Why I don't buy ARX

I wonder how much of the player base Inara represents?
The only people who know how successful, or otherwise, sales of theP2 might be, is Frontier, and as they don't even tell us how many people are actually playing these days (unlike steam, of course ,which insists almost nobody is, which is hilarious) discussing their sales isn't likely to happen until the next report for investors.
Only Artie knows how many total ships there are on Inara and how many accounts are active, but I could imagine Inara is big enough to be representative of the whole.
I'll do whatever I wish, won't you?
My question was in context of your statement about only buying ARX due to Raider kits and you having all of them already, although you were clearly happy with the P2 purchase as well. Of course you can do whatever you wish for, I was just curious. Why the mood? I hope you are alright?
My question was in context of your statement about only buying ARX due to Raider kits and you having all of them already, although you were clearly happy with the P2 purchase as well. Of course you can do whatever you wish for, I was just curious. Why the mood? I hope you are alright?
I'm fine, thank you for your sincere concern.

I hope you cover your Arx also.
FWIW, I'm also in the category of I'll buy whatever I want when I want it. We'll see about the T-8, but I suspect I'll get the early access as it looks like a sweet cargo ship.

I was a bit miffed in getting my ARX devalued but since I spent them on a P2 EA it didn't really matter. I can also see that Frontier needs to raise revenues to continue the game, so even though not happy to pay more for future paint jobs I'll most likely buy some when I see something I want. For the moment I'll let all the P2W sophistry mostly pass me by.
I wonder how much of the player base Inara represents?
On an extremely crude basis, https://inara.cz/elite/rankings/?page=3214 suggests at least 241050 CMDRs known to Inara, which would be about 1 in 20 players (ignoring Epic giveaway accounts, closer to 1 in 50 with them). That's reasonably close to the in-game traffic report compared with EDDN data ratio in a typical bubble system (or it was pre-Legacy split, anyway, harder to test now) so it's probably similar people.

The Inara ship stats table doesn't really help much either way for telling how popular the Python 2 is even among Inara users, though; whether they're more or less likely to buy the Python 2 than other players is a separate unanswered question.

(unlike steam, of course ,which insists almost nobody is, which is hilarious)
Steam's figures are perfectly fine for what they actually measure. It's the people who think "current/average/peak concurrent players" and "active players" are going to be anywhere near each other who give them a bad name.

("Not everyone uses Steam" is true, but "Not everyone plays the game for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week" is a much bigger reason for those numbers to be very different)

until the next report for investors
Which is scheduled for tomorrow, though how much detail it has on any particular game isn't something Frontier are particularly consistent with anyway.
Why I do not buy Arx:
1) Nothing I really want
2) I do not understand why Americans pay more for the same Arx packs as others... was it what happened in 1776?
2) exchange rates exist. They do not adjust prices every day so they put a price using a guesstimate average. There is also a possible (import) tax for money made in a foreign country
Also US customers can in theory pay in Euros or Pounds, subject to banking conditions and costs.

But maybe it would be a good idea to recalculate the pricing as it's based on the exchange rate from long ago.
I don't buy arx unless it's something I like and to he truthful apart from Python MK2 early release and with the hike in cost Fdev really need to pull up their socks and give us something worth the hike ?
At one point I was on the way to buying Arx at least once a month. But then FDev made the decision to dilute the value of Arx, and since then I have been thinking a lot more carefully about my Arx purchases. In fact I don't think I've bought any since then.
At one point I was on the way to buying Arx at least once a month. But then FDev made the decision to dilute the value of Arx, and since then I have been thinking a lot more carefully about my Arx purchases. In fact I don't think I've bought any since then.
Rising costs and reduced options have stunted many players' desire to engage with the store. I bought a Type-7 last night, just for fun. Went to put a Tactical Olive paintjob on it to match the rest of my fleet, and it's no longer there. A price raise I can choose to engage in, but not having the thing to buy makes the decision for me.
Rising costs and reduced options have stunted many players' desire to engage with the store. I bought a Type-7 last night, just for fun. Went to put a Tactical Olive paintjob on it to match the rest of my fleet, and it's no longer there. A price raise I can choose to engage in, but not having the thing to buy makes the decision for me.

Yeah, those kind of actions baffle me. How does it make any business sense to reduce the options for customers? Especially since these are non-perishable digital products we're talking about, so it's not as if they're taking up inventory space or have to be moved before their use-by date. I presume that the players who did buy them still have them, so they're still taking up space in the game files and being handled by the servers.

Such actions don't even seem to make sense from the FOMO angle either, since they made the fancy paintjobs available year-round, and I doubt that a lot of people would scramble for the more drab ones. It's just so bizarre.
Yeah, those kind of actions baffle me. How does it make any business sense to reduce the options for customers? Especially since these are non-perishable digital products we're talking about, so it's not as if they're taking up inventory space or have to be moved before their use-by date. I presume that the players who did buy them still have them, so they're still taking up space in the game files and being handled by the servers.

Such actions don't even seem to make sense from the FOMO angle either, since they made the fancy paintjobs available year-round, and I doubt that a lot of people would scramble for the more drab ones. It's just so bizarre.
Maybe they've seen how much people were clamouring for the Midnight Black paintjobs, and have released them for general consumption to be seen as generous. When the clamouring for the older paintjobs get big enough, they'll swap things around again with massive markups, to be seen as generous again.

It's ridiculously frustrating. I deliberately chose to style my fleet the way I am because Tactical Olive was a default available to everything. There's other, more premium Olive based paints that I could sprinkle through as available, such as Apollo Green. Now any new ship I buy won't be guaranteed to have anything that fits in. If they really are doing this to feed on FOMO it's a scummier tactic than anything else they've done so far.

I've sent a support ticket in just to officially mark my dissatisfaction and got the "it's deliberate" response. I've asked when or how I will be able to buy these paintjobs, but I doubt I'll get any reasonable response. All it does is make me not want to buy any paintjobs on principle, even some of the fancier ones I was considering that are still available.
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