While we wait, let's play a pickup game in our Zoo

To pass the time until beta, and to keep our gameplay mechanics knowledge sharp(I hope you read all the dev blogs), let's play a pickup game of Planet Zoo, forum style.

Here is how it works:
I will, as the OP start, by defining the starting Zoo conditions, backstory, characters, animals, condition of the Zoo and the financial situation. Then I will post about the next first step to give you an idea of how to continue yourself's. But the posts will alternate between two kinds. A problem and a solution. The opening thread will hold all the information about the Zoo but the next post will set up a problem. Next post has to explain how to and to solve the problem. Then the next poster can add a post with the new problem and so on.

You got all that? Good. Let me set it up for you:

The Zoo we will be managing has been relocated from the developing center of a urban metropolis to a much quieter part of the city. It's now located on a hilltop overlooking the river across which is the 10 million city of Merigold, located in a worm equatorial region of one of the islands of Indonesia. This move took it's manager, Tristan White five years to prepare and setup, it gave him a lot of headaches and took a lot of energy out of him, if not for his trusted assistant Yu Lin, he wouldn't have the time to actually manage the Zoo. While the old Zoo was in a bad condition and in much need of repair it had one advantage, lot's of space. Which is primarily the reason why it was moved, too free up the space for a new city center with residential, office and commercial buildings.

The new site is only half it's size, it's not developed, nor is all the construction finished yet. But that won't be a problem because the animals where so unhappy about all the pollution, noise and strange sights and sounds, back in the city's busy heart, that they had long ago stopped mating and reproducing which lead to a decrease in their population. With fewer animals and them being all depressed and uninterested to show off to the visitors, the Zoo lost it's attractiveness and the income, making it possible for the development tycoons to push for it's relocation.

Some of the animals couldn't be moved to the new location yet because their habitats aren't completed and some are just too sick at the moment to risk transporting. They will have to wait in animal hospitals and quarantine zones for later inclusion into the new Zoo. Right now the animals that have been successfully moved are:
1. The Zyzyxx family of 12 chimps (some joker named them by the years months, and it unfortunately the names stuck). January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November and December. There are two old males, three females and the rest are their, playful but naughty, offspring who actually like the busy bustle of the city.
2. A Giraffe cow, Mildred and a bull named Tod, with their young twin calves John and Jill. They are a really novelty as twin Giraffe calves are a rear occurrence and they draw visitors attention from around the globe.
3. The young American alligator named Snapjaw, obviously, who has quite a temper and a appetite to boot, but he is a picky eater.
4. A small family of Kangaroos. Dex, the male, Iyo the female, Li, another female and four joeys Lily, Dave, Buttercup and Fill. They are a real handful for the staff and Dex even got an infection from a wound on his foot, during transport, after kicking on the cage too many times.
5. And a crancky old Emu by the name of Gramps, his mate died a few years back and the Zoo hasn't had the money to buy another.

There are other animals that we will be hearing about in this Thread as it grows.

The new habitats for these animals where a rush job, and Chettiar Amyari, the chief engineer isn't all too happy about the state of the new Zoo's buildings and habitats. He can see that he has his job cut out from him. But the real pebble in his shoe is Niki Timber, the hotshot PR manager Tristan White, our head manager had to employ to improve the chances of the new Zoo being profitable and become self-sufficient. She is pushing him to give a green light for the Zoo to open it's gates for visitors as the twin Giraffe calves made a big splash on the social networks and: "Your reel them in while they are hot" as Niki is fond of saying about new visitors. The bank balance of $1.3 million won't last long without fresh cash brought in by the visitors.

The stage is set, join me in creating and watching our new Zoo!
Disaster! Day 13th of the move Tristan fell over from exhaustion and was rushed into the hospital by Lin who found him laying in a pile of papers in his office. We don't know anything about his condition and with them out of the Zoo, Amyari is in charge. And while she is on the phone with the hospital waiting to find out how Tristan is, Niki sees potential for good PR. She rushes into Amyries office, a basic construction box building, and starts shooting off ideas about some PR opportunity Amyari doesn't care or understand. She just nods and Hmmss, to Niki's fast talk thinking about the load capacity of hipotalamus planed glass pen pool.

Niki turns away satisfied she got her green light and launches a full social network PR campaign right off her phone, about the "Stalwart Zoo manager who gave his last ounce of energy to open the new Zoo", with the subtitle "Come all and come wide!". The posts go viral and local population plans to use the next weeks holiday to visit in mass. The only problem is that Amyari has yet to finish any visitors facilities which Niki considers just needing some paint and polish. But there is a lot more work required then that, food stands, toilets, fences, paths marked out... a lot of work actually.

As Niki leaves the office Wang Bai, our resident animal doctor walks in with a worried expression. Dex's foot infection has gotten a lot worse but he doesn't have the required expertise nor the meds to help the Kangaroo.

How will they manage the problems and what solutions will be necessary?
The posts go viral and local population plans to use the next weeks holiday to visit in mass. The only problem is that Amyari has yet to finish any visitors facilities which Niki considers just needing some paint and polish. But there is a lot more work required then that, food stands, toilets, fences, paths marked out... a lot of work actually.

Use the already created PR to find volunteers, who will help with the preparation of the park. Contact local companies and offer it to the as a team-building action in exchange for promotion of the company on the zoo's social media.

Dex's foot infection has gotten a lot worse but he doesn't have the required expertise nor the meds to help the Kangaroo.

Euthanize him.
When Yu Lin, our assistant to head manager, came back from the hospital with good news about Tristan White, our Zoo's head manager, she had a sight to see. Chettiar Amyari was commanding dozens of construction workers while on the phone yelling at someone. Turn out she was yelling at Niki Timber, Zoo's new PR manager for announcing to the public that the Zoo is to be open to visitors next week.

But before she could take the phone from Amyari's hand and give Niki an earful, Wang Bai, our resident animal doctor took here to the side to brake the bad news. After unsuccessfully treating Dex's foot infection, our male Kangaroo, he had to euthanize him. Amyari had heard and seen too much, she turned her face away from Bai, and walked off crying.

After finally hanging up on Amyari, Niki had to find a way to help the Zoo be ready for next weeks opening. And she stuck to hear guns, doing what she is best at, calling on volunteers all over the city of Merigold and beyond to come to the Zoo this weekend and help to make it ready. Her invitation found a lot of support in the social media and by tomorrow hear inbox had five pages of new unread messages, almost all from citizens asking how they can help. But one of those emails, was not from a kind heartened individual ready to help, only one pretending to be.

Back in the Kangaroos habitat, Lily and Dave, our joeys, watched longingly at the staff entrance to the habitat. Dex was carried out, and hasn't returned. On the other side of the Zoo, as construction workers where punting up new ice cream stands, one of the workers accidentally broken open a water pipe that was supplying water to our American alligator, Snapjaw's habitat. The water level was already starting to drop before Amyari even noticed the problem.

How will they manage the problems and what solutions will be necessary?
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