What other games are we all playing?

I think you really need to have perviously played (and enjoyed!) at least one STALKER game to stand a chance with it as, for the uninitiated, it is absolutely brutal.

After stashing almost all my gear (including all but three mags worth of ammo) in a box immediately before the point of no return--that I didn't realize was a point of no return--and having to fight my way through a horde of exoskeleton equipped Monolith at Clear Sky's climax with almost nothing but the knife and tins of meat spread, I'm ready for anything!
A second replay of Phantom Liberty with the male variant of V sees me settling with an all 15 build for now. Started out as netrunner I felt it wasn't as much fun as mantis blades. The perks at 20 however seem only like minor icing, while most of the stuff is included with skill 15. I have switched out the cyberdeck for sandevistan (again) - it seems my preferred way to play. For next story mission I'm gonna switch out again. Time to use those tools - I kinda miss them when I don't have them. It's just the clutter in the HUD and the trouble marking enemies behind other objects is so janky.
Maybe I'll spec tech to 20, likely I'll end the playthrough before that. Monowires didn't convince me - they can carry a quickhack, tho. Next is trying the rocket launcher.
GHPC stuff

Trimming the grass. I can see them through the blades of grass. hull down Yeehaw

A good day.

and I couldn't resist ... exploring in a T10
ED T10 Exploring 01.jpg

Bought Age of Wonders 4 this weekend.
I realy like this type of 4x games, focused on combat.
I already owned Age of Wonders Planetfall which was great, I like the setting of a true fantasy world in Aow4 much more though.
I'm not sure if this is OK but this sub-forum has been very quiet lately. I've posted more on other forums here, and at Steam than I ever have. One of our past regulars has been missing. Old Duck ... Wondered if he's OK. I know ppl need breaks, I do but since the traffic has slowed ... inquiring minds
If this isn't proper let me know and I'll remove it. Have a nice day
Railroad Empire 2 and a CP2077 playthrough I prolly won't finish. The recent talk about Helldivers has also made me fire up Rockbreaker Galactic again. Wait, Deep Stone Fantastic. I mean Karl Rocks Fantastic.
Got nearly hit by a meteor in Deep Rock Galactic while figuring out gear and controls. Apparently I got confronted with the seasonal event series - the Rockpox. Way to go to tell the story. Not that I wanna grind all that stuff but it's 6 y anniversary too and the hub is stuffed with decorations and containment canisters with captured rockpox pathogens. What can go wrong.
I'm gonna unlock some new stuff and play a bit around - microwave gun and corrosive sludge pump sound great.
Playing Hell Let Loose again lately. Been playing Drug Dealer simulator as always, an extremely addictive game (pardon the pun). Also doing a routine replay of Imperator Rome, Crusader Kings 3 and Hearts of Iron 4 which I do every 2 weeks or so lol. Then I'm doing my probably 7th playthrough of Cyberpunk (usually I would never replay anything other than grand strategy games). This time i'm doing a Ninja build, i'm doing every available side quest and activity before progressing the story since the story is quite short. Safe to say few enemies know I'm there before their limbs are flying everywhere.

Other titles I'm dipping into: City of Gangsters (since ive lost all faith for a remake of 1998's Gangsters Organized Crime) , War Thunder (a little bit, I hate the monetization), Fallout 76 (I'm level 69 and alway guns are next to useless, so it's a downer ALWAYS having to rely on melee weapons)., Mount and Blade 2, Elden Ring (with cheats, just because...) and some Total War titles when i'm in the mood.

I'm mainly looking forward to the release of Drug Dealer simulator 2 at the moment, and fingers crossed for some new Elite gameplay loops so I can come back to it.
I'm going to stop posting so many pics of GHPC. Its not too exciting to look at from a graphics view but I had to share my Chopper shots.


It took two good shots to send that bastad smokin to the ground.

And on another topic: Is SF worth 47~ buckaroos (sale price at Steam)?
And on the last game: Thinking about getting Steelbeasts again. GHPC has re-ignited me.

Have a great day
Sometimes going back to old favorites is just what the doctor ordered for some gaming nostalgia! I've been dabbling in a mix of things lately. Coh2 always pulls me in with its intense strategy, Sim City 5 scratches that city-building itch, and there's nothing quite like the chaos of Battlefield 4. Plus, Heroes and Generals brings some solid FPS action to the table. As for what I'm waiting for to bring me back to E:D? Well, I'm not entirely sure. Maybe some fresh updates or expansions that really shake things up. But in the meantime, I've been exploring some apps where you can actually earn real money by playing games. It's kind of wild how gaming has evolved in that regard. Have you ever tried any games that pay to paypal? It's a whole new world for me, but it's been intriguing to say the least.
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Sometimes going back to old favorites is just what the doctor ordered for some gaming nostalgia! I've been dabbling in a mix of things lately. Coh2 always pulls me in with its intense strategy, Sim City 5 scratches that city-building itch, and there's nothing quite like the chaos of Battlefield 4. Plus, Heroes and Generals brings some solid FPS action to the table. As for what I'm waiting for to bring me back to E:D? Well, I'm not entirely sure.
I'm always going back and forth with games I've had for years, even decades. I've reloaded several old games the past several months such as Mechwarrior, ED:H (haven't played since early 2020), hex map strategy games, all sorts of old military games, etc etc. plus I load/uninstall/load/etc games like Armored Warfare and WoWs until I get sick of them again. (haven't reloaded WoT in many years). I recently loaded up the old HPS Panzer Campaigns - Kursk (hex map game). ... oh, and I still play chess when I can or against the 'puter.
nuff of that reminiscing
Have a great day
I found flamethrower and microwave gun to combo very well in Deep Rock Galactic. Set bugs on fire and give them thermal shock with microwave. In theory this should work with the cryo cannon, too. Engineer unlocked a smart gun - excellent follow-up to my recent CP2077 playthroughs. :LOL:
Just got Star Wars Battlefront classic collection on the Switch - and there’s no option for look inversion!

(Darth Vader Noooooooo! gif)

Looks like I’m waiting for a patch then 🥲 Back to finishing off the Dark Forces remaster in the meantime 😁
Currently playing "add raid card and 6 extra h-drives to an old computer that barely turns on" with interesting results including "physically remove the mobo alarm, because it keeps screaming at me" bonus, and "attach the sata cables only after booting into the OS" to beat the "otherwise it won't boot" boss.
Unlocked all the missing gear in DRG, did a deep dive then did it again for the teamwork. Engineer smart gun and old-skool driller flamethrower paired with new microwaver were my favs. I miss the biotic combos from Mass Effect in coop games. One player primes, the other explodes - booyah! Anyone know any such thing in current coop games?
Currently playing "add raid card and 6 extra h-drives to an old computer that barely turns on" with interesting results including "physically remove the mobo alarm, because it keeps screaming at me" bonus, and "attach the sata cables only after booting into the OS" to beat the "otherwise it won't boot" boss.
On a similar vein. I've finally levelled up and beaten the final Boss in Win11.

Having done so now allows me to put the task bar back on the right hand side of the screen (much thanks to ExplorerPatcher for providing the necessary information)

I think I now have a usable machine that does what I want as opposed to what MS wants.
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