Have given my common warth an upgrade, because the exhibit was a bit small for them. With the space (exhibit was 400 m2) I made a new one for the sand cats. Only now I have the problem that the exhibit is looking way too big for the two. Since I don't want to ruin my old exhibit again without planning it out, have the following idea in my mind.
Black: here the guests can walk in (50% of the old viewing point will make space for them to walk in a small building, giving access to the indoor part of the exhibit and also with options to view the outside part
Red: indoor exhibit
Green: this will be the corridor from the outside part to the inside part, if possible I want to narrow it and also add some keeper attributes
Blue: separate part of the exhibit where we can separate them from each other. This will also be an outside part.
What would you do? Keep it as it is or do the updates as mentioned above.