Seems Very Quiet Around Here

We're still here OP, some of us (me) still licking our wounds after the FC delay. TBH, I've been playing another game more than ED and have a lot of others (some still shrinkwrapped) to see me through Christmas now that the fdev grinch stole FCs. 🤬
I can't say I'm sad FCs are delayed,, because I actually forgot about them. Lol

I've been playing a few games I got in the Steam summer sales. Well, I say a few. I tried Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and didn't get on with it, and Planet Coaster and quickly remembered I don't have the time or patience for those games anymore, and just ended up playing Just Cause 3. Lol

I've run out of games to play now, so I'm essentially back until I find a new shiny toy to play with.😂
Hmm, I left back in April when content was delayed for the umpteenth time. I just dropped in here to see what I've missed, looks like not much.

So...back to mining void opals for no reason, or is there something new to do now?
Most of the open letter people left after seeing the fruits of their labor (fleet carriers delayed)

I've read that often, but it really rubs me the wrong way. Curious that so many people seem to agree (13 or so likes).

The idea that Frontier delayed the fleet carriers again for solely malicious reasons as 'revenge' for the open letter is pretty unconvincing for me. That's how a single person may think and act, and a childish one on top, but not a company. Every time they have to admit that they failed a deadline the shareholders will raise an eyebrow.
Remember: it's the second time they delayed FCs. They needed no malicious reason for the first delay, so why do they need one this time?

If FDEV indeed delayed FCs because of the open letter, then because they are still buggy/unfinished and FDEV are more careful now with shoving unfinished features into the game. That would actually be a good thing, even if that makes FCs part of a paid update in the future.
Most of the open letter people left after seeing the fruits of their labor (fleet carriers delayed)
I've read that often, but it really rubs me the wrong way. Curious that so many people seem to agree (13 or so likes).

The idea that Frontier delayed the fleet carriers again for solely malicious reasons as 'revenge' for the open letter is pretty unconvincing for me. That's how a single person may think and act, and a childish one on top, but not a company. Every time they have to admit that they failed a deadline the shareholders will raise an eyebrow.
Remember: it's the second time they delayed FCs. They needed no malicious reason for the first delay, so why do they need one this time?

If FDEV indeed delayed FCs because of the open letter, then because they are still buggy/unfinished and FDEV are more careful now with shoving unfinished features into the game. That would actually be a good thing, even if that makes FCs part of a paid update in the future.
People like to blame other people when news-they-don't-like happens ;)

The contradictions are funny to read too :D
"FDev don't listen to the players"
"That open letter doesn't matter, no-one cares"
"Fleet Carriers were delayed, so the open letter is to blame because FDev listened to them!"
I've been gone, like completely gone, for some time now.
I've mostly been enjoying the sheer chaos of Just Cause 3. Pure, pointless, destruction. Yay! I spent an odd amount of time playing a game with basically no plot.
Anyhoo, I'm slowly getting that itch for ED, so I've started venturing back here, and on my discord channels.
But it's very very quiet now. Did something happen? Do we all talk somewhere else? Or is it just that "mid term" lull we get between updates?
How is the game? Is that quiet too, or just here?

It's not a Dooooooom! thread BTW, just an observation. Maybe I was the one making all the traffic... :unsure:😁

Quiet? I guess Fdev took our breath away and left us speechless by reprioritizing Fleet Carriers (again).
I can't say I'm sad FCs are delayed,, because I actually forgot about them. Lol

I've been playing a few games I got in the Steam summer sales. Well, I say a few. I tried Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and didn't get on with it, and Planet Coaster and quickly remembered I don't have the time or patience for those games anymore, and just ended up playing Just Cause 3. Lol

I've run out of games to play now, so I'm essentially back until I find a new shiny toy to play with.😂
Hmmm, Deus Ex MD is one of my shrink-wraps, I hope I get on better with it! Currently playing Alien Isolation.
Hmmm, Deus Ex MD is one of my shrink-wraps, I hope I get on better with it! Currently playing Alien Isolation.

I own Deus Ex MD and have completed the title. A series I am particularly fond of. MD is not as good as Human Revolution unfortunately, it’s still a good game. But it consistently feels like a middle chapter and just opens a ton of new threads, only closing one throughout the game’s duration. The main concern, is that the game is far shorter than Human Revolution, even with the DLC. Graphically it’s beautiful. My worry is Cyberpunk 2077 may put an end to Deus Ex as we know it.

Alien Isolation is one of my top 10 games of all time. One of the greatest experiences I have ever had in a game except maybe the Half Life titles.

I recommend the Metro series as an escape from ELITE for now for anyone into FPS.
I own Deus Ex MD and have completed the title. A series I am particularly fond of. MD is not as good as Human Revolution unfortunately, it’s still a good game. But it consistently feels like a middle chapter and just opens a ton of new threads, only closing one throughout the game’s duration. The main concern, is that the game is far shorter than Human Revolution, even with the DLC. Graphically it’s beautiful. My worry is Cyberpunk 2077 may put an end to Deus Ex as we know it.

Alien Isolation is one of my top 10 games of all time. One of the greatest experiences I have ever had in a game except maybe the Half Life titles.

I recommend the Metro series as an escape from ELITE for now for anyone into FPS.
That's reassuring! Thoroughly enjoying Alien Isolation, there have been times when my heart has been pounding in my chest with the tension. Finished Metro 2033 a few months back and have last light and exodus to come.
The truth is that the forums are over policed by white knights making legitimate criticism of FD/ED pointless to voice due to dogpiling hence most sane people talk about ED elsewhere.
The truth is that the forums are over policed by white knights making legitimate criticism of FD/ED pointless to voice due to dogpiling hence most sane people talk about ED elsewhere.

You do realise that if the statement you made is true then FD would have immediately deleted your statement. But since it is still here ........

Deleted member 38366

Let's face it, the Game (troubled as it is) now being left sitting in Maintenance Mode for a record amount of time is simply winding down.

You can only do Carrot&Stick so long - and after the last Carrot was removed (Carriers), the outlook for >anything< worth taking note of now sits deep in 2020 (!)

Now would be the time for a Community Manager to feed Roadmap Details and associated Concept art with Ideas into the Forum and yield something like a weekly Dev Update.
IMHO that's virtually the only weapon they have left in their arsenal as some form of PR Damage Control right now..
Move from "super excited - but we don't have anything to show for it" empty boring promises to being able to show something tangible.
(what's the point if the existing and paying Customers - the prime target Audience - are always amongst the last people to be told anything... and any Information has to be sourced from Leaks or from some Investor Meetings)

Otherwise - they might not have a whole lot of customers left taking interest in their 2020DLC when it goes live.
Lots of folks will have moved on and won't be easy to convince them to hand over more Money to the very Company that left them hanging so often.
Word has spread and getting brand new customers onboard with all those Reviews/public sentiment isn't made easier by the deafening Silence and dropping Player numbers.
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Well isn't that what fleet carriers on their original schedule was designed to address?

It seems almost perfectly designed had they arrived on time to meet this nothing. Bet someone is upset about that.
IMHO that's virtually the only weapon they have left in their arsenal as some form of PR Damage Control right now..

Good point. Because even back in the firey days of horizons year one we were all being carried by the hopium of the next patch anyway. How long did every new feature last before getting right back to the sandbox (often with some new toys to take with sure). 2 weeks tops?
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