News Content Recap - Beyond Chapter One Livestream (18.01.2018) - Part 2 Recap

Nope. They’re rehearsed and practised. Working with live builds often throws unforeseen problems our way. Also - we are all very busy, so if they ever seem unprepared it’s because we’re all working very hard right up to the point these go live. Thanks.

I wouldn't take it personally. What is one persons views and opinions? Just a drop in the ocean. Thanks.
Are we going to see any updates to the earthlike planets or waterworlds?

Its not like chlorophyll is the only way space plants could photosynthesize.

If our atmosphere were just a little different, or our Sun burning a slightly different chemical mixture and generating light of a noticeably different color, our plants would be likely to have evolved to different shades than is the current average. In fact, it has been proposed that exactly this scenario happened in days gone by when our Sun was less bright and our atmosphere had a different composition. According to the Purple Earth Hypothesis, early life on earth used Retinal (aka Vitamin A) instead of chlorophyll, and the simple algae were purple instead of green.

Another purple option is bacteriochlorophyll (similar chemically to chlorophyll, but absorbing somewhat different wavelengths of light). Combined with carotenoids, this is what makes 'purple bacteria' purple. Many purple bacteria use hydrogen sulfide rather than water (producing sulfur rather than oxygen) in their photosynthesis process.

Recently, Fungi has been discovered that uses melanin (a black pigment that humans, and many other species, use to protect against ultraviolet solar radiation) to conduct a photosynthesis-like reaction at Chernobyl to turn radioactive gamma ray emissions into food.

Class M Stars emit most of their light in the infrared spectrum so plants evolving under such a star might develop a black pigment that absorbs as much light as possible or even a pale pigment that does the majority of its absorption in the infrared range alone.

Plants on a planet orbiting an Class F Star would find it most efficient to produce a predominantly orange photosynthesizer.

The blue wavelengths of light are more energetic and would make more efficient photosynthesis, so it unlikely that blue photosynthetic pigments would evolve or dominate (since a blue pigment would reflect the blue light instead of absorbing it). However, it's not inconceivable that a planet orbiting very close to a blue star, or being bombarded by radiation from a somewhat more distant Class O Star might develop blue pigmentation to deflect the strongest and harshest parts of the light. So while blue is the least-expected color for an alien forest, it can't be completely ruled out.

Keep in mind, the textures of Earth-likes and waterworlds are pretty much quick-and-dirty placeholders. The game doesn't yet really bother trying to model alien biochemistry or anything like that, it just checks a few basic parameters and uses that to generate a texture and normal-maps for the surface (at least, that's how I understand it). I don't expect to see any changes to this until they actually become accessible, and that's not likely to happen for a while yet. Probably until after the aftertaste of No Man's Sky's awful attempts at generating life has left everyone's mouths.

Regarding the content reveals, it was mostly great stuff. I have a few doubts about tech brokers though, mostly relating to how well they're going to be integrated with Elite's other systems - are their modules going to be modifiable at Engineer bases? Are they going to interact with factions and the BGS in some way? Are there going to be missions related to them, apart from just gathering materials to unlock stuff? Is this going to be the way we get new modules for the Thargoid storyline from now on, or are there also going to be CGs and story-driven weapon releases from Aegis as up until now? I mean, I like the idea, I just worry it'll be yet another mechanic that's mostly unrelated to the rest of the game.

Oh, and about the new megaships and (eventually) deep-space structures: are we going to get any missions relating to them, analogous to surface base missions, like being tasked with taking out modules, or scanning them to find out the locations or other mission objectives, or having to steal from them, et cetera? They look awesome, don't get me wrong, but again, it's yet another area that would only benefit from having a whole lot more connective tissue to relate it to the rest of the game.
Ed seemed nervous trying to navigate waters without spoiling stuff - pulled it off though, good stream :)

The new way of discovering tier 1 sub-targets and investigating tier 2 sub-targets of structures could be used on surface structures and other discovery content - not just piracy.
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Hey Will,

A lot of interesting stuff coming up, however you (well, Steve and Ed) have made a few mistakes regarding the current commodity market screen, namely these items:

In the game at the moment, by default the galactic average column shows the average price of the commodity or rough profits from various stations where you have purchased the trade data from.

Currently by default the galactic average column does indeed show the average price, but when a nearby system is selected it displays whether the commodity is imported or exported to that system, not profit:


Displaying profit in that column is actually the coming change.

Also this:

Supply and demand is now shown as pips instead of high (now 3 pips), medium (now 2 pips) and low (now 1 pip).

I'm afraid this is already how the supply and demand columns work. In fact this column has displayed pips instead of low/medium/high for probably more than a year:

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I love this - awesome improvements! I was hoping to see more planets, but this is a nice teaser. I also hope we get 100s of megaships, not just a few here and there in the Galaxy. They have the potential for all sorts of new gameplay.

Only request: please reduce the level of ALL CAPS from the tech broker.
Hey Will,

A lot of interesting stuff coming up, however you (well, Steve and Ed) have made a few mistakes regarding the current commodity market screen, namely these items:

Currently by default the galactic average column does indeed show the average price, but when a nearby system is selected it displays whether the commodity is imported or exported to that system, not profit:

Displaying profit in that column is actually the coming change.

