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Maybe they need a Specsavers in the concourse at this station:

Services 01.png

I'm in the Asp X and I've never had any weapons at all on it. :sneaky:
I've had that happen several times, jump into a system only to discover your within a tight cluster of stars cooking the ship. Gotta be quick on the controls switching over to combat mode and popping heatsinks, I actually had flames coming off my dash. I chewed through a lot of mats refilling my AFMU.
Heat sinks are, like chaff, one of the things that you can bind a control for so no need to add them to a fire group and as far as I can remember they are launchable in both modes.
I don't know him. The problem I have is too many bindings and I forget what I bound where, so I stick with what I've learned (and sometimes I have a small pile of animals in my lap with my feet up).
That makes it a little more difficult, I agree.
Using a controller, I have to be a little more selective about which functions I need/want. Makes it a lot easier to remember the binds (and that the according bindings scheme pops up on the press of a button helps too...).
Great screenshots there. Quite some system that!

When I went to Elysian Shore in the Asp X that time before I got the carrier (and briefly before that in my Cobra MkIII,) I didn't go all that deep into the region so missed a lot of the good stuff I guess. Also missed that nebula you mentioned and that cluster of stars.

As for black holes, maybe I should have approached the big one in Sag A closer than I did but oh well... :geek:
Great screenshots there. Quite some system that!

When I went to Elysian Shore in the Asp X that time before I got the carrier (and briefly before that in my Cobra MkIII,) I didn't go all that deep into the region so missed a lot of the good stuff I guess. Also missed that nebula you mentioned and that cluster of stars.

As for black holes, maybe I should have approached the big one in Sag A closer than I did but oh well... :geek:

Thankyou - it's not my discovery, more of a "stumbled-upon" while wandering about - saw the ITC 1805 Cluster when i was almost half way from Heart & Soul to the Bubble Nebula, headed this way out of interest... Quite an area of space this, with some very interesting systems... have had a few 1st discoveries as it hasn't been scanned to death, so quite a bit more to explore here - even though that extraordinary system with 23 stellar bodies (if i counted right - 1 Type O, 14 Yellow stars, 5 dwarfs ...and 3 black holes) has a tourist beacon, though no tourist resort ;]

...running a bit low on Tritium to return to the bubble, but remembered the Formidine Rift mystery (have only really read about it on Canonn / here in the forum) and thought i should visit one of the abandoned settlements while i'm out here - turned out to be 2400LY back past Heart&Soul... so i'm contemplating a quicker ship-only trip out there before returning with carrier to the busier systems...

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