Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

I took my Corvette over to the recent 'Battle of Mudhrid' which was kinda fun. I don't often do conflict zones.
Having recently unlocked the Guardian Shield Reinforcement I tweaked the loadout and turned it into an utterly shameless shield tank. It was insane. I almost could have taken off all the weapons and just rammed everything to death!

Once the CG was over I returned to ShinDez and was looking through my fleet for anything that deserved a new Black Friday PJ as I'd collected over 18k Arx over time (just by playing, I'm boycotting buying Arx until EDO gets on to console) and it occurred to me I hadn't used my FDL in ages, so I took that out for a spin in a Haz Res and was reminded how much fun it could be to fly. Such a contrasting experience to the Corvette.

The ED nomenclature list.
Yes, but the nomenclature is scattered throughout the Manual.
Not like my consolidated, full of errors, personal list
shown here:

Active Reservoir
(thin yellow fuel line of the fuel gauge showing fuel used by the modules during Normal & SC speeds)
Asteroids (broken up debris from left from the formation of Systems, in the form of rocks, boulders, etc.)
Asteroid Belts (a ring of Asteroids surrounding a Planet)
Bases, Planet (Man-made Dockable and non-Dockable Objects. Also know as Surface Sites)
Bodies (any non-manufactured Object, for example, a Planet)
Carriers (very large Mega ships)
CMDRs (commanders, ie. ED real players or in other words Pilots)
Docking (the process of landing your Ship)
EDDB (Elite Dangerous Database)
EDDI (Inara) (a companion application, providing responses to events that occur in-game using data from the game,
together with other 3rd party tools.

EDSM (Elite Dangerous Star Map)
Factions (groups of political parties made up of CMDRs and NPCs)
Fire Groups (the grouping of weapons or other Man-made Utilities aboard any Ship)
Frame Ship Drive (FSD) (a Utility fitted to Ships and used to achieve SuperCruise or HyperSpace speeds)
Fuel Scoop (a means for collect fuel from Stars while flying)
Fuel Tanks ( (1) the Active Reservoir and (2) the Main Tank)
Galaxy (just one in ED, the Milky Way)
Heatsink (a means of jettisoning a built up of heat from a ship during flight)
Heatsink Launchers (a ship installed launcher to eject a Heatsink tablet)
(a means of moving ships and their CMDRs between Systems)
Installations (non-Dockable, Man-made space Objects included for background effect only)
Orbital Installations | Canonn Research Group
Man-made Objects
(any manufactured Object, for example, an Outpost or a Nav. B
Main Tank (thick yellow fuel line of the fuel gauge showing fuel used to top-up the
(1) Active Reservoir and (2) Hyperspace jumping)
Navigation Beacons (a scannable Man-made Object for determining Bodies in a System)
To scan: go to target in S'Cruise Assist, go to 'Nav, Panel' (<1>). 'Contacts',
select 'Nav.. Beacon' will location the Beacon in the C'pit view. Point nose at to scan.

Night Lights (ideally used during approach to a Planet landing on the dark side of a Planet)
Normal Space (the location in Space where Normal and SuperCruise speeds operation)
NPCs (non-player characters or Installations not controller by a player)
Objects (any items within the Galaxy, for example, a Station or a Planet)
Outposts (dockable, Man-made space Objects with no internal ship access other than Hangers)
Planets (landable and non-landable)
Scanners (passive Ship Utility for exploring Objects)
common types:
- Discovery (DS)
- Detailed Surface (DSS)
- Full Spectrum System (FSS)
- Composition (CS)
- Data Link (DLS)
(a passive Ship Utility for exploring Objects, for examples, Scanners or the Ship's Radar)
Ships (spaceships, for example a Hauler)
Speed Boost (a means of applying a short fuel boost so as to move more quickly through Space)
Stars (for example our Sun)
Stations (dockable space Man-made Objects with internal ship access incl. Hangers)
three types:
- Coriolis
(regular type)
- Orbis (large station with circular ring)
- Ocellus (large station with bulbous front and no circular ring)
Surface Sites (alternative name for Bases, ie. Man-made Dockable & non-Dockable Objects on Planets)
Surface Sites | Canonn Research Group
(a faster than light speed used to move around any System)
SuperCruise Assist (auto-piloting at SuperCruise speed to a designated target)
Systems (made up of a Star or Stars, together with or without numerous Planets, for example, SOL)
Universe (in reality, millions of Galaxies, but in regard to ED, just one, the Milky Way)
Utilities (Man-made equipment such as Scanners, Heatsinks, Frame Shift Drives, etc.)
and the in game Codex (Pilot's Handbook)
No ...... not what I mean at all ....... :(
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nemolomen said:
As in "speaking the same language"? A set of shared standardized terminology is one of the greatest inventions of all time.
Me: Is there a list ? If so, where do I find it ? Thanks.

Me again: You had me really hopeful, only to be disappointed again ...... :(
It's alright, let's forget it. I have mine, they have there's.
Thingy One (thick yellow fuel line of the fuel gauge showing ..................)
Thingy Two (thin yellow fuel line of the fuel gauge showing ............................................) :rolleyes:
This is the only list I know about:

Hello there!
This is the only list I know about:

😲 That's more like it ! (y)
What do the 3 green circled dots indicate ?
Note that the Wiki entry was written by someone and contains their understanding of the terms. I don't agree with all of them ;)
Yes, very much like my list, they are open to error.
However, it's something, and that is so important.
Discuss, debate, disagree ...... it's there to do all of that.
Likewise with my list, at least there are two lists to do just that now. (y)
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I think... I think I'm back.

I've signed up with BT but they won't be installing my full fibre until next week so I've been given a "hybrid conneect" connection. It's a bit clunky but I was just able to download the latest patch and check my carrier balance.

Woohoo. Sort of. I may see you in the black very soon.
same here switch to bt, Still Waiting...... from origin broadband has soon has anyone pickup the telephone the internet online went offline ...great advert for you origin broadband :D
A couple of things...

1) I've just tried a power on mission wth fires but the "progress" to coompletion still appears to be bugged so you can't tell if you've done all the required stuff. Is this still a bug?
2) Do not, under any circumstances, use DPD*. I am repeatedly getting a "sorry we missed you" from them despite them never appearing in my road or leaving a calling card and my being in all the time. I'm now seeking legal advice. A very long story indeed and the scum still have my spanky monitor 🤬😡 - I'm struggling to find their complaints page too. They're quite the most annoying company I've ever dealt with. If anyone has a link, I'll gladly serve them Lavian brandy in a cavier wrapped gold goblet for the rest of their lives.

* Unless they work OK for you.
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