The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Dual Universe has had Dynamic Server Meshing working in its Alpha for roughly a year now.
Also to note: DU is using a very clever algorithm (actually a PhD thesis subject matter..) for that dynamic server meshing, that is at the very core of the game engine. I highly doubt that CiG and especially CRoberts have that level of skill, and even so, they are stuck with the CryEngine that was made for LAN parties basically.
Also to note: DU is using a very clever algorithm (actually a PhD thesis subject matter..) for that dynamic server meshing, that is at the very core of the game engine. I highly doubt that CiG and especially CRoberts have that level of skill, and even so, they are stuck with the CryEngine that was made for LAN parties basically.

If anyone is interested (looking at you, CIG), here's the relevant explanation and demonstration from 3 years ago.

TLDR; "The Universe is dynamically partitioned into cubic cells. As the players get closer to each other towards the centre, the cells get smaller and smaller to maintain an average maximum number of players per cell and distribute the load"

Ugh, and look at all that wasted space on the right, or were they dancing later?

If it were Shroud of the Avatar (the other failed game by an ex-Origin guy) I'd say yes. But this is Star Citizen. There is no dancing. No running in the halls. No bunny-hopping in the hangar. Star Citizen is a very serious game project.
Just the tip of the Roberts-Garriott cross-promotional iceberg.
Serious and pretty awesome barf-bus flying from these French guys in their new vid, loving it...all HOTAS/twin stick and track-IR flyers.

Is that No Mans Sky 1.0 flight engine?

OK, joke aside... That video, from the skim-view I did, appears to be a collage of small multi-second clips strung together. If you can fly something in a game, in a 'cool' way... you can do it in one continuous shot for longer than 15 seconds, surely?
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I've been paying zero attention to SC for the last 12-18 months: is the game showing any signs of progress, light at the end of the tunnel, or is the prognosis gloomy and hopeless?
Is that No Mans Sky 1.0 flight engine?
I only wish I could master the crap flight model like those guys...I usually shout and scream a lot followed by explosions. :rolleyes:

So the “flight model” still doesn't make a lick of sense, huh?

Not to me...not in the slightest :D If I could fly like those guys...I'd even forgive the hover mode.
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I only wish I could master the crap flight model like those guys...I usually shout and scream a lot followed by explosions. :rolleyes:

But, but Mole mate it doesn't look like they mastered anything... It's like, if drop a bunch of planes from the sky, engines turned off, SOME of them are going to barrel roll for a few seconds during their descent... This video, looks like a bunch of those 'few seconds'
So the “flight model” still doesn't make a lick of sense, huh?
Is that No Mans Sky 1.0 flight engine?

OK, joke aside... That video, from the skim-view I did, appears to be a collage of small multi-second clips strung together. If you can fly something in a game, in a 'cool' way... you can do it in one continuous shot for longer than 15 seconds, surely?
There are longer sections than that in the most vids, it's edited and edited pretty for me flying like that? No :D
But, but Mole mate it doesn't look like they mastered anything... It's like, if drop a bunch of planes from the sky, engines turned off, SOME of them are going to barrel roll for a few seconds during their descent... This video, looks like a bunch of those 'few seconds'
I've watched a few of those French Terada guys streams...they can fly.
There are longer sections than that in the most vids, it's edited and edited pretty for me flying like that? No :D

Of course you can - they edited out the 98 times they plowed into the ground while doing a fly-by, and recorded with amazement when they didnt crash :p
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