You can't really expect to find Raxxla by just reading a bunch of tourist beacons and going where they point you.

The Codex entry points at Cupid's Arrow, and the single tourist beacon there points at Maia AND a barnacle. Probably the original one on Merope 5C. Maia yields 2 tourist beacons, as does Merope (5C has the tourist beacons, by the way). One points you at a next system, but it's locked behind a permit. The obvious easy clues dry up, which is why you've tried to find the next link in Ancient Greek lore, rather than by following the tourist beacons.

The only thing these tourist beacons have in common is that they mention CMDR names. Perhaps that's a way to tell whether you're reading the correct tourist beacon (vs an unrelated one), but I don't think you'll get any more easy direct pointers to the next system.

What I would expect from the devs, and from such a National-Treasure-like quest, is a theme-park ride through the game, that hits all the major points of attraction. Thargoids, Guardians, Formidine Rift, Colonia, SagA*, Beagle's Point. I'd expect the devs to have us go everywhere, and at each place, apply a key to discover a hidden "extra" of the lore we all know and love. Maia (Thargoid territory), my first thought when I read the Cupid's Arrow message was that I'd have to play with Thargoid sensors and probes at the black hole and the barnacle site. Only, those are not used at barnacles, they're used at surface sites. But who knows, I'm not sure we've tried.

So, two things about Maia:

1. Has anyone tried to "charge up" a sensor by, say, jetting it near the Maia black hole, then taking it to the Delphi surface site (along with a probe, and the link of course) to see if anything other than that generic map happens? If the sensors have memory, perhaps the map changes based on what the sensor has scanned prior to being inserted in the Thargoid machine. How else could the Thargoids perform a "search" of their galactic map, with only 3 binary bits as inputs? I mean, the machine is useless as just a projector for a pretty picture.

2. And has anyone tried to travel to the Col 70 sector with a probe, sensor, and the link that the surface site drops, in their (corrosive) cargo hold? These things open (surface site) doors, why can't they also be permits?

And one thing about Cupid's Arrow:

1. 48 O stars. All pointed at the Earth, because that's how the telescopes saw them, and the game data is imported from reality. But why aren't these stars numbered in order, from the tip of the arrow to the feathers? 33 34 46, 5 25 4, 10 9 3 12, 31 22 30, ... it's like a code. I'm looking for a piece of text to apply it to.

All of this stuff has been in place for a while. We just didn't pay attention, too excited at the time about discovering Thargoids, Guardians, etc. So now they gave us the codex and the Cupid's Arrow starter to try to get us going again.

I would not put to much into the various tourist beacons, that are outside the historical systems. The beacon at Merope 5C that mention COL 70 Sector(Out of reach, not out of mind), was written by me. ;)
Most other TBs are player written, as well.
Cupids Arrow is also a player invented name. The formation it self is just an artefact of poor distance measurement in RL star catalogues.
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I have a theory about the location of the Dark Wheel station.
The codex entry for TDW mentions that the station is orbiting the eighth moon of an unknown gas giant.
I am also fairly certain, given Felicity Farseer's quote about imitators of TDW being silently removed, that the DW minor faction in Shinrarta is the real deal.
This leads me to believe that TDW station orbits Shinrarta Dezhra AB 2 H.

I don't know whether this is the right place to post this theory, but the way I see it, if we find TDW, we might get more information on how to find Raxxla.
1. 48 O stars. All pointed at the Earth, because that's how the telescopes saw them, and the game data is imported from reality. But why aren't these stars numbered in order, from the tip of the arrow to the feathers? 33 34 46, 5 25 4, 10 9 3 12, 31 22 30, ... it's like a code. I'm looking for a piece of text to apply it to.

Well, Raxxla could be coded like 18-1-24-24-12-1
As for weired placed stars - there's not only that cupid's arrow, but much more of that kind, but don't think that will help.

Probably that DW toast should be read in constellations?
Like, we already found Cassiopeiae (Zeta, as far as we know, but might as well be Shedar, which is only yellow one out of main 5 stars of constellation).

