News Content Recap - Beyond Chapter One Livestream (18.01.2018) - Part 2 Recap

Because he watched the livestream and they devoted loads of time to showing off the Chieftan's guns and farting around in a nav beacon looking for a fight when what a lot of people in the chat were screaming for was for them to land the ship on one of the beautiful new planets.

Well I watched the stream too and that was a pretty small part of it. The majority of it was talking about the trade update. But that isn't what the poster was complaining about, they where complaining that the beyond update 1 is mostly about pew pew, when in actuality, very little of it is, basically the chieftain, and that is it.

The first stream is all about crime and punishment, which isn't just pew pew either and wing missions which was a trade mission.

Tomorrows stream is about engineers, which again is for everyone, galnet audio which again is for everyone and so is the materials trader.

So again it looks like the only thing that is pew pew specific is the Cheiftain, and even then I bet we could use it for something else.
Well I watched the stream too and that was a pretty small part of it. The majority of it was talking about the trade update. But that isn't what the poster was complaining about, they where complaining that the beyond update 1 is mostly about pew pew, when in actuality, very little of it is, basically the chieftain, and that is it.

The first stream is all about crime and punishment, which isn't just pew pew either and wing missions which was a trade mission.

Tomorrows stream is about engineers, which again is for everyone, galnet audio which again is for everyone and so is the materials trader.

So again it looks like the only thing that is pew pew specific is the Cheiftain, and even then I bet we could use it for something else.

You're right ... I'm really just trying to explain where the explorer irritation is coming from. For many people the new planetary colouring is the star of this Q1 Beyond update and it was only given 3 minutes of airtime in the livestream. To not actually even land on a planet I personally think was a bad judgement call. That said Ed has stated that he'll land on one tonight and I agree that there's a LOT of really terrific non-pewpew stuff being showcased in these streams. Personally I'm super excited about this first chapter.

You're right ... I'm really just trying to explain where the explorer irritation is coming from. For many people the new planetary colouring is the star of this Q1 Beyond update and it was only given 3 minutes of airtime in the livestream. To not actually even land on a planet I personally think was a bad judgement call. That said Ed has stated that he'll land on one tonight and I agree that there's a LOT of really terrific non-pewpew stuff being showcased in these streams. Personally I'm super excited about this first chapter.


I too think it was a poor judgement call not to land on a planet, but saying that I wasn't that fussed as beta is so close. I have said this before, if the new exploration and mining tools are as good as the trading ones will be in the Q1 update, then they are going to be in a very good place. As long as we have the module space to fit all the new modules coming that is. That is my only concern at the moment.
Thanks for the recaps, Will. Having questions answered promptly and then summarized moderates our tendency to run out of control with speculation about features and the intentions underlying them.
Did you here any big fanfare during the last 2 live streams? No? Then it's not fixed.

Making any big annoucement about that would be admiting that there is a big problem, nobody likes that, so I do not expect any annoucements on livestreams, but I will read closely any patch notes, you never know :) Plus I will know on Thursday anyway...

Steve/Will, any chance of telling us what major, normal and minor volcanism really means? Because I as well as lot of other pilots spent thousands of hours finding these things but still nobody is sure what it is really about. Pretty please :)
You're right ... I'm really just trying to explain where the explorer irritation is coming from. For many people the new planetary colouring is the star of this Q1 Beyond update and it was only given 3 minutes of airtime in the livestream. To not actually even land on a planet I personally think was a bad judgement call. That said Ed has stated that he'll land on one tonight and I agree that there's a LOT of really terrific non-pewpew stuff being showcased in these streams. Personally I'm super excited about this first chapter.


Heh, I'm still sore about the 3 minutes on planet stuff for that second livestream! Like a dagger through my heart!!!
A bit melodramatic but yes, the gesture is somewhat depressing and quite unintelligible - if my impression is right about half of the playerbase might be explorers. Personally I'm a lot more concerned about the only 3 minutes could mean that there's just not much to show there. I'm still in hope Ed will prove me wrong on tomorrow's live-stream...

Good, I was going for melodramatic. :cool:

I don't think the three minutes bode anything negative, from what we have seen the planets look utterly fantastic. I think it's just more indicative of Ed not being all that interested in the new planets. When Steve was talking about the planet stuff you could see that Ed seemed disinterested, looking at the chat, his lap, pretty much anything else, lol. Ed called the Chieftain the "star of the show" yet the chat kept wanting them to go down to the planet surface.

A large percentage of the Elite community are explorers, both around the bubble and deep into space, yet Frontier time and time again largely ignores or shies away from that. It's this strange disconnect which perplexes me, and every time another example of it happens, like that second livestream, I tilt my head and wonder "why"?
Will the planet terrain be changed in Chapter One of Beyond?
Planet terrain is unchanged in this release.

