Wheres the Tutorial?

I might be missing something, I just bought this yesterday to have a look at it.

Wheres the tutorial? You know the usual thing that takes you through the basics, showing you the controls how to place stuff etc etc.
Sending me a link to a you-tube video does not cut it really.
I am on a laptop with 1 screen and its hardly fun switching between the two.
There are hints and tips that appear as you start to play the game for the first time, if you've disabled hints try re-enable them in the options menu or in the top left hand corner of your game (The little ? mark)
Wheres the Tutorial?
Not ready yet, .. coming soon (as descriped in the menu). To do some really good and simple to understand tutorials for everyone is VERY time consuming. Maybe they hadn´t the time to finish them for release.
Not ready yet, .. coming soon (as descriped in the menu). To do some really good and simple to understand tutorials for everyone is VERY time consuming. Maybe they hadn´t the time to finish them for release.

Where are you seeing that? You not referring to the beta? Going to be honest, wasn't expecting them to link to a few youtube videos when I saw tutorial vids in game. Thought it would be an in-game one and may include things like PxP building and use of the terrain editor. Saw at least one negative Steam review given just because there was no in game tutorial.
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Management or strategy games not having a proper tutorial is a big pet peeve of mine. I was very disappointed that Frontier went with YouTube videos as tutorials. The fact that they don't even play in-game and instead send the player to a linked web page was an especially lame thing to do.

Consider this: RollerCoaster Tycoon World, which I think most people would agree is the lesser of the two current 3D park sims, has a real honest-to-goodness set of tutorial scenarios to play. They cover everything from basic path construction to explaining personnel management.
Where are you seeing that? You not referring to the beta? Going to be honest, wasn't expecting them to link to a few youtube videos when I saw tutorial vids in game. Thought it would be an in-game one and may include things like PxP building and use of the terrain editor. Saw at least one negative Steam review given just because there was no in game tutorial.
I have written a lot of tutorials by myself. It takes a long time. No i am referring to Version 1.0. All greyed out windows from the beta are available now .. just the tutorials. The DeV Team was working very hard on finishing the game so my thought is that they had to make decisions. The tutorials and i think some other things didn´t made it on #TheFinalList for release.
They had mentioned similar things also on the dev Diaries. It is that simple ;)

I also think that´s important to write fair reviews. It doesn´t help to write a bad review because your lovely xy flatride isn´t ready implemented at release. In my opinion, #PlanetCoaster is self-explaining and with the new tips on the right upper side.. very informative how you are doing thingy things.[heart]
Seriously!!! It's so hard to get me to window out of a game just to watch a video that won't be half as educational as something interactive in-game. Sure i can watch and hear them tell me that i can right-click to delete something but it won't stick until I'm actually doing it myself.
When I launched the game the first thing i did was look for a couple of tutorial simulations to do while I got the hang of the controls or even just a map designed for the first time players to run through. It's just about the first thing i do in a new game, especially one with as many new control and editing types as PC. When i couldn't find a tutorial i shrugged and went into the first scenario... and was immediately confused as i tried to lay a simple path down. All they really need for a tutorial is a big flat world where it says "click x y and z to build a path" and then so on with rides, coasters and other attractions. 20 minutes max to play through.
It doesn't help much that there isn't an explanation on nausea/fear/excitement or how to attain those things. I still don't really know what to do with prices other than raise them a couple bucks at a time to make sure it isn't over priced.
Thanks to all your answers.

I've slowly got to grips with things, through trial error and smashing my head against the keyboard.

A game like this really needs a basic tutorial, It just helps you get into quicker and actually start building your park, that's all i want to do!

Even an in game manual explaining the different options etc for the various variables, The mouse over text is good, but a little more in depth explanation as to what it affects and why i should care.

The Context help window is very useful in this respect though, It would be good if i could re-position and re-size the windows, some of them seem locked though.

Also does anyone know if there is a keyboard shortcut to cycle forward and back through a track you have laid?

