News Gamescom 2016: Day Three - Complete

Oh my… Hello <INSTA TRAVEL> oppositionists, may I suggest you, if you have nothing else to do in real life and your necessity to spend your whole live in ED is so desperate, use your own watch, wait 1 and half hour and then fly the delivered ship or use corresponding module. There is some people playing Iron Mode (not me btw) and they don’t ask FD to implement Iron Mode for all players. What do you think, isn’t rebuy option a huge immersion breaker?

The problem is, on one hand Frontier are demanding we fly from a central star and then take up potentially ages with super-cruising to a destination in that system... There are claim that this is for realism, when it's more likely to be because they want to introduce a higher chance of the annoyingly frustrating interdiction mini-game (which can be virtually impossible to avoid if you're in something with low agility, like a Type-9). People would love teh ability to jump directly tot he station or planet your objective is at, but this is disallowed. Yet, they're willing to fly in the face of that logic with instantaneous teleportation for entire ships.

It's contradictory.

Not that it's the first time nonsensical 'balance' compromises like these have arisen. ECM is an EMP weapon, for instance, while cargo drones get magically 'consumed' by space fairies when they return to you, instead of get refuelled. And, soon, apparently unmanned combat drones are designed with cockpits...

None of which would matter if it weren't for the production team releasing videos which praise the level of their adherence to scientific accuracy. :)

This is why things like this can feel slightly frustrating. Every so often we're given a new development which sounds like a fantastic theoretical addition, only for it to be realised in a bizarre fashion for the sake of artificial (and often completely unnecessary) balance.
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Instant transportation does not sound like a good idea to me. Futhermore it does not fit well with the rest of the mechanics of the game, where the time factor is important.
instant transportation is awesome. collecting credits is actually a time investment. so paying for instant ship teleport is a good trade off for me. usually I have a good reason for switching the ship, so idle-waiting for it to "spawn" doesn't make any sense to me. there are way more time sinks than credit sinks in the game. also i'm pretty sure, insta-teleporting a full t9 won't be a cost effective way to earn credits. and for all those who are screaming "immersion" - insta-respawn after being killed LY away from the respawn point, is also not immersive. it's just a quality of life mechanic, reducing your frustration level - same as ship teleport.
Thank you Brett for this fantastic news. The times ahead are very exciting and we all wait with keen anticipation.

Please forgive those who have taken to complaining so easily and readily with certain aspects of the upcoming updates. They truly love the game as do we all, and they only make these complaints, furnished with sound rationale, to make the game even better. And please consider, these are all free suggestions and considerations.

Thanks again and BRING IT ON!! CMIV
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Insta transportation should be delayed by actually travel time from the location to the destination. It will make it more beliveble. Maybe even have to hire a transport NPC crew to transfer it. Yeah thats how it should be done :)

People always say things like this, but then once a feature is implemented with a 'real world' delay that makes 'immersion' sense but no gameplay sense, it just gets annoying. Imagine if you scout out a pristine ring to mine in your cobra, go back to the local station, put in a request for transfer for your T9 and it takes 30mins. What are you going to do for 30mins? You want to mine your new find, not wait around. Maybe you are smart and you request transfers for your T9 each time you dock so it's always close to your position - but that introduces more tedious gameplay always having to remember to do it and being        at yourself when you forget. Maybe you make sure all your ships are no more than 50ly away at all times - but what if you have 10 ships in your fleet? That's a bunch of management.

This is purely a quality of life gameplay choice by FD. It won't break immersion as much as you think and the alternative is drudgery.
All looks great. Although, noticed a fair bit of moaning about the instantaneous transportation of ships.. would love to have time to wait or go pick my other ships up myself but I, quite frankly, don't. This is a huge bonus. I can overlook a small bit of immersion-breaking for saving me hours of my minimal spare time. Even add a penalty, as somebody suggested above, of having to wait depending on how far your ship is.

I think a lot of people miss the point that because some of us don't have all the time they do, it doesn't mean we're any less serious than them. Also, just because the option is there it doesn't mean you have to use it - feel free to spend a few days rounding up all of your own ships! [up]
One (good) side effect of insta-trasnport is it should make combat ships a bit more fun. There'll be no need to stick an A class FSD in them now (you'd just fly where you want to go in a long range Asp or something, get your ship delivered, and then pootle about with D class), so power management might be easier and also lower the rebuy costs!

I can't say I like the idea of instant transport - as others have said it's a little immersion breaking - but there's been a few times I wished I could get a ship but it's stashed 200ly away and I couldn't be bothered with the round trip. So I think I'll be able to live with it ;)
About the gamescon I'm a little dissapoint, I expected some info about future content in 2.3, 2.4 and maybe a trailer for the 3.0 but I'm excited for the 2.2 patch! It looks amazing.

Now my 2 cents about instant transportation of ships.

