Thats absolutly a big reason but imo just as much that its really not hard to make good yet reasonable packs.
It doesnt take a scientist that takin + wolverine + 2. Goat + baboon + bird + 2 wild cards is a winning formula for a mountain pack and it takes just eyes to see that the whole community wants 2 things the most, birds and SA animals.
The Frustration for me is not that im not getting what i wanted, cause i actually do, i wanted 3/4 animals so far, my frustration is that it feels like frontier is blind and deaf to the communitys biggest wants by activly avoiding adding birds and SA animals at any point for what?
More ungulates and carnivorans?
From africa and asia?
The only pack this year that didnt feel tone deaf to the communitys wants and needs was the oceania pack, which actual content i couldnt care less about, what matters was that for once it felt like they listend and did something that wasnt plain stupid.
I dont mean to insult frontier with that, but all the backlash that tropical and arid got was 300% to be expected as it felt like frontier saw what the community wanted, a tropical animal pack with SA focus and a worldwide desert pack, blacked out everything and gave us the opposite if what we wanted with tropical and an africa only desert pack.
Thats stupid, i got no other word for it, it fealt like and still does like going against the very simple and common opinions about how these packs should be like and making them worse for no reason.
No one here can tell me that getting the correct sloth, swapping the water monitor for a tamandua and swapping black rhino, one antelope and somali wild ass to collared peccary, yellow footed rock wallaby and a perentie would have been that much more work and wouldnt have made people alot less dissapointed in these packs.
I feel the same and I want to add, that - the animal roster we know so far - does add nothing new to the game. With the Himalayan Brown Bear, the Formesean Black Bear, the Sun Bear and even the Great Panda we already have four Bear Species from Asia. Now we are getting the fifth. So if you either wanna add a bear or two to the Asian area or the Highland area of your zoo you were still able to do it even with some variation. I guess the exhibit of a sloth bear looks pretty much the same brings nothing new to building ingame.
And we all want to keep the game alive to receive longer official support and with that: More DLCs for the future.
A Spectacled Bear e.g. would still be a bear but bring back players to the game who want to have that addition in their South American themed Zoos, so they would buy the DLC. There could also be interspecies enrichment with other species, like coatis, bushdogs or monkeys.
I really cannot see, why this roster of animals was chosen. The only reason I can imagine ist, that with the last 3 DLCs they picked one of the TOP 5 Meta-Wishlist-Animals like Red River Hog, Porcupine and Tazzie and build a pack around them that somehow makes sense...
Isn't it, that the Arid Animal Pack was one of the worst performing DLCs in the game's history? I can totally see, why. I would even been more happy about a PETTING ZOO PACK with Animal-Guest-interaction than what we are getting here! What Planet Zoo needs is innovation!
To end this on a positive note I really hope that there is one big surprise not revealed yet, may it be another bird like the Golden Pheasent or a really cool other animal which is not an ungulate, but I'm afraid the exhibit box will only give us another snake, probably the Cobra.
Actually I wouldn't be to sad, if this pack would turn out as a scenery pack to leave the Animal Packs for more interesting DLCs like Central America. And I know everyone is expecting an Animal Pack, but Frontier turns out to be very good in disappointing our expectations...