Taranis Destroyed!

I'll post my screenie as well. This is the new 'Asp in front of things' category - Titan wreckage behind things.
This is a game where you watch an almost black screen for an hour in order to get to some small outpost floating in the middle of nowhere, in order to buy a mug.

Patience is the name of the game.
Eh...waiting for loot as always. I just hope there isn't any other pushbacks, like Thargoid still trying to recover their tech or whatever else...
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Outstanding work by all concerned. Bravo! Seriously impressive and worth hanging around to watch. (y)

Must admit that I moved back outside the cloud prior to the first 'explosion'. Maybe next time I'll stay a little closer. :unsure: :p
At the same time, many are stuck at great distances from inhabited worlds...
This may be due to the load on the servers, but now fleet carriers cannot make the jump due to a "no time slots" error.
Hm, so I came to the system after missing the live event entirely...
Still says "Titan Destruction Imminent" and can't get closer than 140km.
Isn't there a debris field to play around in?

I went back in time?

(nvm jumping out and back worked)
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