Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

I rarely let them be delivered, these days. Most of the time, I would jump into one of my taxis and fly over there to pick them up and fly back.
And if I should call over a ship, I usually do it at the end of a session.
I'm going to take my exploration Annie back to the bubble soon, when I get there, I'll have my Krait Mark II shipped out. I need to re-pin blueprints and visit other engineers I've unlocked and I don't feel comfortable cruising around the bubble without my combat ship. I might tour some compromised nav beacons and hazardous extraction sites too.
I'm going to take my exploration Annie back to the bubble soon, when I get there, I'll have my Krait Mark II shipped out. I need to re-pin blueprints and visit other engineers I've unlocked and I don't feel comfortable cruising around the bubble without my combat ship. I might tour some compromised nav beacons and hazardous extraction sites too.
I fly any ship I feel like flying, weapons or not.
Although I have left the solo mode behind, I rarely see other players. I guess I'm either in an area that isn't as much frequented as others or I'm on at times when the others are busy with other stuff... (Still bubblin' about...)
I fly any ship I feel like flying, weapons or not.
Although I have left the solo mode behind, I rarely see other players. I guess I'm either in an area that isn't as much frequented as others or I'm on at times when the others are busy with other stuff... (Still bubblin' about...)
I should get a carrier then I could take my fleet (three ships) with me, it's not conducive to my exploration style, stubborn I guess. ;)
Oh. My apologies sir, I hadn't noticed you were at work!
Guess I'm gonna sing that song alone in my cell, then.

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your still be waiting there for a long time still : main character is in the black somewhere around CB 42. while i boost the alt character up, he been there since before xmas :) (your [piccy). alt character below. :LOL:

So was the process already achieved when Neil Young released his song Heart of Gold? I'm wondering because of your Sidewinder named like that.
No, the name of my Sidey stems from Douglas Adams' five-book trilogy "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"...
Which seems to slowly turn into a tradition that in games that allow the naming of your ships, the first one will bear this name... Did it in STO many years ago, did it here, again...

When the song came out, I was about 2-3 years old, depending on which month the song was published.
But to know what you were talking about, I had to look it up on the tube. Beautiful song, which I feel like was part of the background music of my younger years, playing on the radio every once in a while...
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I first read HHGG in the early 80’s when i was still pre-teen - then attempted to play through the text adventure on my Apple ][ a few years later… i read the complete series, as the later books were added to the “increasingly inaccurately named ‘trilogy’”, eventually acquired the old BBC TV series on DVD… terms like “pan galactic gargle blaster” and “infinite improbability drive” are forever part of my vocabulary, just as the number 42 still has special significance to me - though i never did manage to finish that adventure game… :)

*it’s still here courtesy of the BBC btw - think i might just give it a try again… ;]

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Never heard of that in my land, but according to its name, it seems more on purpose with ED! :unsure:

As well as the history everybody else commented on, it's worth noting that Bell and Braben were fans (hardly surprising, it was THE sci-fi phenomenon through the early 80s in the UK.) Some of the text fragments used for planet descriptions are obviously inspired by it but the "Mostly Harmless" rating/joke is taken directly from the fictional Guide's description of Earth.

ETA: the writing voice in the original paper flight manual is an obvious pastiche too and quite a lot of that made it into ED.
I first read HHGG in the early 80’s when i was still pre-teen - then attempted to play through the text adventure on my Apple ][ a few years later… i read the complete series, as the later books were added to the “increasingly inaccurately named ‘trilogy’”, eventually acquired the old BBC TV series on DVD… terms like “pan galactic gargle blaster” and “infinite improbability drive” are forever part of my vocabulary, just as the number 42 still has special significance to me - though i never did manage to finish that adventure game… :)

*it’s still here courtesy of the BBC btw - think i might just give it a try again… ;]

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I think my favourite book was the one they released, as an anniversary I think, of the radio scripts.
terms like “pan galactic gargle blaster” and “infinite improbability drive” are forever part of my vocabulary, just as the number 42 still has special significance to me
Same for me...
And every time I read something about scientists finding another species capable of doing something that requires abstract thinking or other feats of inteliigence, I feel assured that Mr. Adams was right about us humans not being the top of the line in that department. Though I sometimes wonder if he wasn't a little too optimistic about our overall placement in these charts...
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