I have ecountered feeling about it, on one hand I think it would give a better gameplay, think about when you need to meet your friend neither he or you have to wait hours just to bring your FDL to the meeting point, instead you can buy an Adder, go there and then have your FDL there too and ready to play. This work for unexpected things like finding a mission in your secondary ship that pay really well, or asteroid for mining, planets to scavenge, conflict zones...

But it's true that is contradictory, everything in the game is designed to waste your time behind the "Space is big" statment, so it breaks the inmersion (just as much as the 3D printed fighters, why not just say that the fighters are folded or dismounted and the hangar just assemble them?), but it's hard to balance it:

- If you put a "realistic" and high time of traveling, it will ruin a lot of thing that the instant tranportation wants to fix.
- If you put a low waiting time (0-10min) is even worse because it will feel like an artificial time sink to waste your time (like Facebook and mobile games).

For my taste I would put a waiting time, just to maintain the consistency with the rest of the game so it don't break the inmersion and the pace.
Personally I'm not a fan of this at all. You should have to manage your fleet yourself. To just be able to go somewhere and say "oh I really should have brought my anaconda on this jaunt - oh well, I'll just summon it - ah - here it is!"

Yuk - yuk, and double-yuk.

Do it yourself you lazy bunch of incompetents! <joke>. Half the fun of this game is pretending - and the simulation. If I screw up then so be it - I've gotta fix it. ED is getting a little bit too carebear for me.
If you don't like the instant transfer of ships then impose your own time penalties. Let the person playing the game make the choice, not everyone has the luxury of time or wants to play it the same way as others.
If you don't like the instant transfer of ships then impose your own time penalties. Let the person playing the game make the choice, not everyone has the luxury of time or wants to play it the same way as others.


How about no more instant repair / instant ammo refill / instant fueling too! They are too immersion breaking!

; P

(mod hat off)

All wonderful news, except for "but transportation is instantaneous" - I really hope the team have a look hard look at that insta-teleport mechanic and introduce a delay. On one hand we've got stars getting larger in hyperspace to "increase immersion", and on the other, we have immersion breaking (and game breaking in some cases) insta-teleport.... :/
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If you don't like the instant transfer of ships then impose your own time penalties. Let the person playing the game make the choice, not everyone has the luxury of time or wants to play it the same way as others.


How about no more instant repair / instant ammo refill / instant fueling too! They are too immersion breaking!

The price of transport is some disincentive to moving ships around, but not sure the examples given are the same because your fuel isn't being imported from up to 1000's of Ly's away. There is (actually now) a slight delay, only as your game contacts the server.. That's enough for fuel and repair because it is a game BUT also a game aiming to immerse you in a virtual galaxy, real to all intents and purposes. (So while not having to watch a guy with a filler pump again and again is a good thing, if it really was insta-click, believe me it would feel less real).

I would add 2, 3 maybe up to 5 minute delay personally .. not the end of the world, as you spend similar time, travelling from star at arrival to a station on a SINGLE jump. For me that would give the sense of having to kick back in the station for a short few. If that's not relaxing; maybe could catch up on Galnet, look at Powers' latest, what crew are featuring or check out the import / exports .. things you might not ordinarily do because in too much of a hurry.

Would like some delay then (don't think it has to be long) but as others have said, I'd go for other features too .. like your ship arriving banged up , with modules stolen, not turning up at all! (but you get a beacon to go woop the guy who tried to steal it). Anything that has a chance of knocking you off your "chosen" path and throwing you a little curve ball here and there gets my vote. When life intervenes, that's usually when life gets interesting.

I'm going to add that 2.2 looks barebone ship transport, first draft, introduction. First, ship transefer needs to work, then you can add bells. I think FD knows this already personally (stage development) and I also think this is fair enough, as long as it's on plan to go a bit further. Frontier themselves though can't announce it, in case the code proves more difficult than planned.
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Greetings CMDRs,

I hope that FD are paying attention as I also feel that insta-transport has the potential of being a MAJOR exploit. My reasoning is thus:

If you are someone that is not good at smuggling, but want to partake of that particular activity insta-transport now gives you the possibility of doing so. For example, you fly to a fringe system in your T9 and load up on "illegal" goods. Then you buy an asp and fly to your destination (no cargo, nothing illegal to see). You dock clean and then "summon" your T9 from wherever and it appears - avoiding the port and police scanners. Sell your goods without a wanted tag or fines. Fly back to said "shady" system in your asp, summon your T9, rinse, repeat.

This is VERY BAD and game breaking in its simplicity.

I agree that there should be a "cooling off" period post-summons, but I further think that the incoming ship should be subject to cargo scanners and possible destruction if carrying illegal cargo.

Just my 2 cents....