Also this:

I'm afraid this is already how the supply and demand columns work. In fact this column has displayed pips instead of low/medium/high for probably more than a year:

I pointed the second one out to Steve before we began! To be honest, he’s been working on so much stuff for further down the line that we can let him off for this one! Lots going in, so it’s sometimes easy to forget ;)
I pointed the second one out to Steve before we began! To be honest, he’s been working on so much stuff for further down the line that we can let him off for this one! Lots going in, so it’s sometimes easy to forget ;)

I'll let this one slide if we go back to the old LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH display!
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Only request: please reduce the level of ALL CAPS from the tech broker.

Hopefully the text and font sizes will get a few passes before launch, so the differences to existing UI won't look tacked on (looking at YOU Next Jump system report)
Also there are also some typos in the module descriptions we saw (surprise!) they need to fix.
I love this - awesome improvements! I was hoping to see more planets, but this is a nice teaser. I also hope we get 100s of megaships, not just a few here and there in the Galaxy. They have the potential for all sorts of new gameplay.

Only request: please reduce the level of ALL CAPS from the tech broker.

Yeah, long paragraphs are better readable when having proper caps, so +1.
Great livestream guys, very entertaining and informative.

As an explorer, I was already excited about the planetary tech improvements (kudos to the art team for their great work) but the Chieftan blew me away. Day one purchase definitely!

I also loved the Tech Broker and the megaship interactions were fantastic. Both of these were entirely new to me, and a very welcome surprise.

Looking forward to the start of beta next week (also a very welcome surprise!).
Has it been confirmed if trade data for a visited location will show current data when comparing in the market/galaxy map or will the data be locked to when you got it?

If I am looking at data from a system I haven't been to in 2 months, will that trade data be 2 months old or up to date?
I really liked a lot of what you showed on the Livestream - great work. However, I didn't really like how you are currently presenting Technology Brokers, and wanted to offer some thoughts:

As they stand, they feel kind of awkward and artifical to me; they just magically "unlock" technology in return for a few beads and trinkets. It just doesn't feel right to me.

Without actually changing the mechanics of the implementation (other than one tiny thing :), how about this:

  • Don't call them "Brokers". Instead present them as the developers/inventors of the technology - lets call them "Technology Supplier" for want of a better name.
  • Furthermore, give each Technology Supplier a procedurally-generated name; either as an individual inventor, or a research lab, or engineering firm, etc.
  • Present what they do as selling you a "blueprint" for a technology, which will enable you to get it "fabbed" at any outfitters (who presumably have 3D printers like those used to produce fighters :). Mechanically this works exactly like the process described in the livestream, just presented differently.
  • Because they are selling you a blueprint, there is ALWAYS a CR cost involved, with or without the materials or other bribes they require. This is how they make their living, after all (or at least, pocket money on the side)!

  • Each station or settlement might have a Technology Supplier. They should be found at thematically appropriate locations - primarily locations themed as laboratories, research stations, or military, high-tech and industrial economies.
  • The technologies they offer are thematically appropriate; primarily weapons and defences at military economies, less weapons and more other systems at high-tech or industrial; more "scientific" items at labs and research stations.
  • Each one offers only a few technologies (always the same ones? Or maybe their offerings increase or decrease over time based on the system economy?)
  • For the player, only unlocked technologies are visible in Outfitting (don't know if this is already intended, but it would make it more of a personal process of discovery)

So for example:

  • Player lands at "Ostrich Outpost", an Extraction economy. Here they find no Technology Supplier listed; its too small and the wrong sort of economy (unless you later add mining technologies, of course!).
  • They then travel to "Weedons Observatory". Here they fine a Technology Supplier in the station services. They click on it:
    • The UI displays a welcome from "Farsight Research Institute", which offers blueprints for several enhanced Scanner technologies.
    • The player selects one. The institute requires CR200,000 plus some quantities of Chromium and Vanadium in return.
    • The player pays. The UI indicates that the institute has provided them with the selected blueprint. That item becomes available in their Outfitting in future.
  • They then jump to another system and land at a military-economy settlement
  • Again they find a Technology Supplier in the station services and click on it:
    • The UI displays a welcome from "Elite Beams Inc.", which offers a range of blueprints for enhanced pulse lasers.
    • The player selects one. Elite Beams Inc. demands CR50,000 plus some other materials and some HN Shock Mounts in return.
    • The player pays. etc.

Possible Future Enhancements

In the future, Technology Suppliers might decide they need players to perform some task for them in addition, or instead of, payment (a mission). Again, the mission would be procedurally generated to be thematically appropriate to the supplier and the local situation in their system.
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Has it been confirmed if trade data for a visited location will show current data when comparing in the market/galaxy map or will the data be locked to when you got it?

If I am looking at data from a system I haven't been to in 2 months, will that trade data be 2 months old or up to date?

It says:
"Important note: profit given is accurate at the time of being displayed and can fluctuate when travelling to the chosen market."

Makes me think it is magically up to date. I'm probably in the minority, but I'd prefer it would be the latest info that you downloaded.
First of all, GREAT stuff. However, I've wondered why:
...on the left hand panel are also three new filters allowing you to set the icons to show:
  • - Best import and export prices​
    - Import prices only​
    - Export prices only

Why 3 radio-buttons? Why not 2 check boxes so you can turn on/off import and export separately?
It's a good update to the game all in all, more stuff to do, prettier stuff to look at, more convenience in areas that felt neglected.

Since it's been explicitly mentioned on stream though, I'd like to ask this question here again: why does collectable stuff in instances close to a planet drop "down" while everything else appears to be in a stable orbit? While it adds a bit of finesse to scooping, it just doesn't make much sense physically.
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