Are the new planet textures/colors shown in the system map as well?
Yes, we show all new planet textures in the system map too.

Can we see the new planet texture changes on the surface? I suppose you mean the full planet terrain changes will be in Beyond Chapter Four.
Good, I was going for melodramatic. :cool:

I don't think the three minutes bode anything negative, from what we have seen the planets look utterly fantastic. I think it's just more indicative of Ed not being all that interested in the new planets. When Steve was talking about the planet stuff you could see that Ed seemed disinterested, looking at the chat, his lap, pretty much anything else, lol. Ed called the Chieftain the "star of the show" yet the chat kept wanting them to go down to the planet surface.

A large percentage of the Elite community are explorers, both around the bubble and deep into space, yet Frontier time and time again largely ignores or shies away from that. It's this strange disconnect which perplexes me, and every time another example of it happens, like that second livestream, I tilt my head and wonder "why"?

Ed being not interested in planets should not translate into what is being shown. I think the disconnect is in-between those who have the vision and those to whom this is a mundane task of an average day at the job.
Apparently quite a lot a dev hour went into this upgrade as it took quite a while to get there, I'd hazard a guess it was a much bigger effort than the 'star of the show'.

So it is 'beyond' doubt that those who drafted the show dropped the ball, but as other have already said, Thursday will be here soon, so I don't care if nothing interesting will be on screen tomorrow.
So it is 'beyond' doubt that those who drafted the show dropped the ball, but as other have already said, Thursday will be here soon, so I don't care if nothing interesting will be on screen tomorrow.

I have a confession to make, the moment Ed showed this gorgeous body and then moved the camera away to show just another stupid ship was the biggest dissappointment I experienced this year. But I swallowed the tears and moved on, I am one tough geyser hunter :)
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A bit melodramatic but yes, the gesture is somewhat depressing and quite unintelligible - if my impression is right about half of the playerbase might be explorers. Personally I'm a lot more concerned about the only 3 minutes could mean that there's just not much to show there. I'm still in hope Ed will prove me wrong on tomorrow's live-stream...

It's probably not the easiest thing to demo. The changes (in update 1) are probably most visible at supercruise distance rather than when driving about in the SRV, and I'm not sure how long they can spend flying over a planet staring at it.

I thought what they did was fine (and I love my universal variety/entropy!) : show a quick demo, then show the other elements of the update, with the improved planets in the background (which they did comment on later on too).

In the final update of the Beyond season, I'd expect much more time to be spent as the planetary details should be much more striking when on the surface.
Thanks for all the info. Looking forward to the beta, and more so to seeing that all going live. :)

Concerning planets I also would have loved to see more about the new textures. Like seeing a closeup while landing and all... But perhaps they did that on purpose to make us more curious on the beta! :D
I mean, first thing I will do on Thursday once the beta is up, is planet sightseeing and landing.
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Re crime and punishment, Can I ask what’s going to happen to missions where you have to take bounties, ie skimmer missions, wet work assassination and the like. I’m hoping these will be moved to anarchy systems, otherwise they won’t be worth doing.
Re crime and punishment, Can I ask what’s going to happen to missions where you have to take bounties, ie skimmer missions, wet work assassination and the like. I’m hoping these will be moved to anarchy systems, otherwise they won’t be worth doing.

Why. It will be no different to know. Most of those missions are in another system, so you get a bounty in that system. You can still go to an Anarchy or low security to pay off your bounty. What I would like to see though is the faction from any Hi/Med/low sec system that you get the mission from has an option within the mission rewards to remove your bounty at a cost.
Good, I was going for melodramatic. :cool:

I don't think the three minutes bode anything negative, from what we have seen the planets look utterly fantastic. I think it's just more indicative of Ed not being all that interested in the new planets. When Steve was talking about the planet stuff you could see that Ed seemed disinterested, looking at the chat, his lap, pretty much anything else, lol. Ed called the Chieftain the "star of the show" yet the chat kept wanting them to go down to the planet surface.

A large percentage of the Elite community are explorers, both around the bubble and deep into space, yet Frontier time and time again largely ignores or shies away from that. It's this strange disconnect which perplexes me, and every time another example of it happens, like that second livestream, I tilt my head and wonder "why"?
I think the problem was that Steve had no connection to the planetary work, he even read from a script at one point, whilst the rest was things he was involved with. This sort of skewed the presentation. They really needed one of the planetary Devs to give their input.
So whilst I to found the lack of focus disappointing, I'm reluctant to read too much into it.
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