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I'm OCD though. If I find a virgin system, I have scan the while thing. Only map ammonia, tww and elw's however
I understand the OCD. I managed to get rid of it, at least partially. I will map ammonia and water worlds only if they are a reasonable distance away. Undiscovered ELWs I will happily do a 15 min+ supercruise journey to map. On the trip I made to the heart and soul nebulae, I only found a single undiscovered ELW. Surprisingly, it was in a discovered system with several mapped planets. Must have been someone who was there before the invention of the FSS. Anyway, it was over 400 kls away so I set the course, engaged full throttle and went to make a coffee ...
Anyway, it was over 400 kls away so I set the course, engaged full throttle and went to make a coffee ...
And here it is:

Beautiful, isn't she?
Oh my word... that was the oddest thing. I just exited a jump and, at the same time, seemed to go through a star and instantly start scooping. Thankully, I didn't suffer heat damage. Never had that happen before!

There is a system I pass through at times going to Flic or Elvira (can't remember at the moment) where this happens just abut every time. At least you don't get dropped-out in the exclusion zone any more (touch wood) - why I fit 2 heatsink launchers on explorers now, having abandoned a trip ages ago after running out of ammo (before synthesis came in).
Oh my word... that was the oddest thing. I just exited a jump and, at the same time, seemed to go through a star and instantly start scooping. Thankully, I didn't suffer heat damage. Never had that happen before!
This used to be very common before they adjusted entry to be safer a while back, years ago there was a CG where the route to my best source system jumped into a tight multi star system and I would often arrive through one star to be facing another a hard swerve would align me with the gap between them to safety usually but a couple of times there would be a third star slap in front of me. That was one of the high paying CGs so I ended up being singed a lot every day that week, mind you it payed for my Anaconda and an acceptable set of modules.
I had read about dropping through the star, but never happened to me, until last week on that Colonia trip and it scared the hell out of me. I noted it was my 5,225th jump since starting Elite. That makes it pretty rare lol. In the end I took minor damage, 2-6% to most modules before low-waking away. I panicked and fumbled my heatsinks and never actually fired one off before being safe.

This event was such a shock to me. I made sure that I put the heatsinks in the firegroup right after the discovery scanner so it's just swap groups and fire and I won't panic away the chance next time. It also made me a believer in AFMUs. Up until then I felt that as long as I followed my routines and procedures I could avoid random damage. But it isn't always under my control. I had mounted one 'just in case' but felt that I wouldn't need it. And that's been true for 185k light years, but you never know. I'll never go far from home without one now.
There are an awful lot of us who fart in the general direction of that CQC aberration.

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... and perhaps you might end up doing so when you get around to trying it. I can't believe you "plugged" it without trying it.
I was merely pointing out that there are 4 ranks in this game. If the goal for some is to get ranks, then going for the fourth is just an extension of that.

I never claimed that CQC is a great activity, only that it would provide another goal. I wouldn't exactly call that endorsing the activity.
I had read about dropping through the star, but never happened to me, until last week on that Colonia trip and it scared the hell out of me. I noted it was my 5,225th jump since starting Elite. That makes it pretty rare lol. In the end I took minor damage, 2-6% to most modules before low-waking away. I panicked and fumbled my heatsinks and never actually fired one off before being safe.

This event was such a shock to me. I made sure that I put the heatsinks in the firegroup right after the discovery scanner so it's just swap groups and fire and I won't panic away the chance next time. It also made me a believer in AFMUs. Up until then I felt that as long as I followed my routines and procedures I could avoid random damage. But it isn't always under my control. I had mounted one 'just in case' but felt that I wouldn't need it. And that's been true for 185k light years, but you never know. I'll never go far from home without one now.
Heatsinks are very useful when exploring black holes,so i usually carry one,although i don't use it often.But i always pack HRP, even with the cargo 'penalty' slot, because it's saved my bacon on numerous occasions ( It's the way i fly 'em:) ).It's not such a problem on bigger ships, obviously. Fortunately the two extra slots we were given a while back have dealt with that drawback.If i had to choose between HRP and AFMU, i'd choose the HRP and then dump the SRV, but i don't have to so i'm happy.
It's not such a problem on bigger ships, obviously. Fortunately the two extra slots we were given a while back have dealt with that drawback.If i had to choose between HRP and AFMU, i'd choose the HRP and then dump the SRV, but i don't have to so i'm happy.

Exactly. The free slots we got last year really made a difference in the DBX. I could not have outfitted it the same way before, and would have had to leave something at home. But with those slots, it carries everything I need. Here's my DBX as outfitted for the Colonia trip. AFMU, SRV and HRP :)

DBX Deep Diver
Exactly. The free slots we got last year really made a difference in the DBX. I could not have outfitted it the same way before, and would have had to leave something at home. But with those slots, it carries everything I need. Here's my DBX as outfitted for the Colonia trip. AFMU, SRV and HRP :)

DBX Deep Diver
Nice sturdy little build on that DBX. Never considered hull reinforcement module on explorer before.
Yep and that's why. You never know when you might make a mistake or fail to note the gravity at the moment....

Or even just collide with another ship coming out of the slot, and with low mj all you've got to fall back on is pure integrity. Resistances do not help in that event.

I mean, that's rare. I flew 53k light year on that trip without hitting anything aside from the inside of one star :)

But having the ability to withstand it when it does happen is important to me. I've played more than 1,500 hours and have five rebuys. I hate losing ships!
I iz back - after a second two month hiatus......
So, I finished editing the Elite novel and I am currently flying around grabbing screenies for the chapter headings (each chapter heading is named after an AC/DC track by the way). Submitted the opening and final chapters to FDevs PR department - never heard from them again.
Which probably says a lot......
I'm tempted to say they've been swamped by the FC launch, but the critic in me fears otherwise....
So once I've embedded the screenies I'll begin posting it in an episodic nature on the lore/roleplay section of the forums. It was written for fun, not for profit anyway.

Stay safe, all.
Update with feedback from FD! At last!

" it was determined that an Elite Dangerous novel is not something that Frontier Developments will want to pursue at this point."

Ah well, time to move on.... I started a sequel.

Stay safe all.
Update with feedback from FD! At last!

" it was determined that an Elite Dangerous novel is not something that Frontier Developments will want to pursue at this point."

Ah well, time to move on.... I started a sequel.

Stay safe all.

Does that mean FD aren't allowing you to publish such a novel?
Does that mean FD aren't allowing you to publish such a novel?
I dd ask if I could publish it as an 'unauthorised, unofficial' Elite novel on Kindle but haven't heard back. Given it took 2 months for their initial response.......
It is being serialised in the Lore and Roleplay section so this forum's users will get it for free anyway.
That r2r thing is such a two-edged sword. On the one hand it's great for making money, but on the other, the high value bodies are already first disco'd. Well, mostly. And those near the bubble. Ah well.
Haven't left my station since...? February I think. Just can't get myself distracted with all that going on. Best I can do is take dog for walks and even that's a strain at times, walking slalom, avoiding idiots who are not able to maintain safe distance. Sorry for ranting, getting slightly worn out, mentallly challenging all that. Reading science papers is a roller coaster, some very very good, most pretty crappy based on ideology. Once in a while looking up this thread, then I wonder, should I leave station or not, then I see another paper, podcast, take your pick.

If my ship would be for real, hell yeah, I would be in there in no time at all and take her out. ;)

Stay safe
It's far from over!
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