What is the name of your exploration ship?

ASPX name "Chile Jalapeño" :D

I pilot an Anaconda held together by duct tape and wire, but we get a lovely 61ly out of her.

The Starry Knight is a ship of exploration, science and pushing the limits. Even with a 61ly range, we still have all the essentials of exploration, including an afmu for neutron jumping :)
I just spent another 12M upgrading my AMFUs and going to a 3A power plant from the modded 4D I had in my AspX.... sigh, oh well the power plant change got me up to 48.4-53ly jump range.
I started out doing the Outlander Challenge to Colonia and took a loaner Sidewinder out. Called her "Cricket" cause we had a lot of hopping to do.
After arriving to Colonia, purchased and outfitted (Colonia style) an ASPX. Named it "The Irwin Allen" cause, what could go wrong?
If you are not familiar with Irwin Allen, check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irwin_Allen

fly safe cmdrs o7
My Anaconda is named Hubble. It took me to Beagle Point, Ishum's Reach (sp?) and some spectacular systems that I won't soon forget. At the helm of the Hubble I found many firsts for me: ELW, Ringed ELW, Twin ELW's, undiscovered black hole to name a few. I'm only 5k away from Colonia where I'll set out on my next journey.

My Asp Explorer is named Freyas Peace and it will be the ship I spend a few months in exploring the core. This is the ship in which I learned to love exploration. I ventured to Veil West, Heart and Soul, visited Betelgeuse and took high paying passengers all over our little quadrant of the galaxy. Now, together, we'll revisit Sag A. We'll explore its surrounding systems and travel up and down the galactic plain in hopes of finding the truly remarkable and unique. May even touch down and do some planetary exploration in hopes of finding something worth sharing :)
I call this one Challenger (EV-099):


Named after Space Shuttle Challenger, she took me to Sag A* and back and got me to Elite Xplorer. In Apollo white with 0% paintjob left, she might not look like much but she has well over 100kly and is the only exploration ship I feel at home in.
My Diamondback Explorer is the ISV Aegir. I'll probably just run this name numbered through any other Exploration ships I build; Aegir II, Aegir III, etc.

My next ship should hopefully be an Imperial Clipper.
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