Lore questions. :)

@drew - Dynasty Expeditions, all were sent out in Anacondas, correct?

Ground Stations that picked up or hacked these expeditions' databases/transmissions. What happened to the personnel that had manned these monitoring sites?
Is the dragon like thing/reptile on the Dark Wheel medallion (like the one given to Salome) supposed to represent a specific dragon? Perhaps Typhon of greek mythos?
You want a hint on Klaxian appearance? I suspect these may be relevant:

Not what I meant.... a hint as to whether there actually is a second race of Thargoid approaching which is fundamentally different to what we have now in tactics/raw strength or physical appearance of the ships. Leaked images of alleged graphics prove nothing...
Not what I meant.... a hint as to whether there actually is a second race of Thargoid approaching which is fundamentally different to what we have now in tactics/raw strength or physical appearance of the ships. Leaked images of alleged graphics prove nothing...

Ah, you meant “appearance” as in “an occasion when someone appears in public”
Not, as I interpreted “the way that someone or something looks”. Your post was ambiguous.
Folks, after the reception I received on another thread I'm not going to regularly visit these forums from now on. If you'd like to ask lore questions, please feel to drop in on my Elite Dangerous stream, Thursdays at 8pm GMT/UTC over at https://twitch.tv/drewwagar

You'll be more than welcome and I'll do my best to answer any questions that crop up.

All the best and right on, Commanders. o7


Actually it was the behaviour of one of the mods to be honest. I don't mind battling obstinate and entrenched thinking (for a bit anyway), but partisan moderation I wasn't expecting. I'll stick with a medium where I can retain some control. Folks can vote with their feet (or their clicks). :)

However, the Lore Tour is looking good and I'm in the midst of prepping for it. If you want to join it in game, look up CMDR Drew Wagar and add as a friend/group. Should be good fun. Already 406 members and going up fast.

This will be the final 'Elite Dangerous' thing I do, so a bit of a farewell tour too, would be good to have your company.

Details here > https://www.drewwagar.com/announcements/elite-dangerous-lore-tour/



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Folks, after the reception I received on another thread I'm not going to regularly visit these forums from now on. If you'd like to ask lore questions, please feel to drop in on my Elite Dangerous stream, Thursdays at 8pm GMT/UTC over at https://twitch.tv/drewwagar
Don't let the trolls* win, just block them using the ignore feature. Nobody takes them seriously anyway.

As for Twitch, I don't have an account and am not interested in signing up for yet another 3rd party tool to play ED. Is this going to be required to take part in your tour? Is there any way possible you can stream from Twitch and YouTube simultaneously, or is that too complicated? If the latter, does somebody else have the means to restream your Twitch feed to YouTube (assuming you approve)? Heck, I'd settle for a simple audio stream, I just want to be able to hear the commentary as I'm flying around, but I don't think Twitch is going to work for me.

* which includes a couple of moderators, sadly enough.
Actually it was the behaviour of one of the mods to be honest. I don't mind battling obstinate and entrenched thinking (for a bit anyway), but partisan moderation I wasn't expecting. I'll stick with a medium where I can retain some control. Folks can vote with their feet (or their clicks). :)

However, the Lore Tour is looking good and I'm in the midst of prepping for it. If you want to join it in game, look up CMDR Drew Wagar and add as a friend/group. Should be good fun. Already 406 members and going up fast.

Details here > https://www.drewwagar.com/announcements/elite-dangerous-lore-tour/

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Who moderates the moderators??

A sad day when the only remaining person with any lore experience disappears from the forums!
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I don't think you need to sign up for Twitch in order to watch a stream. However, you cannot post important observations and cat emoticons into the Twitch chat without creating an account. These things can be very important. It's amazing how many video games have bears for example. Innumerable Twitch streamers die every day from bear attacks in video games, and it is your duty to warn them whenever an imminent danger from a bear is present.
Don't let the trolls* win, just block them using the ignore feature. Nobody takes them seriously anyway.

As for Twitch, I don't have an account and am not interested in signing up for yet another 3rd party tool to play ED. Is this going to be required to take part in your tour? Is there any way possible you can stream from Twitch and YouTube simultaneously, or is that too complicated? If the latter, does somebody else have the means to restream your Twitch feed to YouTube (assuming you approve)? Heck, I'd settle for a simple audio stream, I just want to be able to hear the commentary as I'm flying around, but I don't think Twitch is going to work for me.

* which includes a couple of moderators, sadly enough.

I don't think you need to sign up to twitch to watch it, only to post in the chat etc. I'll investigate joint streaming to youtube, and the recording will be available on youtube after the event. :)

moderates the moderators??

