Your Least Favourite Ship

New Type 10 bugs me.

I just got one and wow. I mean if Frontiers idea of getting people involved with the Thargoid story was to give us a mediocre ship that costs a billion credits to pimp out and has a 35 mill buyback, Then something is wrong with them at development headquarters. The ship is to expensive and does not do a good enough job to get everyone involved and stoked. It should be better at one thing. Killing Thargoids and protecting the pilot from Thargoid damage.

It is a alright sturdy ship. I like the look of it. Flies awesome in VR. Cool looking cockpit and dash. It IS slow as a slug though. I think my Beluga turns faster then it. It is the whole concept of the ship that bothers me though. Its like a symbol of how badly outta touch the devs are with the current state of the game, the playerbase and story line. This ship needs some love and a serious discount. It is not enough to get me stoked to go kill Thargoids and get involved with the story. I ground my tush off for this thing and its just disappointing. Granted I am not a pro by any means at killing things in Elite. Was kinda hoping this ship would be enough to get me over that hump to feel confident enough to take on a Thargoid. Sadly it does not.

I am going to sell it and just buy a Annaconda and be just like the rest of the cookie cutter playerbase i guess. If you can afford a pimped out type ten you can afford a pimped out Annaconda. The Annaconda is just better all around for the price you pay. Was really hoping this ship would be the end ship for Thargoids though. The one that finally gave me that one up as a average run of the mill player. I was really looking forward to totally changing my way of playing and just going out there and cleaning up the galaxy. Not gonna happen though. I just cannot master killing a Thargoid in anything. Some will read this and think i wanted some kinda easy button for Thargoids and i will answer that is exactly what i wanted. A ship with one purpose that does it better then the rest. A ship to get me involved and immerse me in a part of the game i never felt comfortable in. A SHIP TO KILL FOOKIN THARGOIDS WITH EASE WITHOUT BEING SOME MLG PRO WITH A ZILLION CREDITS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Grrrr, Yeah the type 10 bugs the knickers off me! [mad]
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The gong award belongs to the Beluga IMO - it is the worst of the ships for docking/launching at Coriolis/Orbis/Asteroid stations.
My least favorite ships would have to be the python. Now lower your torches and pitchforks and hear me out. I don't like the python because it's pretty much the only ship you need. Why use my Conda for mining when my python carries pretty much the same cargo and can land on medium pads. Once you get a python there's just rarely a moment for when you need any other ship and in my opinion it takes the fun and variety away from the game.

I'll make the opposite argument. It's nice to have specialized ships, but also nice to have a very useful one for times when you want to do a little of everything. I have a Python, but I still use many of my other ships, when they are better suited to a task. Also, it's (mostly) useless for exploring or multicrew, so it isn't perfect.
Your Least Favourite Ship

Anaconda for sure.

Slow, bulky, easily out maneuvered, expensive. The only thing it does better than other ships is by virtue of its size, so trading and passengers.

For combat I use FGS (my missile boat), FDL\Vulture (for bounty hunting), AspX for exploration and just getting around, Python only because it looks cool.
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I'll make the opposite argument. It's nice to have specialized ships, but also nice to have a very useful one for times when you want to do a little of everything. I have a Python, but I still use many of my other ships, when they are better suited to a task. Also, it's (mostly) useless for exploring or multicrew, so it isn't perfect.
Absolutely. I have a collection of ships, each different and each has sole purposes. I really like the way FD has made each ship just a little bit different. I will admit to owning 3 pythons, 2 are mission and short range passenger ships, "parked clear across the bubble from each other" the third is a miner. :)
Toss up between the Cobra Mk IV (I don't think it sucks, but it needs way more work to make good than is really justified by it's positioning), the T-7, T-9 (these ships really don't do it for me, at least the T-6 is fairly fast), the Anaconda (mostly for the SC handling, which is bad enough to make the ship a chore to use), and the Cutter (ships that can't move vertically and laterally don't hold my interest for long).
Any Anaconda fans out there? I don't know what anyone sees in the Anaconda :x

Plenty of room inside to fit it out for a variety of rolls and has one of the largest FSD jump ranges.
The anaconda is my fuel rat ship of choice for example because i can install everything i need for rescues and still get 63ly jumps out of it. It's not to bad for maneuverability (compared to other ships of its size), but it depends what's installed
Anaconda. But not for the reasons you're probably thinking.

It's the 'always protect' hill frontier decided to take, and then doggedly hold, long after it absolutely shouldn't have. It's an example of hubris, and a refusal to be consistent with ship design, making a complete mockery of every other ship 'compromise' in the process.
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No disrespect to those who love them, but I have 2 ships that are my least favorite.

After 3 years of flying around this great galaxy of ours, I have flown everything under the sun with the exception of the Type 10 and the small fighters. Every ship has ups and downs. Every ship has things it can be great at with the right set up and the right pilot. No one ship, by itself, has totality over any other. That being said, my least 2 favorite ships (in order) are the FDL and the Anaconda. I would rather pay a psychotic 10 year old to stick burning toothpicks into both my eyes while someone in the background recites Walt Whitman poems after inhaling helium rather than spend another minute in either cockpit.

Specific, I know. However, it does not lessen the sentiment. And yes, I have RNG'd the heck out of those ships. I say, No, thank you, my good sir or madam. I shall pass.
Sure, it's more durable, but the Viper IV handles poorly, and offers zero advantage over the III in terms of firepower.

You're better off with a Cobra III, as it will do everything better for less money.

Viper IV is cool looking though, I'll give it that.
T9. Then any of the FAS, FGS and the other one. Oh and the Corvette. But probs the T9. I spent so much time in one grinding trade elite with slaves etc that if I never see one again it will be too soon. Hateful garbage cans.
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