Your Least Favourite Ship

My least favorite was the DBX.

Then they buffed it so it's fine.

Every ship I own is fine at this point. Probably not the most interesting answer, but that's how I feel about it. Especially in VR, where everything just becomes cooler. Even ships like the Sidewinder looks and feel interesting in VR.
The Viper Mk. III: I never got the feeling that I have any control over that ship.
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cutter, but to be honest that's probably mostly due to the fact that I didn't like it after taking the time to slog through all that rep.
Have every ship, but never use the FDL. Hate how it sounds, looks, the stupid pilar right in the middle of my field of view. A lot of griefers loved it so yet another reason to dislike it.
Anaconda - Hate just about everything about this ship. The looks, sound, handling, the magic hull it has. (uurgh shudders).
Asp scout - just can't find a use for it that another ship doesn't already do better
keelback - Love the type-6 but the keelback , what were they thinking?
Type-9 - Loved it early on when i first got it years ago, but most other ships do what it does better. Now with the type-10, there is just no purpose to the T-9. Absolutly none. So maybe not hate but don't see any reason for its existance now other than a museum piece.
T-7 from a while back. I was always running w/ my tail between my legs.

Sold everything and got a Python which is the ship that put me over the hump in the game.
I'll ignore ships I have never purchased.

Worst Looks - Asp Scout (I actually still own this ship)

My AspX is my favourite ship, and while a lot of people don't like it's looks, I don't think they are particularly bad overall. The Asp Scout however seems significantly less visually appealing (The tacked on 'wings' and thrusters in particular), so I regard this as the ugliest ship as of writing this.

Worst Overall - Imperial Eagle/Type 10 (Both sold)

The Imperial Eagle overheats just from the photons of the floodlights in dock (even though it is one of the nicest looking ships to my eye). I was much happier once I had switched to the Imperial Courier (which still has heat problems, just not as bad), although the Courier loses light years of jump range simply after having a big Christmas breakfast.

I only had the Type 10 briefly (less than an hour), but I didn't like the ship enough to consider engineering it. This can be put down to my emphasis on jump range, and my lack of emphasis on combat capability; so it could be quite a good to the right person. The bigger question is why I purchased it in the first place...and well I'm not sure, just wanted to see what the fuss was about (11 million dollars lost for that pleasure). :)
My biggest beef is that there are a lot of useless ships in the game. They either just plain suck (Asp Scout) or they are totally outclassed in their primary role by a multi-role ship (insert the entire T series here with the possible exception of the T-10 which I haven't flown yet).

Of the ships I have flown though I really hate flying the Anaconda. I've tried to like this ship several times and even engineered the ever-loving crap out of one and still hated it. To be fair I hate the way all the big ships steer with the exception of my Orca with G5 Dirty Thrusters. I stick primarily to my fully engineered Python and Cobra MkIII for the most part. My CZ/RES ship is an FAS with an ASP X for exploring. My Annie is a parts storage locker for my Colonia fleet.
I'd struggle to think of any part of this game's soundscape that is not great. Quite how it's never won awards for sound amazes me.

Waveformscanner + driving sound of the SRV - the most anoying sound combination ingame.
and the fact that you get a volume slider for the too silent scanner to make it even less audible,
but no volume slider for the increadible, unrealistic loud driving sounds.

Blue Danube is really starting to grate on me now :D

i like the blue danube, but same here, its to silent with no way to make it louder
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I bought a Fed Dropship and hated it, it looks and flies like a brick. Therefore I don't like the other fed ships either, all are unattractive.
Currently it's the FDL. The FER DE LANCE. Or as I call it, the flying brick.

OH YES. I went there. The meta ship everyone raves over is my LEAST favorite. I hated it early game and sold it, now am back after 1500 plus hours and like it even less.

It's a royal pain to fly and requires constant boosting to turn properly and lots of fiddling with the pips. It sounds like a lawnmower. It has good shields but is still relatively big and easy to hit. Strong weapons but nothing approaching the really big ships. Most importantly, it doesn't really suit my style of flying.

If I want a zippy fighter I'll bust out my courier or vulture; if I want a war machine I'm equipping my 8600 MJ cutter and ruling the skies. I just don't like the FDL right now...that isn't stopping my from finishing off my plasma/rail FDLs engineering and giving it some honest playtime but thus far I just don't like flying the thing.
Beluga for me.

Not because it's a bad ship per se so much that it's an unforgiving one. The number of times I got stuck in the toast rack trying to get out of a space station was just too embarrassing.

Yes I realise I ought to git guid, but having my incompetence shoved in my face by that ship did not endear it to me :(
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I'm not a fan of the Federal Assault ship or the Anaconda (despite me flying in one currently for exploration) and maybe that's why I don't like it as I have it set up for the best FSD meaning it's kind of bare bones.

On the other hand the AspX is probably my most loved ship (I have 3 of them now)...
I love this thread. It totally surprised me to see how we all have radically different opinions. Does this mean FD succeeded in giving us a good variety of ships?

I'm going to give the ship I said I hated, the Cobra MK. IV another chance.
Beluga. Hideously expensive. Damn all jump range. No real purpose thanks to the paucity of Luxury travellers.

If you find the Beluga expensive, then you're not it's target audience.....

It's hideously expensive for what it is; an enormous ship which runs very hot, is a pain to get through the mailslot and is frankly murdered by the Orca in its supposed specialty role of luxury passenger transport and by the Anaconda, Corvette and Cutter for bulk passengers. When you factor in the cost, even the Python gives it a good run for its money as a bulk passenger hauler. I could afford to buy several; that doesn't mean the ship isn't expensive, it just means I'm rich.
My least favorite ships would have to be the python. Now lower your torches and pitchforks and hear me out. I don't like the python because it's pretty much the only ship you need. Why use my Conda for mining when my python carries pretty much the same cargo and can land on medium pads. Once you get a python there's just rarely a moment for when you need any other ship and in my opinion it takes the fun and variety away from the game.
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