If you read the report, they triangulated that to "somewhere inside the space formed by these 5 neighboring stars", and there isn't a system there, so we can't jump to it, so basically dead end.

I don't think anyone wants to try supercruising 4 LY to see if their "you are here" icon moves off the main star, on the map.
Hint: Princess Astrophell and the Spiralling Stars.

“astrofell in British or astrophel”
-an unidentified plant, commonly believed to be akin to an aster
Spiralling stars. ... Star WR104 is one of about 200 known so-called Wolf-Rayet stars (named after their discoverers). Such stars are in a phase where they are hot, massive and extremely luminous - typically three times the size, 25 times heavier and 100,000 times brighter than our own sun

Look for unidentified space biological phenomena or “plants” in Wolf-Rayet star systems? Will this lead to clues?
Hint: Omphalos Rift- “interpreted as the alien artifact that allows long-distance communication”. I believe this is what Raxxla actually is. But there may be many of them.

Notes on Omphalos: there are multiples of these stones in Greek mythology. One was located at Delphi, believed to be located at the Adyton near Pythia, The Oracle. Another was hidden by Rhea. Cronos eventually swallowed that one. Another omphalos associated with both Apollo and divination is the Omphalos found at Kerameikos, northwest of Athens’ acropolis. Omphalos stones have also been found at sites such as Thebes and Karnak in Egypt. Omphalos was also found at the ancient Greek oracle site of Ptoion and is connected with the Egyptian oasis of Siwas, in a temple where the gods Amun and Zeus were worshiped. The Omphalos is considered the central point from which terrestrial life originated.
Look in these systems... note that The Oracle is a station in Delphi.
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Edelgard & I experimented with mis-jumps using Thargoid probes in Delphi. Sadly no mis-jump joy and I lost Bob

Ahh sorry... I remember trying misjumps a long while back and i think MB? told us they werent in game.... But cant for the life of me find the reference.... Not sure how to search the old threads anymore.
Ahh sorry... I remember trying misjumps a long while back and i think MB? told us they werent in game.... But cant for the life of me find the reference.... Not sure how to search the old threads anymore.
Google might pick up a historic reference. I’ve had zero success trying to find my old posts since the move to the new forum structure.
I can't find my old posts either. A lot of stuff here goes in circles, and there are many recurring topics. Sometimes it has been discussed last week, sometimes there are relevant obscure references years back. New theories are rare. Frontier had a frame for the alien story planned before the game was out, and this quest is largely tied to it. Some elements of it go way back. Then there are some paths that have seen surprisingly little attention, with active references, but presumably lead no satisfactory results, other than some candidate systems. I'm under no obligations (other than Lord Tothos' thirst for nuclear fire of course). Then, in a sense, there are hundreds of Raxxlas, when you consider the game of procedural mythos that goes on. To find something new in-game, my best bet would actually go with the sound analysis (not talking about game OST this time, I'd like to throw a certain pmf home system into anarchy, even thargies missed it, barely, but I don't have the time) and, optics theory. It's like a game made by scientists after all. Even Drew kept pointing that LensLock to everybody. I wish there was more time, but I have duties to the people, and without them wouldn't have the need to vent crazy here.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZNgKZMRpsM

(I hope Will makes a new video for every new interstellar community goal thing)
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that the number of dashes vary?


  • Dp0NX0OXcAA4j6X.jpg
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  • Elite-Dangerous-Raxxla-Logo.png
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This image this guy made makes me think of that picture with the two planets and the circular station. What if those stars are like this image and they are only the brighter stars darkened by the effect of the sun on the edge of that planet. This seems to reduce the low light stars and make only the brighter stars appear. That could be what that image is. Can you calculate the luminocity from the sun and figure out what brightness of stars can appear the figure out where that image is from?!

And from the astrophel thing being a plant. I really hope Raxxla isn't space weed.
Hint: To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts. To Raxxla!"

- Alleged toast of the Dark Wheel
To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies!: Zeta Cassiopeiae? Or another star system around there?

Whisperer in witch-space: There may be a whisper during hyperspace jumps, perhaps this changes with different system jumps, what is it saying?

siren of the deepest void: there is a modern space book on this... void = space in Greek Mythology. A song in deep space? Where is the deepest space in the Milky Way?

The parent’s grief: Could be about Demeter and Persephone. Or other stories, but see additional info below.

The lover’s woe: ? Really not sure on this one

Siren of the deepest void:
Expression ‘siren song’ referring to an appeal that is hard to resist but, if heeded, will have terrible consequences. One tale has the sirens as companions of a young Persephone (daughter of Zeus and the harvest goddess, Demeter) and given wings by Demeter to allow them to search for Persephone when she was abducted by Hades to become queen of the underworld. The sirens searched for Persephone but eventually gave up and settled on their island home. Later, they were provoked by Hera (wife of Zeus) to enter a contest with the Muses and, defeated, were deprived of their wings.

Persephone is a Planet in Sol and it’s own star system

The parent’s grief:
The Greek goddess Demeter wandered endlessly throughout the world, her piteous cries for her daughter, Persephone (who had been abducted by Hades, god of the Underworld), resounding through the night. Some believe that it was her prolonged, unresolved grief that made Demeter the most compassionate of the goddesses, the one best able to empathize with humans because of her experience with pain and suffering.