And any timps on connecting raised exit paths, i can never seem to get the path to snapped, i have wasted over an hr doing this :p

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Ahhh Coming soon™ that explains it :p
Welcome to the 21st century gaming world where companies can't be bothered to create PDF file manuals. Of course, everyone knows that nobody ever READS the manual anyway so why bother making one.
I would say to look on YouTube for tutorials by other people, but there don't seem to be any for the release version, and the previous ones are pretty much obsolete do to changes in the building system.
This is one more disappointment and big oversight from a company I have grown to respect. And I'm frankly tired of hearing that developers had to decide what to include and what to leave out in order to be ready for the launch date. Finish the game before releasing it. If that means you miss the Christmas deadline...well as they say in the song from South Pacific, "well aint that too d*mn bad!"
And that means either provide a tutorial scenario, or a manual. With all the other scenarios included in the game, not including a tutorial , especially with the wonky pathing and building systems is inexcusable.
An interactive turorial to this game are indeed needed.
I let my big brother try out the game today. He haven't played a real Park simulation game since Theme Park World. He have no experience from the RCT series whatsoever. So how would he handle the game? Does the game educate the player while playing along?

Well, my brother handled the game very poorly. All the control manual guides don't says so mush to someone who don't understand from earlier experience from RCT what kind of feature it talks about. He succeed to build roads, but got frustrated fast when trying to do anything advanced without knowing any commands. He also succeed to put in some blueprint buildings and trees in is attempt to create a park.
He made one ride and completely missed to open it. He eventually with my guidance learn how to use the terrain editor and liked to play along with it for a while.

It was very interesting to see the game from his eyes. Nothing was obvious. And I also realise, coming into the game now instead of Alpha 1 as myself. There are just so many option and controls on everything now compared to then. The game looks very complicated.
The feedback in this very thread about how it's just soooo much wooork to do things for those poor devs slaving away in the pixel mines is a big part of why you'll find a lot of seemingly fundamental components missing or lacking. This fraction of a completed game we're working with here is what happens when a community treats a company like it's doing them a favor by developing the game, and not, you know, its job and the literal only reason it exists. Also the entire dynamic of early release games.

Hopefully Frontier will manage this transition from the Land of Fanboys to the paying full-release marketplace quickly and efficiently, but it's still only hoping at this stage.
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The feedback in this very thread about how it's just soooo much wooork to do things for those poor devs slaving away in the pixel mines is a big part of why you'll find a lot of seemingly fundamental components missing or lacking. This fraction of a completed game we're working with here is what happens when a community treats a company like it's doing them a favor by developing the game, and not, you know, its job and the literal only reason it exists. Also the entire dynamic of early release games.

Hopefully Frontier will manage this transition from the Land of Fanboys to the paying full-release marketplace quickly and efficiently, but it's still only hoping at this stage.

Land of Fanboys? Fraction of a completed game? Community treating a company like it's doing them a favor by developing the game and not it's job?

Just wow. I think I'll just walk away at this point since I feel like smashing something at the moment...

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An interactive turorial to this game are indeed needed.
I let my big brother try out the game today. He haven't played a real Park simulation game since Theme Park World. He have no experience from the RCT series whatsoever. So how would he handle the game? Does the game educate the player while playing along?

Well, my brother handled the game very poorly. All the control manual guides don't says so mush to someone who don't understand from earlier experience from RCT what kind of feature it talks about. He succeed to build roads, but got frustrated fast when trying to do anything advanced without knowing any commands. He also succeed to put in some blueprint buildings and trees in is attempt to create a park.
He made one ride and completely missed to open it. He eventually with my guidance learn how to use the terrain editor and liked to play along with it for a while.

It was very interesting to see the game from his eyes. Nothing was obvious. And I also realise, coming into the game now instead of Alpha 1 as myself. There are just so many option and controls on everything now compared to then. The game looks very complicated.

I'll agree 100 percent that the game does need a good tutorial system. Things that would be obvious to us who've been playing this since Alpha 1 will not be as obvious or apparent to someone who just bought the game and is playing it for their first time.
The feedback in this very thread about how it's just soooo much wooork to do things for those poor devs slaving away in the pixel mines is a big part of why you'll find a lot of seemingly fundamental components missing or lacking. This fraction of a completed game we're working with here is what happens when a community treats a company like it's doing them a favor by developing the game, and not, you know, its job and the literal only reason it exists. Also the entire dynamic of early release games.

Hopefully Frontier will manage this transition from the Land of Fanboys to the paying full-release marketplace quickly and efficiently, but it's still only hoping at this stage.

I agree. Not everyone learns the same way,
Also if game companies are too busy to do this & do that, I wonder who's really rushing the game, the company, or certain groups of people who wants everything now. Hmm.
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Just wow. I think I'll just walk away at this point since I feel like smashing something at the moment...

Yeah you're right, insinuating that the alpha playerbase was heavily weighted toward people too emotionally attached to the game to serve as accurate proxies for the mass market was offbase. Clearly.
Yeah you're right, insinuating that the alpha playerbase was heavily weighted toward people too emotionally attached to the game to serve as accurate proxies for the mass market was offbase. Clearly.

