Your Neil Armstrong moment is a fade to black teleport outside... surely not?

I'm guessing it's going to be something like a fade to black and then you are in a airlock ready to disembark, not a fade to black and then you are on the surface. but it's just a guess.....
Until ship interiors are part of the game, any depiction of exiting the ship on foot will always be "meh", so might as well be a fade-to-black quick "meh", rather than any spectator mode prolonged "meh".
It will probably be something like seeing the console turn off/chair moves back and you stand up before it fades to black and you teleport to the top of the ramp or elevator. I don’t think it will be something so drastic as suddenly teleporting outside, some distance away from your ship. At least I hope not!

Some ships don’t have ramps or noticeable elevators though so I’m not sure what will happen there..
I interpreted a little more literally - as in being able to go down the ship's stair / ramp / elevator

we should probably start a campaign for a stair lift... you know for imurshion purposes on the cutter.

with a ship the size of a cutter one simply doesnt just take the stairs.....

I'm an immersion nut, and yet fade to black does not bother me. Do you really concentrate on every little moment between leaving your house and driving to work? Do you focus intently on your hand as it opens your car door? Do you focus intently on your surroundings as you climb in and out of your vehicle? Or, like most people, does your daily commute "fade to black" as your mind focuses on other things like what's playing on the radio or the conversation you're having on your phone?

All of that said, if you're looking for immersive space legs, you should really give Space Engineers a go!
I thought these mini videos were exactly what dobe didn't want since in the past there was a large variance in graphics fidelity and immersion breaking
JWE has canned animation for dino release.

So you are bout to step out and then trip..
I'm an immersion nut, and yet fade to black does not bother me. Do you really concentrate on every little moment between leaving your house and driving to work? Do you focus intently on your hand as it opens your car door? Do you focus intently on your surroundings as you climb in and out of your vehicle? Or, like most people, does your daily commute "fade to black" as your mind focuses on other things like what's playing on the radio or the conversation you're having on your phone?

All of that said, if you're looking for immersive space legs, you should really give Space Engineers a go!

Did you read my original post correctly?

I'm not on about brushing my teeth, putting my suit on, opening airlocks, getting weapons from the weapons locker etc.

I said an animation of getting out of your seat and walking to the cockpit door THEN a blackout to cut out the rest of the ship interior THEN an animation of walking down or climbing down the exterior ladder.

So your entire argument is defunct, mate.

One of the main issues I'm pushing, and I will push it again - because believe me it sounds like you need it spelling out again. Is how stupid this will look from the outside or from the cockpit when other players do it if they just magically vanish and appear.

It's about finding that balance where you can play the game without seeing the obvious gameplay mechanic poking you in the face, and saving the devs having to do loads of work to move around the cabin freestyle only to make the rest of your ship redundant till a later date (assuming full ship interior gameplay comes at some point in the future).
I'm an immersion nut, and yet fade to black does not bother me. Do you really concentrate on every little moment between leaving your house and driving to work? Do you focus intently on your hand as it opens your car door? Do you focus intently on your surroundings as you climb in and out of your vehicle? Or, like most people, does your daily commute "fade to black" as your mind focuses on other things like what's playing on the radio or the conversation you're having on your phone?

All of that said, if you're looking for immersive space legs, you should really give Space Engineers a go!

In all seriousness there is a distinct group of people who absolutely focus on details and constantly miss the forest for the trees. It's related to a certain spectrum, you find plenty of them in sci fi communities. Heck Star Citizen is largely build on that perspective.
I'm an immersion nut, and yet fade to black does not bother me. Do you really concentrate on every little moment between leaving your house and driving to work? Do you focus intently on your hand as it opens your car door? Do you focus intently on your surroundings as you climb in and out of your vehicle? Or, like most people, does your daily commute "fade to black" as your mind focuses on other things like what's playing on the radio or the conversation you're having on your phone?
It's so annoying when people wake you up with screaming from a microsleep while driving.
Dear FDev,

I was excited to hear about the Neil Armstrong moment(s) you wanted to add to the game by being the first to set foot on a planetary surface. I was more disappointed however to learn that this will be a fade to black transition.

This will not only feel terrible and ruin that moment, but it will look monumentally stupid in game.

Imagine seeing someone enter or disembark from their ship and just seeing them magically plonk next to it outside. The same goes for hopping in and out of an SRV, players will go from standing outside of it to being transported inside of it and it will look rubbish.

I had fully intended to use Odyssey with multi-crew but the thought of looking around a cockpit to see players magically appear and disappear in their seats is just daft.

Is there no way of introducing some subtle transitions like when you exit your ship an animation kicks in where you fully stand up from your seat and walk to the door that is in every cockpit THEN fade to black? Then an animation kicks in of walking out of your ship or climbing down the ladder?

Climbing in and out of an SRV on a planet surface must surely be a continuous transaction? Surely? There is a God isn't there?
Had something like that in a game for the PS2, called 'Mace Griffin; Bounty Hunter', but the game was buggy as heck, so I never got far into it. You could walk into your ship and fly off, though, and vice versa.
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