Horizons 29,000LY to go and only 5% hull left!

So I'm out exploring past Sag A, finding plenty of Neutron Stars, Carbon stars, and black holes. Should be worth a fair bit of money if I ever survive the trip home. :S

I just came across a 100% metal world. 0.3 Earth mass, 3,379KM radius, 1.07G gravity, and a quite warm 1,035K surface temp. Figured it'd be a good target for stocking up on some materials for synthesis so headed down. Following my previous 'bouncy' landing I was down to 60% hull, so I took a very cautious approach. Once below 100m I edged down very slowly, pretty much a couple metres at a time, then 1 metre at a time below 20m. Landing site looked good, not perfectly flat, but good enough. Last 2 metres very gentle, contact, and SPARKS! By the time my Asp had settled down I was at 6% hull! Erm, panic! However seeing as everything seemed to be stable I went for a surface voyage. Got enough to restock my AFM, and boost a couple of FSD jumps. I found a much flatter spot, and recalled my ship, which came back with 5% hull - so the auto pilot had lost another 1%.

Anyone care to comment on whether this is working as intended? Should hot/100% metal worlds cause such a significant amount of damage on a gentle landing?

My current location puts me nearly 29,000LY from Sol, and this is the furthest I've been in this direction. I don't really want to turn around as it's taken me a month to get here with the amount of playtime I have available. I was hoping to join the 65,000LY club, I guess I'll need to be super cautious now to achieve that.

did you make it?
I always go with KGB FOAM. If I forget I just think of a secret Russian hair mousse! :D
Its the bubble that would worry me! Good luck commander.
Did you bother to read? Look 3 posts before yours.

Seems to be a forgotten courtesy these days. I remember back in the day when the Inter-web was still in Black & White, folks actually read the previous posts in a thread. Now it seems nobody has time for such inconveniences in life.:S

Sorry, back OT

Very glad you are still doing well, and actually seem to be enjoying yourself. Good way to go for someone who is one jump into a binary system with the drop point at the wrong spot.:eek:

Keep it Frosty Slugsie!

Emergency return diary Day 6:
Start System: Dryi Free AA-A h1
Distance to SOL: 22,609.23Ly
Todays flight time: 7hrs 43min
Total flight time: 18hrs 26min
End System: Dryaea Flee IN-F a16-1
Distance to SOL: 22,294.83Ly
Todays Distance travelled (relative to SOL): 314Ly
Cumulative distance travelled (relative to SOL): 6,677.79
Systems visited today: 207
Systems visited total: 562

Good Ship 'GetTheHellOuttaMyWay' Hull Status: 5%, not budging at all despite my best efforts.

Sixth day of my emergency trip home. Todays entertainment - I felt the need for some classic films : Return of the Pink Panther, Where Eagles Dare, and The Longest Yard all kept me from going nuts.

A long days flying today, over 200 systems, and roughly 6,000Ly covered over a couple of stints today. Although again I was travelling tangentially to Sol, so I haven't closed the gap much. Managed to fit in visiting the Dryaea Flee AA-A h10 Nebula as well for a change instead of just stars. Talking of which I crossed off the usual fair, mostly scoopables with a smattering of Red and White Dwarves, and Neutrons. Nothing too special. Still scanning the skies for Carbons and other really rare ones, but they are hard to spot. I really wish the Galaxy Map made them stand out a bit better, especially when they're the only ones selected.

I did lose concentration a couple of times and found my dashboard fizzing as ships temperature rose over 100% (105% max). That certainly had me worried, but only seems to have knocked a couple %age points off some modules. Still can't figure out why the ship continues to get hotter even when you're flying away from the star at a fair rate of knots. Doesn't make too much sense to me. Thankfully the Hull didn't seem too bothered. I'm wishing that first 95% had been made of the same stuff the last 5% seems to be made of.

Despite the long run time today I've managed to maintain a reasonable work rate of a little under 2.25 minutes per star which isn't too shabby I think.

I seem to have polished off the last of the dry roasted peanuts. I wonder if I can convince a Fuel Rat to stop off at a 7-11 if I pretend to run out of go-go juice?

End of day 6.
You can do it man!! This is quite amazing.

