Weapon Detailing Customizable per Weapon/Weapon Type

Greetings Fellow Commanders!

This is just a tweak/modification to a cosmetic aspect of the game, more specifically the way we use Weapon Detailing. It would be much more favorable, in my opinion, to have the option to set every Hard-point on-board to an individual color of our choice.

It could be done by simply adding a sub-menu in the Hard-point section in Outfitting, similar to the Vehicle Bay/SRV selection sub-menu. Another option would be to add a second screen after selecting Weapon Detailing in Livery, with each one of your hard-points present, and the option to select individual colors for each weapon, or to opt out of any color at all for certain ones.

The reason I thought of this at all is that I like being able to change the color of energy-type weapons, because in a Sci-Fi kind of way, it makes sense. However, I would prefer to keep Multi-Cannon munitions at their default color. Yes tracer rounds exist, which would explain why we can have different colored MC rounds, but I personally just don't buy into that.

I figured it's a suggestion board, might as well drop a suggestion!

Fly Safe Commanders! o7

Suggested by myself, and others many times.

I love coloured lasers, but not multicannons/cannons.

I only like to colour my SLF guns a vibrant odd colour, so I can pick out their fire from other ships in the area.

CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

Suggested by myself, and others many times.

I love coloured lasers, but not multicannons/cannons.

I only like to colour my SLF guns a vibrant odd colour, so I can pick out their fire from other ships in the area.

CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

That thing with the SLF is a great idea. My Conda is only optimized for jump range, but when I get a Fighter Ship with a SLF, I'll keep that in mind.

Back on topic though, I think it would only make sense.

I realize game development is not as simple as just adding a menu, but I figure it's best my suggestion be out here rather than not at all. And I'm also glad I'm not the only one who thought of it.
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