What is your most anticipated ship?

The Imperial Slipper?


(sorry ;))
I'll take anything, but what I most want is a proper large Alliance "C series" combat ship. Failing that (but preferably in addition to), the Panther Clipper LX exactly as shown in the concept art. The design just speaks to me - plus being a Zorgon Peterson ship, the pilot's chair will be on the correct side of the bridge :p. It doesn't need to be a whole new class of ship either, just needs to have the highest possible cargo capacity in the game, as I don't think the Cutter should be filling that role.

I don't yet know if I want a fleet carrier (or whether I would have the patience to grind the credits needed for it), it will largely depend on the mechanics of it. If it works just like the player controlled megaships where you don't actually pilot it but move it about in the galaxy map like a mobile space station, then I don't think I'll bother.
Corvette Mk2 with five size 2 and two size 4 hardpoints plus 5ly added standard jump range.

I know, too much to ask, won't stay up nights waiting for it.
"His father's words broke through Alex's silent, concentrated study of the planet they were leaving.
To the right, running a parallel course towards the Faraway tunnel, was an odd-shaped ship, with poweful lights flickering on and off. It was catching the sun and Alex could see how it was slowly spinning about its central axis. Fish-like fins opened and closed. Across its sleek hull a rapid pattern of coloured lights rippled.
A Moray. A subaqua vessel, designed for both space and undersea voyaging. The Moray was a rare ship indeed to see in space, especially about to undertake a hyperspace transit. On worlds like Regiti and Aona, where the only land was the tips of volcanoes ...the Moray was both freighter and public transport, a vital ship-link between the undersea cities that were developing in such hostile environments .
The Moray's frantic colour signalling ceased. Alex noticed that his father was watching the animalistic display (the coding had been developed from the signalling of a terrestrial aquatic creature, the squid) with a frown on his face.'Something up?'Jason shrugged. 'Not sure. Probably not.'
Alex watched the Moray with renewed interest, then turned back to the rear view, where the Cobra had nudged a few kilometres closer." The Dark Wheel


all on the original 1984 ship id chart.
How about dedicated cargo ship that actually carries more cargo than the combat ships in the same class, explorer role with better jump range than combat ships, you know basically some ship designs that don't try to be everything at once

That makes the people who want to blaze their own trail hurt in the butt region. there's a whole subset of the playerbase that thinks that phrase means do whatever they want whenever they want with whatever they want however they want. Role is a 4 letter word.
Im curious as to how fleet carriers will effect peoples ship builds, especially exploration builds. Having the ability to refuel/repair/rearm from them seems pretty nice
Not that asred about new ships, at this point. There's plenty of variety now and I'd rather see the work go into other areas.

If we must have more new ships, I'd like to see more SMALL ships (Gecko? Falcon? Kestrel? The latter was an atmospheric fighter jet refitted for space) and maybe a couple of really large ships (Panther Clipper LX, Boa, Imperial Explorer). Medium ships now dominate, which is lessening the sense of scale in the game a bit. Back in 2014, you'd see a Type 9 or Anaconda flying among the Eagles and Adders and Cobras, and you really felt they were huge. Even an Asp seemed big.

Adding tiny interplanetary cargo vessels and local shuttles to the NPC traffic at stations/outposts would also help. Smaller than most small ships, don't have high wake capabilities, but can fly between nearby planets. Let them use the small "slots" on the side of outposts and installations. They're already part of the game's continuity, they're in Elite fiction, have been mentioned on Galnet (RIP), I think there was even one in the original Elite (called Worm, I believe).

We don't need to be able to fly them, though it would be cool to have one as a cargo SLF for outposts. Just to have them buzzing around would add to the level of activity and scale.
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