What does 'interact with data link' actually mean?

If you take more than one of these at the same time, scanning one ship will often complete a totally different data link scan mission. (This was 2-3 updates ago - I haven't tried it since.)
This happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I limit myself to one of these at the moment.

I had four missions like this appear in my transactions tab, 7.01 somewhat at random. Couldn't get a result with any of them either, unfortunately.
i think these missions are for horizons only. i had a one in ED:eek:dyssey and the megaship wasn't visible. Until i scanned the system in ED:horizons then it appeared in odyssey.

but i try another in ED:O see if it wasn't me that buggered up :)
I've done a few of these in Odyssey, and they work fine. If you can't find the megaship, scan the beacon, and then it should show up
Still same problem.
Firstly the mission text is incorrect - scan the Data Link data link - they mean the Ship Uplink data link (at least on the ships I did). This does complete the mission (though in one case it wasn't obvious - I didn't get any kind of confirmation message, but i did for others), also the text of the mission doesn't change to say something like "return data to <wherever>" but the nav panel shows you that you do have a mission to hand in (i.e the mission issuing station has now turned blue).
Secondly - yup I had 3 missions all for the same megaship - could only complete the first one (logged out and in and to desktop and back in, handed in all the completed missions etc.) but could not complete the rest because I had already scanned the Ship Uplink (aka data link data link :)

Lesson learned - don't take more than one mission per ship. I guess once the remaining missions expire then you can go back (haven't tried yet)
Edit - this was in Odyssey btw
It just makes you ignore these missions. I dont want to be negative, I bloody love this game, this one drives me to drink, imagine that?
Hmm, I've just taken one of these and cannot get it to complete. I've data scanned the ship log but nothing seems to happen. Have I missed anything?
Just finished a run of four of these.

They always have issues. They fall in the "It just works!" category of gaming technology.

What I do is check after tagging a ship uplink is checking which mission is marked complete, and if it's the wrong one (sometimes it just works) make a physical note of that; the system and the megaship name.
Because you'll need to visit that one again eventually; but only after you've run through all the others.

You're also supposed to get some kind of mission message, but those are blank and always from the same contact.

It's a mess. And these things are what keep your customer base agitated and frothing at the mouth -- and one of the reasons why the community reacted the way they did when Odyssey was released straight out of a short Alpha run because, you know, things tend to end up like this. It sort of just working.

What would really impress the customer base is Frontier finding these things on their own and making them actually work, without relying on bug tickets and community upvoting mechanisms.

-edited because writing this post sort of just worked too when it came to grammar, etc-
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Same. I pulled 20 missions between Sothis and CEOS. Two different Megaships. I did each ship once and now I can't complete the remaining 18 missions.
Going to warp and dropping back in (or relogging) does not work either?
I have had to do that on some ship2ground assault missions in the past.
“Interact with data link” means plug in and download data.

The progress bar represents consistently trying to plug the USB cable in the wrong way and having to flip it over.
I know this is an older post now but I did one recently where you could not get close enough to make the scan. BUT I found a hidey hole at the back of the ship where you fly into the bowels of the ship from between the engines at the back. That allowed me to get close enough to make the scan.
Its still busted. I didnt stack, took ONE mission only and the mission doesnt complete after I scanned the ship log uplink, the hackable comms array and the data comms whatever.

In my experience, these missions work as long as you don't stack them.
This, kind of...

You can stack them but not to different ships in the same system (forget about stacking missions to same ship too). If you do, scanning ship A can complete mission B leaving mission A broken. Also, if you have scanned that particular ship uplink, its rendered useless for x-time. You can take another mission to the same ship and use the 2nd uplink, if the ship has one, after that I usually ignore that mega ship till its moved to another system.

There is more nonsense though. Of late, as described in the OP, a couple of missions did not complete after fully scanning the uplink. It might have been the case the mega ship was moved to another system while there was still an active mission referring to it. That mission location might have been updated, but still broke it, or something...

Anywho, these mission are haunted and I would thoroughly ignore them.
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this mission-type is still a hit'n'miss. Ive done 2-3 every now and then last 4 weeks, and I'd say ~30% just doesn't work.
-3 different missions to different megaships in different systems
-2 works fine
-last says I've scanned it before

I fear they might work like (the old) srv scan missions from the early days, like they have a cooldown to how often you can scan it? and relogging doesn't help sadly.

-If you spend time looking around for a few other megaships, you can finish the mission that way.


*https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/47807 this is a bugreport about this, or at the very least, a very close related issue. We need to bump it up so we can get it approved, and FD can ehh fix it.. Thank the gods FD made such an amasing tool (on how to evade fixing bugs)

*Vandaahl with some good points above me here
-If you spend time looking around for a few other megaships, you can finish the mission that way.
Interesting. This maybe indeed the case as I have seen missions to ship A being completed by scanning ship B (when I stacked 2 to the same system). It broke the other mission, but I never tried to fix them by scanning ship C, if there is one in the system.

That said, it might fix the cases where the uplink was already used, not the causes where you can fully scan the uplink, hear the sound of a message coming in, and then... nothing. I've had these of late after leaving the mission dormant for 1 or 2 days before trying to complete them. It might have something to do with the weekly tick...

Its a shame though, as these missions - depending on the factions government/ethos type - are offered sometimes in good numbers, are easy (when they do work) and are almost always +++++.
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Interesting. This maybe indeed the case as I have seen missions to ship A being completed by scanning ship B (when I stacked 2 to the same system). It broke the other mission, but I never tried to fix them by scanning ship C, if there is one in the system.

That said, it might fix the cases where the uplink was already used, not the causes where you can fully scan the uplink, hear the sound of a message coming in, and then... nothing. I've had these of late after leaving the mission dormant for 1 or 2 days before trying to complete them. It might have something to do with the weekly tick...

Its a shame though, as these missions - depending on the factions government/ethos type - are offered sometimes in good numbers, are easy (when they do work) and are almost always +++++.
This I haven't had (yet) :D Im sure Ill bump in to the issue. And yes, I do fear it has to do with the weekly tick. Because I also tried again a few hrs before mission timing out and that was after the daily tick/update (I think, Im a bit confused as to the exact time these days)
Well...January of '23 and this is still broken. Must be very low on the "to fix" issue.
I UPVOTED this issue and added my own.

Also, went back after I abandoned 2 of the 3 to see if I can get 1 and go back. There are now 15-17 of the same missions there now. All ranging in different reward values.
This really needs fixed.
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