One advice...once I came back from my trip this past summer, at the time I entered in a populated system I got interdicted like 3 or 4 times in a row like crazy. (I had my A Rated ASP fully equipped and armed to the teeth so I could fight them back...AI's not real people by the way)

So be aware that you can have some troubles in your way back so be ready. ;)
I would seriously within two days travel go FORUM DARK

Sharks smell blood, you could get some mates to come out to meet you and form a protective cordon for you in a wing? obviously mates you trust with your data!
I would seriously within two days travel go FORUM DARK

Sharks smell blood, you could get some mates to come out to meet you and form a protective cordon for you in a wing? obviously mates you trust with your data!
Agreed, they need to PM their trusted allies and have them meet out-side the bubble.
Emergency return diary Day 7:
Start System: Dryaea Flee IN-F a16-1
Distance to SOL: 22,294.83Ly
Todays flight time: 5hrs 40min
Total flight time: 24hrs 06min
End System: Bya Aeb FN-Q b19-57
Distance to SOL: 16,749.21Ly
Todays Distance travelled (relative to SOL): 5,545.62Ly
Cumulative distance travelled (relative to SOL): 12,223.41Ly
Systems visited today: 192
Systems visited total: 754

Good Ship 'GetTheHellOuttaMyWay' Hull Status: 5% still. Must be made of Unobtainium

Seventh day of my emergency trip home. Todays entertainment - Sci-Fi seemed to fit my mood. Started off with Aliens. Thank god I wasn't landing on any planets answering distress calls. Then I got half way through Species before remembering just how awful a film it really is. Finished off with a couple of episodes of The Expanse - pretty good space opera type stuff.

Another long days flying today, not quite as much as yesterday, but it was almost all in a direct line for Sol, so the distance really tumbled. Quick napkin calculations suggest that my 29,000Ly journey has so far covered roughly 23,000Ly (jumps average approx 30-31Ly), leaving me with only 16,000Ly to go. :) I've been starting to examine the 'Bubble' trying to decide my best entrance point and landing system. Not easy, but I have a plan forming. I'll go dark when I get less than 4,000Ly out which should keep me pretty safe from any opportunists, assuming I play in Open. :O At the rate of the last two days I could be home in 3 days, however I do have a day job unfortunately so it'll likely be more like Friday. Or maybe that's a bluff too. :D

The usual round of boring stars scanned today. I seem to have left the interesting stuff long behind me now. Another Nebula on my list though - Bya Ail AA-A h65. Todays workrate was a decent 1.77 minutes per system, with my overall workrate now coming in a little under 2 minutes per system. It's actually kind of sad that you can breeze from star to star at such a phenomenal rate, but anything that forced it slower would make Exploration an actual chore.

The supplies situation is beyond belief now. I'm starting to wonder if I can mix swarfega into my Bacardi just to get a little extra taste. Either that or I start on the wine made from Urine Recyce. Neither option is that appealing.

End of day 7.

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Agreed, they need to PM their trusted allies and have them meet out-side the bubble.

Unfortunately I am a solo player. Always have been, and always will be. I don't know anyone else who plays ED either. But that's how I like it. It's me against the Universe, and as long as I come out ahead for a short while I'm happy.
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That there... is a good run... Don't care who ya are!
Perhaps some of the Bucky Ballers would be interested in the route :D
We could call it the "Slugsie Run!"


Well, I have every step of my route recorded in my logging app, so it could certainly be made available *when I'm done*.
Don't let them freak you out too much, I just got back from the core myself and managed to jump into Shinrarta Dezhra without being bothered by a soul.

Good luck Slugsie.
Looks like there won't be any flying tonight, I can't even run the launcher, nevermind ED. :( Seems I'm not the only one experiencing the problem, so at least I know it's not on my end.
Emergency return diary Day 8:
Start System: Bya Aeb FN-Q b19-57
Distance to SOL: 16,749.21Ly
Todays flight time: 0hrs 58min
Total flight time: 25hrs 04min
End System: Crookaei HG-N c20-101
Distance to SOL: 15,748.91Ly 16,749.21Ly
Todays Distance travelled (relative to SOL): 1,000.3Ly
Cumulative distance travelled (relative to SOL): 13,223.71Ly
Systems visited today: 33
Systems visited total: 787

Good Ship 'GetTheHellOuttaMyWay' Hull Status: 5% still.

Eighth day of my emergency trip home. Todays entertainment - Marvels Jessica Jones.

Well, ED started working again just in time to do a single 1,000Ly stint. Utterly mundane, KGB FOAMs and a couple of Red Dwarfs. I'm now within spitting distance of having covered half of the original 29,000Ly, which should happen tomorrow assuming all goes well. There really isn't much else to say for today. Considering I didn't expect to get any time in, this stint is basically just a bonus.

OK, Vodka and Pork Scratchings before bed. ;)

End of Day 8.
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