. FDev considered better FC fuel efficiency to be better balance, and I am inclined to agree. It takes me about an hour (maybe less) to get 202t of tritium. At 50kCr/t, that's 10MCr/h, which is, really, quite a reasonable amount. Want more per hour? Sell your tritium in Colonia.
You do not need to fill your carrier. Certainly not by yourself (if you really need to fill it, get some friends to help).
No you don't but if you do t know when you will be able to fill up next ? And if you are on your own ? So say 5 hrs to fill carrier tank so every 10 jumps ish . So 8 hrs of no meaningfull game play ?
Survival is not meaningful game play?
NOT AT ALL! If fd encourage players to explore the galaxy, it should be more friendly to explore players. According to the data from EDSM, it will take 36,677 years, 9 months, 10 days to discover it entirely. Can you really live that long?
NOT AT ALL! If fd encourage players to explore the galaxy, it should be more friendly to explore players. According to the data from EDSM, it will take 36,677 years, 9 months, 10 days to discover it entirely. Can you really live that long?
The problem is Fdev have no idea of exploration . Take the first look at the biology 10 mins and the CM's were bored . 20 "new biological's " and some pretty screen shots. Wow ....
NOT AT ALL! If fd encourage players to explore the galaxy, it should be more friendly to explore players. According to the data from EDSM, it will take 36,677 years, 9 months, 10 days to discover it entirely. Can you really live that long?
Actually, it should be more hostile. THAT would encourage more people to explore, as it is otherwise pretty dull for most people. It's why I like to explore at the edges of the galaxy: I put myself at risk of getting stuck beyond a neutron jump.
The problem is Fdev have no idea of exploration
Sure, but which of the fifty mutually exclusive ideas about exploration from the community should they have implemented instead?

More hostile or more friendly?
Fast ADS-style scans of everything or detailed surveys required to pick out details?
Easy availability of Tritium for hopping around the galaxy with a fully-stocked carrier and all the modern conveniences without ever having to worry about resources or returning to the bubble, or "implement the DDF"-style massive logistical challenges to get a few thousand LY outside inhabited space with frequent return trips needed?
Some attempts at scientific realism or NMS-style aesthetic randomness?
Also, "meaningful game-play" is about making meaningful (usually difficult) decisions, ie your decisions have consequences. If everything is quick and easy, there is no game.
Ok 200 per hour, 5 hrs to fill up tank , 130 hours to completely fill your carrier . Hmm yes immergent game time ?
As I have said before great ideas poor implementation
Anyone that is capable of mining would not bother to fill up their cargo space with excess Tritium, the greater the weight of the carrier the greater the Tritium consumption per jump.

The only times that I have gone out fully loaded with Tritium has been to re-supply someone that became stranded because they were not equipped or unable to mine properly.
Anyone that is capable of mining would not bother to fill up their cargo space with excess Tritium, the greater the weight of the carrier the greater the Tritium consumption per jump.
Yeah, FC (really, all) jumps roughly follow the rocket equation for fuel consumption (roughly because the rocket equation is for continuous consumption, but FC jumps are very discrete). It means your fuel consumption (fuel to non-fuel mass ratio) is exponential with the distance (Elite may or may not be actually exponential, but even squared is the 3rd term of the exponential series)..
Sure, but which of the fifty mutually exclusive ideas about exploration from the community should they have implemented instead?

More hostile or more friendly?
Fast ADS-style scans of everything or detailed surveys required to pick out details?
Easy availability of Tritium for hopping around the galaxy with a fully-stocked carrier and all the modern conveniences without ever having to worry about resources or returning to the bubble, or "implement the DDF"-style massive logistical challenges to get a few thousand LY outside inhabited space with frequent return trips needed?
Some attempts at scientific realism or NMS-style aesthetic randomness?
No I expect them to know about exploration . It's easy . Trituim is a means which was borked when they tried to fix mining drops .
If it means people will explore then fine it's been made far too easy since 2018 .
Soo why complain about it being too easy now ?
Elite Dangerous isn't dangerous there is no real consequences or rewards .
Ohh exploration is boring .... Is the cry ... Why is that ? Ermmm I dunno big map very empty .

Sorry if I ranted . No disrespect was intended .
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