I would not put to much into the various tourist beacons, that are outside the historical systems. The beacon at Merope 5C that mention COL 70 Sector(Out of sight. Not out of mind), was written by me. ;)
Most other TBs are player written, as well.
Cupids Arrow is also a player invented name. The formation it self is just an artefact of poor distance measurement in RL star catalogues.
Part of those were put by dev's without player input, and some of those might be put in a way so they look like made by players, but they are not.
Might need a further investigaton. Is there a full list of those beacons?
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If we allowed Thargoids into the tinfoil brigade what might they say?
1. Raxxla sounds like a swell idea. We are currently running away and going to another galaxy might solve our problems. Some club of people were kind enough to send us proof some time back that it exists.
2. We also don't know where it is but we have a general idea so we will conduct a grid search based on Merope as a reference point. We have time and ships to do it.
3. Last one at Raxxla is a custard
Part of those were put by dev's without player input, and some of those might be put in a way so they look like made by players, but they are not.
Might need a further investigaton. Is there a full list of those beacons?

Most of the sightseeing beacons were submitted by players, in a dedicated forum thread. Those that are about local lore, are made by the FD.

Some are taken directly from Galnet or are edited versions of a Galnet post.
The Merope 5C TB, is taken from a Galnet article.

I don't think there are any complete list of TBs. There are many incomplete.
I have a theory about the location of the Dark Wheel station.
The codex entry for TDW mentions that the station is orbiting the eighth moon of an unknown gas giant.
I am also fairly certain, given Felicity Farseer's quote about imitators of TDW being silently removed, that the DW minor faction in Shinrarta is the real deal.
This leads me to believe that TDW station orbits Shinrarta Dezhra AB 2 H.

I don't know whether this is the right place to post this theory, but the way I see it, if we find TDW, we might get more information on how to find Raxxla.

I thought the same, although you could say that's the 9th moon. Anyways I had a scan of them a couple of weeks ago and couldn't find anything. Maybe you have to be invited by the DW first.
I thought the same, although you could say that's the 9th moon. Anyways I had a scan of them a couple of weeks ago and couldn't find anything. Maybe you have to be invited by the DW first.

I don’t think we will find a cold station by scanning. We probably need to spot it manually and drop in manually.
I don’t think we will find a cold station by scanning. We probably need to spot it manually and drop in manually.

I thought about flying around the planet trying to spot a station with the naked eye, but you would have to get really close to be able to see it. Another idea I had was to follow DW allied ships when they low wake to try see if you could catch one going there.
I can do one out of CMDRGuru951's 3 steps:

Cupid's Arrow = Cupid's "R"
Maia = My "A"
Chi Orionis = Orion's "X" (look up how chi is written in Greek).

So he's got RAX, and needs to continue with XLA.

does this belong to the Forsworn, cause this a Reach.
Almost done with my survey of permit-locked systems (updated my post: ) but still have a couple of important systems to go (Achenar, Shinrarta Dezhra).
I doubt it's related to the search for The Dark Wheel or Raxxla but I'll mention it here anyway as it's one of the few things that stands out: in Facece (Imperial Navy permit-locked system), two of the six Capital Ship permanent POI locations turned out to be large wreck sites, in which a Majestic Interdictor then jumps in (The site closest to the star and the one around Facece 8). There has obviously been trouble if *two* attacks have taken place in the system housing the Imperial Navy's main shipyard. There was some radio chatter that was interesting: 'You don't think this is ... you know ... with all the rumours flying around?'. As I say, I doubt it's related to the search for Raxxla; I had been thinking that many wrecks like this could be down to 'Black Flight' but this seems a bit much, even for them. There was no sign of caustic clouds like when Thargoids attack, so maybe it is them, though?!
Ok, visited Cass Z and Cass A, recorded the withspace sounds, both jumping to them and out of them, also had a previous recording from some random system.
All 5 were identical on the spectrum analyzer from 0 to 20kHz, so that's not where to look for the key to "Whisperer in witchspace, Siren of the deepest void". Either there's no key in witchspace sounds, or Cass Z/A are wrong systems, or that sound would appear only if you jump to the right system, either way - it's a dead end, IMO.

