Gosh. It wasn't until I wrote that I realised I don't have many hobbies. Need to think of some more to try.
If you do hobbies properly (hehe) just one can take up a huge amount of time!
Music, although I've been a bit off that & not been in any bands for a couple of years. Still need to work out where I'm going with this. Still play guitar a bit but a tad aimless right now, and I have a pile of synths that I haven't touched in a while.
Started running last summer. Raced my 1st 10k yesterday with a chipped time of 52:00. Very happy with that!
Otherwise I'm a bit chaotic tbh.
Oh, I read a lot. Can get through a normal-sized novel in an evening. Plus I like beer.
Update: Ankle niggle meant that I've had to slow down on the running. With the lockdown & less traffic I got back on my bike for exercise.
All going very well until I came off it on Sunday. Let's just say that my 2nd visit to the hospital is tomorrow and I'm going to be neither running or cycling for a few weeks! Nowt serious, just some pretty ugly road rash on one kneeand a few other bumps & scrapes elsewhere.
Pro-tip: you don't bounce very well when you're nearly 50 years old... Oops!