Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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VAT is the standard(ish) 25%. It's just that the setup is… extensive — not just a stick and a throttle. And I'm assuming this is what you refer to as not being ready… it'll beat SC as far as a release date goes, so there's always that. :p
Wow. 25% is practically highway robbery. But that's what governments are best at.
I think SC may well see a release sooner than people think.
I do hope that collective sees the light of day soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
The AI gunners on the UH-1 are braindead atm anyway. I got back in mine last night for the first time in a few weeks. Did the hard ground attack instant action mission a few times. One time, I nailed the AA gun with a nice rocket, but misjudged a turn and was way off target for follow up shots on the BMP's. I was positioned quite well for the gunners to handle it though. But they decided to ignore the enemy. Finally, the right door gunner decided it was time to light up some BMP rear end. Too bad we were already upside down and on the ground. :cool: mean old people...that makes it better :D

Indeed though... and I apologise for misunderstanding the sentiment behind the post from Kilvenny in the first place. No harm, no foul. I should know better than to pop onto the forum after I've been up all night stripping and rebuilding a hydraulic PTU from one of the add to that, I was in a foul mood as my lovely sons, aided by my darling wife had swapped my boots on the tin legs onto the wrong feet as a prank (we have that certain services black humour in this house)...thought for a while I had turned into a proper stumbling idiot as I staggered about like a drunk in the workshed for 10 minutes before noticing :rolleyes:

I'm certain the prank was payback for my efforts with the annual purgatory of the Xmas decorations... which I declared, like a proper dictator, was the final effort that I would give to it...

No need to overdo it!

Not quite up to your swapping boots incident. On night guard during my trade training (RAF) The snowdrop decided to prank one of the less popular guys in the group by painting L and R on the wrong boots with Tippex, as he slept.
Would you like to put a timeframe to that estimate? 90 days tops? Current_year+1?
I think that about this time next year, things will be a lot clearer.
They're going to meet their current deadlines for SQ42, mostly because they have to. SC will follow soon after.
Don't expect ship sales to stop though. That's not gonna happen.
Also, I've never believed they would release with all of their kickstarter goals delivered (100 systems being the biggest of these, imo).
But they're going to deliver something and call it a release.
It'll be fun to see how many people they manage to infuriate when it happens.
Regardless... SDC will be there to harvest all the salty tears, and all will be right in the 'verse.

I think that about this time next year, things will be a lot clearer.
They're going to meet their current deadlines for SQ42, mostly because they have to. SC will follow soon after.

Yay, we’ve got a prediction! These always go well :D

But they're going to deliver something and call it a release.
It'll be fun to see how many people they manage to infuriate when it happens.

Well quite a few backers I’d think, if this year’s progress is anything to go by...
But they're going to deliver something and call it a release.

Speaking of releasing things, DE are ramping up to release their multi-crew ship update (Empyrean) most likely during the game awards on Thursday thus adding Warframe to the prestigious list of games that did the "never before done" things SC said it was going to do long before SC was able to do it in a working and stable state. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the other giants who have cleared this hurdle such as Elite, No Man's Sky, Noctis IV, Star Flight, and others.

Meanwhile, going by your post, the best we can hope for from CIG is that they'll deliver "something" to call a "release" just to stop the endless shaming of their ability to deliver a product. Should we really consider this "SC releasing sooner than expected" though?
Speaking of releasing things, DE are ramping up to release their multi-crew ship update (Empyrean) most likely during the game awards on Thursday thus adding Warframe to the prestigious list of games that did the "never before done" things SC said it was going to do long before SC was able to do it in a working and stable state. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the other giants who have cleared this hurdle such as Elite, No Man's Sky, Noctis IV, Star Flight, and others.

Meanwhile, going by your post, the best we can hope for from CIG is that they'll deliver "something" to call a "release" just to stop the endless shaming of their ability to deliver a product. Should we really consider this "SC releasing sooner than expected" though?
Warframe's Empyrean update looks like extremely cool fun
I bet you £100 that another delay is announced for Sq42's beta past the current deadline of Q3 2020.

I'd rather not engage in gambling on a website dedicated to a children's game, thanks.
While you may be right, there are something like 46 million reasons to think SQ42 is going to be held to a more stringent schedule than it has in the past.
Oh dear, flimsy insults rather than providing a justification. Never a great sign.

(Don’t worry Zaphod, I’m sure the 3 month SQ42 push won’t be repeated. And any release will make lots of $$$$$. Everything’s fiiine...)

$46 Million reasons to be exact! It’s not about ship sales either.
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