Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

The talk about statistics made me curious about how far I am behind you all after all I have never been much beyond 5,000Ly from start. I was surprised.

Distance from start 5437.32Ly (further than I thought)
Total distance travelled 405,403.00 Ly (much further than I thought)
Total jumps 16,494
Total distance for FC 8,141.60 Ly (again further than I thought)
Total Jumps FC 32

All in only 8 months 26 days 22 hours 2 minutes
The talk about statistics made me curious about how far I am behind you all after all I have never been much beyond 5,000Ly from start. I was surprised.

Distance from start 5437.32Ly (further than I thought)
Total distance travelled 405,403.00 Ly (much further than I thought)
Total jumps 16,494
Total distance for FC 8,141.60 Ly (again further than I thought)
Total Jumps FC 32

All in only 8 months 26 days 22 hours 2 minutes

I'm still a bit under 10,000 hyperspace jumps - but i've had 1500+ Apex journeys, over 20KLY distance - those are the times when i put my feet up to go suit/weapon engineering... or visit settlements with my violin case :]
Hmm, statistics, eh? Well, for Codger (who is my 2nd CMDR -- I'm not going to bother adding up all my CMDRs heh) I have this:

Max Distance From Start: 27,415LY
Total Hyperspace Distance: 366,180LY
Total Jumps: 12,957
SRV Distance Travelled: 3.21MM
First Footfalls: 291
Distance Travelled on Foot: 2,272,040
Planets Walked On: 496
Carrier Jumps: 821

Fairly unimpressive, really :)
Hmm, statistics, eh? Well, for Codger (who is my 2nd CMDR -- I'm not going to bother adding up all my CMDRs heh) I have this:

Max Distance From Start: 27,415LY
Total Hyperspace Distance: 366,180LY
Total Jumps: 12,957
SRV Distance Travelled: 3.21MM
First Footfalls: 291
Distance Travelled on Foot: 2,272,040
Planets Walked On: 496
Carrier Jumps: 821

Fairly unimpressive, really :)

Well, you’ve travelled more than 3x further from start (and up til this trip to Heart&Soul it would’ve been more than 5x) than me, so i am suitably well impressed :)

I don’t spend too much time looking at the stats, but when there’s noticeable progress in the bars - this trip took me past half way to Exobio II, and encouragingly, my progress towards Exploration II is catching up nicely - it’s nice to know progress is still possible with a bit of work and then it is quite interesting to take stock / look through the rather comprehensive codex stats …still wondering, though: is the distance travelled on foot in metres? ;]
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Shuttle journeys77
Shuttle distance travelled301.68 Ly
Credits spent on shuttles84,336 Cr
First footfalls137
Settlements visited9
Planets walked on293
Distance travelled on foot247,566
My EDSM total hyperspace distance travelled is currently 191,230 ly. (From when I resumed playing I think in August last year. Doesn't include whatever I travelled in my previous stint back in 2015 as I didn't have a login for EDSM back then. In fact, I'm not sure if EDSM even existed back then.)
Back to a classic: got a new paint job for my old Python... bit of a store sale on atm ;]



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Today has been a bad day for exobiology for me. On the one hand, I've been experiencing CTD's when trying to find plants - just an unceremonious kick from the game - while on the other, actually spotting reported bios has proven very unproductive. Both Elite Observatory and ED are clearly lying through their teeth.

So, I'm calling it a night and will resume on the morrow, hopefully with more luck.

Here's my campsite for my slumber - a nice methane world that apparently hosts two potential codex entries: a fonty and a baccy. Buggered if I can find 'em though.

Speaking of unimpressive stats... I think I can offer some, too:

Interestingly, steam has a vastly different idea about my time played...

Compared to the 771 hours and 40 minutes the game seems to be able to allocate.

But I guess this is caused by the live/legacy split.

I feel like once I manage to switch over to live, I will have to buy all those ships I have bought since the split once more. And all the engineers will have to be unlocked again... :unsure: :cautious: o_O 😵
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Today has been a bad day for exobiology for me. On the one hand, I've been experiencing CTD's when trying to find plants - just an unceremonious kick from the game - while on the other, actually spotting reported bios has proven very unproductive. Both Elite Observatory and ED are clearly lying through their teeth.

So, I'm calling it a night and will resume on the morrow, hopefully with more luck.

Here's my campsite for my slumber - a nice methane world that apparently hosts two potential codex entries: a fonty and a baccy. Buggered if I can find 'em though.


Does that world have ice caps? The rarer Fonticulua Digitos (the small cactus-like ones, very different to the other “leafy” varieties) are sometimes there, in the intersection of ridged ice fields and the surface scanner blue zone, quite plentiful even in those areas.
It can also be caused by leaving the launcher running, because Steam counts the hours the Launcher is active, not the game itself.
I usually turn the launcher off the second I drop out of the game. Definitely not enough to explain a difference of about 200 hours.

I noticed that EDDiscovery has two different logs for my char. One is from Legacy and seems to count everything I did since the split happened*:

While the other has a static display of stats that seem to predate the split:

I dug in a little deeper, the data seems to start at Nov., 29th 2022. I think that is the day I installed EDDiscovery...

So that doesn't help, either...
Does that world have ice caps? The rarer Fonticulua Digitos (the small cactus-like ones, very different to the other “leafy” varieties) are sometimes there, in the intersection of ridged ice fields and the surface scanner blue zone, quite plentiful even in those areas.
No, no ice caps. In the end, I admit, I got too frustrated to pursue the search and moved on. And that's enough exo for now. If it wasn;t so good a money earner, I probably wouldn't do much of it.

But it pays for my tritium quite nicely.

The whole exo thing could be so much better if there were tons (nay, millions) of new species to find and engineering played a part in scans, diversity etc. All stuff we've discussed before - I wonder if FDev is listening? :D

Anyway, I'm heading back to the bubble. I need to win two more high CZ's to move my Inara rank to tier 2.

I was wondering, while I'm waiting for carrier to wake up, if it's still A Thing to have to wait 15 minutes for a jump. I know there's "technical" reasons why it was made this way but they must have some way around this limitation by now. Perhaps it's intentional for "Immersion" purposes - space is big etc. so let's put stuff in place to make it feel that way. Dunno...
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