Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

hey @LittleAnt you know why they stopped showing how many people are in your server?

it is kinda important to my gameplay.

So, was just watching DG360's latest video and he noted a point that i had missed in CR's recent rant.

Chris Roberts said: Management doesn't dictate timelines

Now, of course, that might be cause for concern by itself, but it actually directly flies in the face of what they were saying a few years ago.

Remember how CIG used to say they intentionally set unrealistic deadlines for the devs in order to motivate them. At that time, i came out hard against that, saying it was crazy, but of course, on reddit the self-proclaimed project managers, developers, CTOs, etc, came out batting for Chris saying this is the right way to do things.

So, CIG are now claiming to be doing the opposite. I wonder if those self-same project managers/devs/CTOs are now coming out of the woodwork to say not dictating timelines is the right way to do things.
I'd also like to focus on the part where he says "I will not compromise"

This is also a major warning sign.

Its a well known maxim in project management: Time, Budget, Quality - pick 2.

CR doesn't want to pick. He assumes he has unlimited time and budget and will not sacrifice on quality. He wants it all.

Should backers overall lose faith in the project, he loses time and budget and therefore will lose quality.

The problem here is he doesn't need to compromise in quality over the long term, but he has to be realistic about it. There is nothing wrong with focusing on getting a few core things done to a good level of quality, hitting release, showing you can deliver, and then people will have confidence, they will give more money, and they will give you more time.

He's fine as long as backers keep buying those spaceships (and whatever else they decide to sell). As long as he can keep the hype train running, CIG can keep going. But if this is his approach, then its also pretty much ensures the game will never see the light of day.
You don’t understand closed beta development!

* Stabs controller with thumbs to make roadmap appear *
Haven't you heard? It's back to early alpha according to Christopher. This is how iterations work: Tier 0 -> early alpha -> beta -> early alpha - > trash everything and redo everything from the ground. As we are at the end of 5-year cycle, we are approaching "trash everything" moment, beta phase is way past us.

You are still in the game world. It might as well be a loading screen, but it isn't.

If I'm in that elevator with you and there isnt an armistice zone I can kill you.

Other than the elevator leaving the prison. That is a proper loading screen.

Got Renegade points?
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