Why does Frontier not represent the Earth as it really is?

Look at how beautiful our earth could looks in Elite Dangerous.


Discussed! What could be the reasons why it is not displayed correctly?

​Would it be possible that comes a Earth shape update in 2019?
For just a second I had the whole wiki prepared how its showing Earth 1000 years in the future after the nuclear war with a significantly lower population..

Also today I learnt a fairly awesome looking picture won't stop me from sighing at jokes like this. Good job I guess :p
Ah, thanks for the late night/early morning giggle, even if it's been covered before :D

I don't know if the cough syrup Robitussin is a transcontinental medicine but I have to pimp their latest short commercial they've been airing in the States recently. Gold, I tell ya...


It's really the grown men screaming with macaroni in their hats that make me lmao

Given how many people I know that believe that the ice wall is ammo for flat earth theory, it make my cry. Such a sad testament to the lack of scientific literacy in America, gadzooks.
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