Here's the thing H. Before the "gates" were open this community was pretty civil. There were plenty of differences of opinions. But none of it was weighted with heavy sarcasm or down right rudeness. I'm not a Fanboy. If you wish to label me as such then so be it. But if you think fundamental components are missing/lacking that's great. That's an opinion. Then in the same breath saying Land of Fanboys and the community treating a company likes its doing them a favor by developing the game is just, in my opinion, insulting. Criticism has been given at every stage of the development. If you don't believe me then start reading. There's PLENTY of it there. But you've been here for less than 2 weeks and come in here spewing crap like that. I'll admit it. It ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ me off. Clearly.
I understand where you're coming from AngryH.

I think the fans/customers emotional connection to the RCT series (and Frontier to an extent) has had an effect, mostly unhelpful in my opinion.
I understand where you're coming from AngryH.

I think the fans/customers emotional connection to the RCT series (and Frontier to an extent) has had an effect, mostly unhelpful in my opinion.

I think it would be "reasonable" to say that there are some very "passionate" fans on these forums. You've been around for awhile now Matty so I don't think you would dispute that. Has there been some smoke blowing up the rear ends of Frontier to an extent? I won't argue with that. In my opinion I really think it boils down to the PC versus RCTW race. Well a race would imply that there were two contenders but I digress. Prior to Alpha 1 I dare say that there were a LOT of people riding the fence about PC. I'll admit I was one of them. The first alpha came out and I was still riding the fence. And then Atari turned RCTW into early access and after watching a few videos I jumped the fence to the PC side. And haven't looked back other than to get a great laugh on the RCTW forums. Now you talk about fanboys. The definition of fanboys resides on those forums. I'd like to think that we lack what I would consider a true fanboy here. My definition of a fanboy is someone who rejects any criticism of the product they are a "fan" of. They are blinded to the point of ignorance and defend the game no matter what the evidence or opinions are expressed. Threads have been derailed and emotions have become more of an "issue" since the Beta was released. There's no denying that. Me personally, I like to look at both sides of the equation. But when the one side comes in here with a chip on their shoulder and labels people who do CARE about the game...well then I take issue with it. I shouldn't and I'll admit it. It's a game. When it's all said and done we are ALL here because of a GAME. Something that should be entertaining us.

I don't take issue with differences of opinion. I don't take issue with harsh criticism. Heck I agree with what started this thread. The game DOES need a good tutorial for those who weren't born and raised in the Alpha for lack of a better way to put it. If we all just spewed "Thank you Frontier for making such an awesome game" it would be a disservice to the game because it's not perfect. Again I'll go with something I know you have a high opinion about and that's management. I'll agree that management did not get the same swing that the creative part did. I posted this weeks ago (I think just before Beta was about to be released) that my concern was would those people who really liked management (such as myself and you) get the same treatment for those people who liked to build and create. And I said I would wait for the release. It's here now. And I think the answer is (again...my opinion) that we got a got an in-field double versus the Grand Slam the creative fans got. But I've derailed this thread long enough. Opinions are what make us all unique so carry on.
I'm not sure whether you agree or not but interesting musings :)

For the record, I would say theres only one, maybe two, max three fan-boys here.
I wasnt taking about fan-boys in that post, just our love and enthusiasm for the genre that made us slower to critique.
Telefrog: I totally agree with you! I've played RCT for a long time, and I'm a newcomer to PC, and I'm really disappointed that they don't have any interactive tutorials. Their so called video tutorials are not helpful at all. I'm having a hard time with some stuff in the game. One person on facebook told me to just 'practice'.....smh I don't want to try and 'figure it out'.....I'd like to learn right now. I'm surprised Frontier did it like that. Hopefully they will listen to us and create tutorials like on RCT.
Telefrog: I totally agree with you! I've played RCT for a long time, and I'm a newcomer to PC, and I'm really disappointed that they don't have any interactive tutorials. Their so called video tutorials are not helpful at all. I'm having a hard time with some stuff in the game. One person on facebook told me to just 'practice'.....smh I don't want to try and 'figure it out'.....I'd like to learn right now. I'm surprised Frontier did it like that. Hopefully they will listen to us and create tutorials like on RCT.

Don't get completely discouraged. There is a wealth of information here on the forums and contrary to a vocal minority, the community here is generally very helpful! If you have questions, post them, and if people cannot answer, they will typically get you to where you need to go to learn everything you need! :)
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