Hint: Princess Astrophell and the Spiralling Stars.

In the Astrophel and Stella sonnet, replace Stella with Raxxla? Same number of letters, and makes tons of sense actually. Just read it like that. Stella: based on the real life Penelope Devereux. Also noted in the Sonnet.

If Stella is subsistuted for Raxxla in the Sonnet, the meaning of the Sonnet is incredible. Same number of letters, tons about certain star systems and planets in there. If Stella means Raxxla:

-Raxxla system may have two stars.
-Raxxla may be located close to a star.

“That I often prophesy my future course,
From just those two stars in Stella’s (Raxxla’s) face.”

Could be two Wolf-Rayet stars per my previous post...
Sonnet also references Pleiades, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Many connections to “Persephone” throughout the Sonnet and Dark Wheel toast. That planet is the farthest landable out in Sol.

“Let affected intellects invoke the nine Muses” also “nine Sisters”

1 Calliope
2 Clio
3 Erato
4 Euterpe
5 Melpomene
6 Polyhymnia
7 Terpsichore
8 Thalia
9 Urania

None of these are systems, may not be related. Lots about using Greek metaphors in the Sonnet as well though.
Note that the “Underworld” in Greek Mythology metaphors could represent where Raxxla takes you, or Raxxla itself. This is also mentioned in relation to the Omphalos stones in Greek mythology, or the Opmphalos Rift devices related to Raxxla Codex may allow you to jump long distances across the Milk Way. It is likely we will find those devices first, and slowly unlock the gate to Raxxla itself. The Omphalos Rift may be one device or many.
“It is true that we are only created to be pilgrims on earth, and should, within our souls, travel upwards to our true country:
All this is true, and yet it is also true that I must love Raxxla”

“Some call Raxxla’s face the Court of Queen Virtue” -could this relate to needing all 3 or 4 elite ranks? There were 4 ancient virtues, all acquired through skill and discipline.

“Since as soon as you were struck by the rays from Raxxla’s eyes, you knelt down, Reason, and straight away offered to prove
that loving her was reasonable by using good rational argument.”

“Cupid, because you shine in Raxxla’s eyes” -relation to some location in the Milky Way galaxy?

“And her clear voice raises your fame to the skies: because of all that you think Raxxla belongs to you, like those men who having created a breach in the enemy line by fighting well prematurely call out that the victory is theirs.”
“My eyes (shall I say cursed or blessed?) beheld Raxxla: now she is named, need any more be said?”
“I see that my course points towards my losing myself: I see, and yet take from that no greater sorrow than that I do not lose even more for Raxxla’s sake.”

“Has this world anything as lovely as Raxxla is?”
“Proclaimed such by the Delphic Oracle, says, in sugared sentence, that virtue, if it were once seen by our eyes, would cause strange flames of love in our souls.” -a mention of the Oracle in Delphi and it’s possible relation to Raxxla, through the Omphalos Rift

“Love of itself, takes Raxxla’s shape, so that it might, in her, shine sweetly to mortal eyes.”

“Though earthbound wits dare to scorn astrology, and fools may think that those lamps of purest light (the stars), (whose numbers, ways, greatness, eternity, promise wonderful things, so inviting wonder) have birthright in the sky for no purpose except to spangle the black dress of night;
And if these laws were to fail, this proof satisfies me, that I often prophesy my future course, from just those two stars in Raxxla’s face.” -Is Raxxla in a system with 2 stars?

Many of these Sonnet quotes relate to the way Raxxla has been searched for, or sought out. A couple additional hints may be present.
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that the number of dashes vary?
Well spotted!

It's entirely possible we're looking at something Guardian related in the logo, since we've already found the Alpha sites, the central pits of which have six pairs of 'bulkheads' surrounding them with a similar angular shape where they protrude above ground. Is Raxxla an 'active' site we just haven't seen yet?

The Regor Sector is still permit locked, perhaps the new II system will reveal more?
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Well spotted!

It's entirely possible we're looking at something Guardian related in the logo, since we've already found the Alpha sites, the central pits of which have six pairs of 'bulkheads' surrounding them with a similar angular shape where they protrude above ground. Is Raxxla an 'active' site we just haven't sen yet?

The Regor Sector is still permit locked, perhaps the new II system will reveal more?

Ya I think the dashes in the logo are a little closer to this


I also think Guardian tech might be the key :)

Ya I think the dashes in the logo are a little closer to this

View attachment 128466

I also think Guardian tech might be the key :)

View attachment 128467
Interesting idea, wonder if the outer solid black area of the Raxxla icon could be the obelisk making that shape. I recall everyone was trying to figure out the purpose and shape of these Guardian sites a long time ago when they started finding them.
Interesting idea, wonder if the outer solid black area of the Raxxla icon could be the obelisk making that shape. I recall everyone was trying to figure out the purpose and shape of these Guardian sites a long time ago when they started finding them.
No, not the obelisks, the static walls sticking up everywhere are a better geometric match.
Yeah this is more reasonable explanation. Where do you believe the obelisk be portrayed on the icon?

Edit: So the does this mean that the artifact that was found on Mars was a guardian artifact? The orb maybe?

I believe Galnet reported that the Martian Artifact was no larger than a child’s hand. If that is true then it can’t be any of the Guardian artefacts that we are currently aware of.
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