Your Least Favourite Ship

My least favourite ship is the Cutter.

I understand that this is not a popular view. But... it looks awful. It sounds worse. I struggle to keep a straight face every time I boost in it.

It has the worst drift of all the ships. It's a total pig to fly. There is no joy there for me.

Yet it's undeniably the best for hauling stuff from A to B. Not to mention a very handy mining ship. I want to sell it and never fly it again, yet when I do the math: it's too useful.

Damn you Cutter. Damn you.

My engineered Cutter is my favorite ship. This ship forced me to learn how to fight with flight assist off through entire fights. Four packhound missile racks are enjoyable as well for retreating opponents showing me their backsides. FDL and Python are the only other two ships I really use but i am always in my cutter, Drifting half speed diagonal into mail slots
The least favorite out of the ships I personally owned, is probably the VIPER IV. It was the second ship i bought after the Adder. For a noob, I was over hyped on it's so called 'tanky' capabilities. Well it's not tanking for a combat noob. I don't hate the ship but once I traded it in for an asp x, i never looked back. Wasted money on the Viper's paint skins.
Chalk me up as another for the Viper MK IV. All it did was make me regret moving on from the MK III. So I sold it and went back :D

I also love the Hauler and the Adder, but I'm odd like that. The Clipper is the largest ship I've flown, and its likely to remain that way, I just seem to prefer the smaller vessels.
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Haha many of you hate ships I love, but that's okay. I love the Anaconda, and not just for the typical reasons. I love how it looks and how it handles. It makes me feel like I'm back in the Navy again (except in space). I like the Type 7, again for how it looks and flies. My only beef is they made it too tall so it needs a large pad. However, it feels like a proper sci-fi cargo ship to me. The Keelback was one of my favorite ships for a long time, and I still keep it around for certain missions. I even flying the Hauler on occasion!
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My latest favourite ship has to be the T9, it truly feels like a big heavy tanker in space with amazing views to boot. Once it’s engineered everything comes on line. Such as......

.....oh... Least’ favorate ship ! Well, it has to be the T9, god I dislike that ship, it’s so slow and lumbering. And even after engineering it’s abysmal.
There think that’s covered that !

I don't think I've flown a ship I've outright hated. If I had to chose my least favorite I'd probably go with the T-7, but not really because of any fault of the ship itself. I got it for mining, and when I very quickly found out mining just wasn't for me, I had no use for the ship anymore.
See a lot of hate for the asp scout and people don't know how to use it.
Well I like mine and the name says it it is a highly manouverable scout.
I use it to pick up materials scans check out interesting systems that sort of thing it will never be the main ship but it is good at what it does.

Hate aspx and python both op and everyone flies them so not very original.
Which is exactly, what makes the Vette wipe the floor with Condas. Especially the looks ;)

With the right modification parts the Conda can look pretty decent, actually.



Happy new year, everyone...! o7
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Type 9. The thing is the harbinger of death... for the pilot...
Large and as slow as a glacier, but with a worse turn rate. Melts in 10 seconds flat when under fire.


Haha many of you hate ships I love, but that's okay. I love the Anaconda, and not just for the typical reasons. I love how it looks and how it handles. It makes me feel like I'm back in the Navy again (except in space).

Must admit, I don't see how anybody could dislike the way the Annie looks.
Sure, you can criticise it for being an anomaly, or for having lousy agility (and a poor view) in SC but it's a terrific looking ship.
Even if you prefer swoopy ships, it's hard not to appreciate the way the Annie looks.

Both the Anaconda and the Corvette have a definite "military" feel to them.
Not sure what it is but there's something about them that makes me feel like you might have seen them on the ocean in WW2 or, perhaps, cruising down a river in Vietnam.


So, let's talk about 'the other ships', the ones we sold quickly and quietly, and now only talk about in hushed voices to our closest confidents, or to distant strangers who will never know our names.

I'll start.

I really dislike the Asp X.

Long long before the Asp Scout was even a twink in Ed's eye, I tried this ship after earning enough from my T6, and hated it almost immediately. It's reputation was so high but it does nothing better (for me) than the T6, and was the first ship I got blown-up in. By all means blame the pilot (and I and RUBBISH at combat), but I had survived all until then in my T6.

I sold my Asp X, and recently my Dolphin, and so now I ask you to 'bring out your dead', and share their tales.

Tell us all about the ships you didn't gel with, why, and what you went on/back to, and where you ultimately 'arrived'.

My tale is simple - I went back to my T6 (I always keep key ships, e.g. T6, Cobra III, Sidewinder), and finally earned enough for a Python.

I now have an Anaconda, and I will keep this along with the others, but still no Asp X. Not ever. Never!!!!!

I dislike The Keelback, as the beginning of rebranded lazy ship development.

Must admit, I don't see how anybody could dislike the way the Annie looks.
Sure, you can criticise it for being an anomaly, or for having lousy agility (and a poor view) in SC but it's a terrific looking ship.
Even if you prefer swoopy ships, it's hard not to appreciate the way the Annie looks.

Both the Anaconda and the Corvette have a definite "military" feel to them.
Not sure what it is but there's something about them that makes me feel like you might have seen them on the ocean in WW2 or, perhaps, cruising down a river in Vietnam.

Dang, I was hoping for a picture of an Anaconda on a river in Vietnam.
My least favorite ship is the Anaconda; I hate the limited cockpit view. My favorite is the AspX, which is the ship the OP really dislikes. I'm glad we have a selection of many ship types!
Does the Hauler have any fans? With the Sidewinder being such a lovely wee ship and my getting a Freeagle as well with the package I bought, I never felt the need to buy one. I had a fleet of small, fast, tremendously fun ships to chose from before I got a throwaway taxi Hauler. It was a reasonable way to get around the fleet I've scattered all over the bubble, but now you can just transfer your ship to your current location that's kind of redundant. I've never had a 'real' Hauler, one that I've used for anything other than a bare bones, one way, A to B flight. Are they any good for newbs? Or are they just best ignored until you can afford a Cobra, Viper or Diamondback?

The Hauler was a popular Explorer, and my Favourite for Bucky ball races
You look closely underneath the hauler it actually has space for a second hard point. Parallel to where the first one is placed is where the second one can be placed.

On topic though... I dislike the Diamondback ships.

It's how they look and feel to fly. And why is it if you've seen War of the Worlds(Tom cruise) the thrusters of the diamondbacks look like the tripods??
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