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, indeed! ;)


Dumb Twitch app for iPhone requires an account to do anything (including view), but perhaps website will allow me to listen to stream without an account. I'll be in VR, so I don't need it to access chat - I won't even be able to "watch" the stream live, just listen, on days I'm able to participate. Speaking of, keep that in mind Drew when broadcasting, as some people may depend on your verbal descriptions to find POIs. A "just look at my nav panel in the video" won't help those of us in VR.
Dumb Twitch app for iPhone requires an account to do anything (including view), but perhaps website will allow me to listen to stream without an account. I'll be in VR, so I don't need it to access chat - I won't even be able to "watch" the stream live, just listen, on days I'm able to participate. Speaking of, keep that in mind Drew when broadcasting, as some people may depend on your verbal descriptions to find POIs. A "just look at my nav panel in the video" won't help those of us in VR.

I will bear that in mind! Be good to have you along for the ride.




Volunteer Moderator
Actually it was the behaviour of one of the mods to be honest. I don't mind battling obstinate and entrenched thinking (for a bit anyway), but partisan moderation I wasn't expecting.
Excuse me, but I don't like this comment. Moderators have always been allowed to express their own opinions as you should well know having been here from the beginning. Moderators are also not allowed to moderate threads that they are participating in. So while you may not have liked what this mod said to you (though I thought the conversation between the two of you was the most reasoned out of the ones you got), saying that it was partisan moderation is unfair.

When we post in threads in any capacity other than enforcing the rules we are just like any other user on these forums. And the amount of work we do behind the scenes to keep threads such as the one you posted in at a reasonable level of civility, is very easily undermined by casual throwaway comments like this.
Folks, after the reception I received on another thread I'm not going to regularly visit these forums from now on. If you'd like to ask lore questions, please feel to drop in on my Elite Dangerous stream, Thursdays at 8pm GMT/UTC over at https://twitch.tv/drewwagar

You'll be more than welcome and I'll do my best to answer any questions that crop up.

All the best and right on, Commanders. o7


Ah, sorry to hear that.

Haven't read the thread in question, so can't really comment with authority on the particulars of anything that was said.

For what it's worth though, I wouldn't take it to heart. You kind of walked in to the equivalent of an already heated domestic. Tempers were already high.

Personally, I’d already ended up deleting Discord the other weekend just to retain some healthy separation after it spilled over into your channel.

(That was after having spent ages on the forums trying to talk through things in a sensible and reasonable manner by that point, all of which was prior to the posting of the forum discussions you joined.)

Point being, don’t treat the reaction to things you said as though it’s purely a reaction to what you said in isolation. Rather consider it in the context that what you said would probably be seen as part of something, and that you will have had a reaction to the overall thing, not just to what you said if it was just that on its own.

Hope that helps take the edge of things a bit.

Also, if I might make an alternative suggestion to leaving the forums - just disregard Dangerous Discussions for a while. It’s pretty much the worst part of the forums, particularly as it’s where all the discussions about out-of-game matters take place. Other areas tend to be much more pleasant. 😀

Hope you won’t be away too long, either way. o7

Disclaimer, for others reading this

The above is not an attempt to ascribe blame as to the origins of the situation in question. It’s merely a description of the general state of things, including the temperament around the subject at the point where Drew got involved in the forum discussions. It’s also not an attempt to excuse any out of order behaviour, rather it’s an attempt to reduce the impact of any such behaviour on the person on the receiving end.
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Moderators have always been allowed to express their own opinions as you should well know having been here from the beginning. Moderators are also not allowed to moderate threads that they are participating in. So while you may not have liked what this mod said to you (though I thought the conversation between the two of you was the most reasoned out of the ones you got), saying that it was partisan moderation is unfair.

While what you say has merit, I'd like to point out two things. First, moderators keep their "badge" regardless of whether they are moderating or participating as "normal civilians". If an off-duty cop comes up to me in the grocery store, badge on hip, and says, "I really don't like that hat you are wearing", it will come across as way more intimidating than if it were just some stranger.

Second, moderators "should know well" the rules of the forum and be above approach when it comes to things like discussing the post rather than the poster, a line which the moderator in question walked dangerously close to when accusing Drew of expressing his opinion for monetary gain. Now if he had actual evidence of this, then that would have been one thing, but to basically "make stuff up" based on pure speculation, stuff that might be considered libel in a more official written venue (unlike most of us, Drew goes by his real name in the forum), that behavior is unbecoming of a moderator.


Volunteer Moderator
While what you say has merit, I'd like to point out two things. First, moderators keep their "badge" regardless of whether they are moderating or participating as "normal civilians". If an off-duty cop comes up to me in the grocery store, badge on hip, and says, "I really don't like that hat you are wearing", it will come across as way more intimidating than if it were just some stranger.

Second, moderators "should know well" the rules of the forum and be above approach when it comes to things like discussing the post rather than the poster, a line which the moderator in question walked dangerously close to when accusing Drew of expressing his opinion for monetary gain. Now if he had actual evidence of this, then that would have been one thing, but to basically "make stuff up" based on pure speculation, stuff that might be considered libel in a more official written venue (unlike most of us, Drew goes by his real name in the forum), that behavior is unbecoming of a moderator.
I'm not going to get drawn into a conversation about how you interpreted the post, and derail Drew's thread in the process. But I will say the badge being permanently on is a side effect of the new forum, and one which the moderators would change if we were able.
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