Fly sfae CMDRs
Greetings CMDRs,

I hope that FD are paying attention as I also feel that insta-transport has the potential of being a MAJOR exploit. My reasoning is thus:

If you are someone that is not good at smuggling, but want to partake of that particular activity insta-transport now gives you the possibility of doing so. For example, you fly to a fringe system in your T9 and load up on "illegal" goods. Then you buy an asp and fly to your destination (no cargo, nothing illegal to see). You dock clean and then "summon" your T9 from wherever and it appears - avoiding the port and police scanners. Sell your goods without a wanted tag or fines. Fly back to said "shady" system in your asp, summon your T9, rinse, repeat.

This is VERY BAD and game breaking in its simplicity.

I agree that there should be a "cooling off" period post-summons, but I further think that the incoming ship should be subject to cargo scanners and possible destruction if carrying illegal cargo.

Just my 2 cents....

Fly sfae CMDRs

Thats not a problem , because ships don't get stocked with cargo.

but following your line of though... someone could cap half of its trip by using way cheaper jumpships to get to sothis.... like a hauler with 30 ly jump range , pop a t-9 there and load all the cargo he can ever think of... the price for the t-9 movement is 600.000 , the profit from the sells are 40-60M
Greetings CMDRs,

I hope that FD are paying attention as I also feel that insta-transport has the potential of being a MAJOR exploit. My reasoning is thus:

If you are someone that is not good at smuggling, but want to partake of that particular activity insta-transport now gives you the possibility of doing so. For example, you fly to a fringe system in your T9 and load up on "illegal" goods. Then you buy an asp and fly to your destination (no cargo, nothing illegal to see). You dock clean and then "summon" your T9 from wherever and it appears - avoiding the port and police scanners. Sell your goods without a wanted tag or fines. Fly back to said "shady" system in your asp, summon your T9, rinse, repeat.

This is VERY BAD and game breaking in its simplicity.

I agree that there should be a "cooling off" period post-summons, but I further think that the incoming ship should be subject to cargo scanners and possible destruction if carrying illegal cargo.

Just my 2 cents....

Fly sfae CMDRs

I think FD already said that only the ship is transported, not it's cargo, so it won't happens like you said and I think it would be the same for the future commodities storage, you will need to pay to bring it to you negating the profit for selling it and, if it's ilegal they won't allow you to bring it to the system, simple.
Thats not a problem , because ships don't get stocked with cargo.

but following your line of though... someone could cap half of its trip by using way cheaper jumpships to get to sothis.... like a hauler with 30 ly jump range , pop a t-9 there and load all the cargo he can ever think of... the price for the t-9 movement is 600.000 , the profit from the sells are 40-60M

nope it's not 600.000 it's based on the type of ship and cargo load. do you really think, that frontier isn't capable of finding such loopholes in design? ;) if you found it, they are also aware of this.
They mentioned Face modelling was ready to go in April, but now we must wait until December before we get the new improved and faster version. I can see why FDev would want to get this right, as the model will be no doubt used to generate aliens wandering around. Sure it is important as it links in with passengers and crew, and perhaps even animals and plants later, so I can see modelling could open lots of doors very quickly. With atmospheres and wind added, we could have most planets being landable by V3 next year, and earth likes by Season 4. Certainly by then then Alien invasion should be underway.

I must admit to being cold to ship launched fighters until it was mentioned by Sandy that up to 16 could be used in combat.

The instant switching between pilots I'm not too fussed about using, as I would never trust game AI with my ship when I could do better with it. A visor display is all that is needed to simulate being the other pilot without leaving my chair, and my ship controls would now control the remote - so I have no problem with that.

But instant transportation of ships is just crazy. Why try to be a better game than No Mans Sky by being an Arcade game? I want to play a sim!
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Volunteer Moderator
Instand movement of ships... First thought, nice, second thought, wait a minute... This could be heavily exploited... To be realistic as long as I dont know exactly how expensive it will be I cant judge this.
to move a fighter ship with only 12ly jump range f. E. 200ly away, right now I need appr. 20 jumps + fuel scooping, 20-40 minutes ? Or you take your ASP make it in 6 jumps, no fuel scooping, and move (Scoty beam me up) your ship to that station by spending 1 million.
If the movement is instantly the only way to control exploiting this feature is by making it very expensive to move high value ships over big distances.
Lets assume that far away station like Jakes or Maia will NOT have this service at all. Perhaps it will be available only in the bubble.


Volunteer Moderator
. With atmospheres and wind added, we could have most planets being landable by V3 next year, and earth likes by Season 4. !

My opinion is that FD must add earthlikes in 3.0. Why?
With all the Spacegames around popping up like NMS in gold, others incoming like dual space, infinity and others that include earthlikes right away, and season 2 looking to need more then 12 months maybe 1 or 2 quarter of 2017 to be completed , I think they dont have the luxury to delay this further then 3.0.
The competition doesn't wait.
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