As a side note - google for "Siren of the void" does return a short story, written ~1y ago, the story ends this way:
“I hear you saw a siren of the void. Mind tellin’ me where?”
They all blinked up at him stupidly. After a quiet minute, the greenhorn stuttered out the coordinates.
And of course no coordinates were given :)

So, gotta get back looking for where that Siren of the void comes from and where it leads us.
If we assume, that it's greek mythology, are there any constellations, connected to Sirens?
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So just for the record: I‘ve been checking all systems that might contain words a Master Mason might find interesting. Count it off the list.

Sidenotes: Raxxla and its inhabitants dislike discovery thus I expect a dedicated defence upon discovery and currently use my Clipper which is severely armed but consider switching to Vette or Conda. Thoughts?

Second: Why is Triton Permit locked? Makes no sense.

Third: What do you all expect Raxxla will offer us? Another grindlocked Ram Tah receipe? Or something else like access to Andromeda?
Ok, visited Cass Z and Cass A, recorded the withspace sounds, both jumping to them and out of them, also had a previous recording from some random system.
All 5 were identical on the spectrum analyzer from 0 to 20kHz, so that's not where to look for the key to "Whisperer in witchspace, Siren of the deepest void". Either there's no key in witchspace sounds, or Cass Z/A are wrong systems, or that sound would appear only if you jump to the right system, either way - it's a dead end, IMO.

Did the same with Rho Casseiopeia out in the Formidine Rift, and also didn't find anything weird on the spectrum analyzer, nor in the system itself.

As a side note - google for "Siren of the void" does return a short story, written ~1y ago, the story ends this way:

And of course no coordinates were given :)

So, gotta get back looking for where that Siren of the void comes from and where it leads us.
If we assume, that it's greek mythology, are there any constellations, connected to Sirens?

There is an old former constellation from the 17th century called Siren:

And the image:
Going counter-clockwise starting from the east, Siren is in the 8th sector (Libra), near the origin and next to Centaurus. I suppose you could derive relative position of the stars from the information given, but it's beyond me to identify which stars Siren is actually composed of.
What a great thread, ive only just found it.

FD must surely be grinning at reading some of the complex theories explained on here, they're wonderful ideas but maybe its a case of imagination filling in the blanks to make a story and there are a lot of blanks to fill with the whole DW and Raxxla thing.

I think Elite is the same now as before (80's and 90's) an old fashioned grind game where the games premise and objectives are very simple but appear much more complex because as above we the players make the stories.

So on that basis I'm guessing that both Raxxla and DW are just placed randomly in the galaxy and it is really just that simple. I am as i explore keeping an eye out and visiting the 8th moon of any gas giant when i find one. I would hope for some signal otherwise it would be impossible to manally notice a station in orbit or on any random planet in any random system we would simply all be long gone before anything was found if ever (more chance of monkeys with infinitie time writing the work of Shakespeare).

Perhaps there are objectivves to complete for DW to contact someone, Elite at one of the 3 and visited this or that place and maybe saved so many pods etc and it would then unlock the DW storyline but i'd have thought someone would have achieved this by now unless they are keeping quiet?.

All we've been told is that these things exist, lets hope its not just a myth someone in FD started to create curiosity and it got a bit out of hand so they all stuck with the story (myth)!. The mystery of their whereabouts is a clever touch but as i say i believe the answer is a simple one.
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FD must surely be grinning at reading some of the complex theories explained on here, they're wonderful ideas but maybe its a case of imagination filling in the blanks to make a story and there are a lot of blanks to fill with the whole DW and Raxxla thing.

Drew W is (was?) pretty sure only DB and MB know about Raxxla. Lot less of people grinning !
MB is a story-teller and made "..some of it a tiny bit obvious so people know what they are doing". He also made it as a personal journey.
The thing is... he's no longer the Maestro of ED and only the lost F/E missions gave that feeling of knowing what we were doing.... Imho.
I am not sure all this is still current...
But it was nice as long as it lasted...

'You don't think this is ... you know ... with all the rumours flying around?'.

"He Who Must Not Be Named
Confirmed !
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I'm just glad I'm not the only one who ventured to a distant star based on a hunch :)

Haha - I'm not alone then :D There was some logic behind it, based on it also being called "Herschel's Garnet" and appearing in roughly the right position to be at Cassiopiae's head. But yeah, nothing there except a couple of stars and a water world.

Am now heading back to Maia to get back on the tourist beacon trail.
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