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A trip to the North America and Pelican Nebulae and the Elephant's Trunk Nebula
CMDR rupee noon, May 3308

My new Phantom is able to gobbles Nebulae as a form of photoshoots


I believe this was Elephant's Trunk but lost a batch of pictures. I am not 100% sure

But this was definitely Elephan's Trunk! An unantipated and most welcome landing to take repair. Well worth evading an interdiction at the nav beacon!

Afterwards, on to Veil West. Then Veil East that I mentioned earlier, which concluded the final stop on the Millenium Dolphin Tour co owner's personal local sightseeing tour.

If you actually want to get a lot of first discoveries while you are exploring pick somewhere that isn't on a route from the bubble to anywhere and isn't famous or especially pretty. The routes are relatively well travelled and more people head to pretty places or places they have heard of than anonymous ordinary stars.
Yes, for sure. This is me returning to the Bubble after a trip to Beagle Point and Salome's Reach via Colonia. The Colonia to Salome's Reach and back trip earned me over 500 million in exploration data sales which were mostly first discoveries - including loads of water worlds and three ELWs. I am now thinking about where I can take a fleet carrier to have a mobile base that is within about 6000ly of the bubble. Somewhere past the Veil Nebula could be a good option. Maybe I'll explore more thoroughly around the area of my first ELW discovery as it would mean something to me. Its not that an interesting area of space, though.
Good morning from Heaven's Lathe, a mere 2434ly away from Sol.
Earlier in this thread I posted pictures of several ringed neutron stars that minded me to pay HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) a revisit. When I left the bubble to visit Sag A* for the first time last year in this Phantom, Heaven's Lathe was among the first sights I visited on the way. I've never seen its equal in the 450Kly+ I've travelled in the game since. Bathed in the light of a blue-white O class star 118 times the mass of our own sun, this celestial disk is clearly seen 4000ls or more away. There is a tourist beacon here.



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When will I ever learn to check gravity before each landing. Lost 25% of my 662MJ shields gliding to land while doing something else in real life - thus demonstrating again why I trade off about 1.5ly of jump range to have these shields. Cannot get out of the SRV due to 3.91G which doesn't seem to be troubling this magical bio signal. It must posses strong anti-gravity properties.
When will I ever learn to check gravity before each landing. Lost 25% of my 662MJ shields gliding to land while doing something else in real life - thus demonstrating again why I trade off about 1.5ly of jump range to have these shields. Cannot get out of the SRV due to 3.91G which doesn't seem to be troubling this magical bio signal. It must posses strong anti-gravity properties.
It's not infallible, but the ship auto-land can come in handy on high-grav planets.
It's not infallible, but the ship auto-land can come in handy on high-grav planets.
The Phantom being my one long range exploration ship has no docking computer of any kind. I don't have a slot available for it. All my other ships have advanced docking computers because I'm too lazy to even take off myself these days and I can always find a slot for it. I do use auto land a bit on my DBX and Cobra (in Colonia) used for Odyssey ground missions - sometime I have to take back control.

Today's crash landing was simply not stopping quick enough coming out of the glide and hitting the ground. Approach too steep for 3.91G 🤭
So, do you game on one monitor and forum on the other? I half expected to see a toilet in front of your gaming center........... (y)
That's the plan going forward - the keft-hand monitor will house the forums (natch), EDDiscovery, Inara, Elite Observatory etc. while the main monitor will be the game screen. Stuff needs reposition a little and I do need a longer DP cable.

Also, that box under the desk is an AV receiver that was once used for surround sound for the TV. My hope is to get some sort of use out of it, evern if it is just 2.1 - I game under cans for the most part but it would be nice to switch it up a bit. I already have the speakers - a nice Q-Acoustics 2000i package from a few years ago - and the sub on that is almost epic.
That's the plan going forward - the keft-hand monitor will house the forums (natch), EDDiscovery, Inara, Elite Observatory etc. while the main monitor will be the game screen. Stuff needs reposition a little and I do need a longer DP cable.

Also, that box under the desk is an AV receiver that was once used for surround sound for the TV. My hope is to get some sort of use out of it, evern if it is just 2.1 - I game under cans for the most part but it would be nice to switch it up a bit. I already have the speakers - a nice Q-Acoustics 2000i package from a few years ago - and the sub on that is almost epic.

If you actually go 5.1 (or 7.1) then your audio experience of Elite will astound you. Sitting in front of the slot when launching for example you can hear the ships behind you then transition past your side - the soundscape is superb in Elite to my mind the only improvement would be if they did Dolby Atmos.

I really miss the soundscape if I play in cans - volume doesn't compensate and DTS Headphone:X is a feeble substitute.
A trip to the North America and Pelican Nebulae and the Elephant's Trunk Nebula
CMDR rupee noon, May 3308

My new Phantom is able to gobbles Nebulae as a form of photoshoots


I believe this was Elephant's Trunk but lost a batch of pictures. I am not 100% sure

But this was definitely Elephan's Trunk! An unantipated and most welcome landing to take repair. Well worth evading an interdiction at the nav beacon!

Afterwards, on to Veil West. Then Veil East that I mentioned earlier, which concluded the final stop on the Millenium Dolphin Tour co owner's personal local sightseeing tour.

I think it's a 500 dollar fine for making a Krait look like a potpourri dispenser.

If it's not, it should be.
Now try this: Stand in front of your ship and do the wave emote. :)
I use the 'clap' to turn the lights off on my SRV any time I have to log off during an on-foot explore. When I log back in the SRV always turns its lights back on, and there's no option to prevent it. I don't like having the lights on because it messes with the general planetary lighting, even on the day side, so I keep them off. But they come back on by themselves and it annoys the heck out of me. Used to have to get back in the SRV just to turn them off, but now I don't!

I'm only aware of the 2 functions tied to clap and wave. There may be more I don't know about.
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