Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I don't "hate" anybody or anything; I much prefer to criticise. Hating is exhausting business, it just gets the blood boiling, and emotions tend to cloud one's judgement, anyway. If somebody enjoys something I abhor, hey, no skin off my nose. Doesn't mean I have to agree or to stay quiet. Same deal the other way around, of course. Feel free to blast me for liking this or that. ;)

I'm thinking of the difference between SC and NMS.

There was a lot of "hate" towards NMS, but i took a wait and see approach to it. And after a year or so of release, Helo Games really started to turn things around.

I took the same approach to SC. I didn't become an outspoken critic of CIG/SC immediate. I was skeptical from almost the start. The grand claims, the saving of PC gaming, the 2-3 years development, the ever growing stretch goals and funding, and the nail in the coffin, the helmet flip demo. All were part of my skepticism. But i waiting to see what would happen. I only became an outspoken and vocal critic in around 2014-2015ish (don't remember exactly) when it became clear for me that CIG were leading its backers a merry runaround, that the game that was sold to backers was never likely to happen but CIG were content to keep milking backers for more and more money while promising the game was just around the corner while the real date of delivery was being pushed further and further into the future. My skeptical predictions in 2014-2015 that the game would not be released until 2020 were clearly not even skeptical enough. Scary thought that! I can't even imagine now how many more years and how much more money CIG need to get a releasable product at this point.

But hate... i really don't get that at all. I don't hate CIG. They guys are just trying to do their job under difficult conditions. I don't hate SC. Its just a game (under development). I don't even hate CR. I do find him rather clownish, inept as a project manager and CEO, and think the best thing for SC would be if CR was to step down or somehow be removed. I do find their marketing practices distasteful and outrageous... but hate them? No, because i never fell for the dirty tricks CIG use.
This thread is blatantly Post2Win

And i'm winning!

In your face Alec Turner!


I swear half my likes have come from this thread and its previous incarnations.
Maybe we are the cult after all?? Has anyone ever said or thought that?


But is it fanaticism or a strong opinion?`Whats the treshold? What are the boundaries? I posted in previous comments how I think that the term is often used wrong because fanaticism is so extreme, so over the top that it can be hardly understood by bystanders who have never been in contact with it. The term is rather used to antagonize, tease or ridicule others same as using "" even tho thats a medical term.

This thread certainly has a culture thats for sure but atfer 12 versons thats not really surprising. You can call it "etiquette" similar (but not as extreme) to Star Citizen praise channels where you have to provide a certain amount of groveling or crawling in the mud before you can even dare to critizise Roberts or the project. The reactions people get here are not unfounded or unwarranted tho. Its not like somebody posts "I like Star Citizen" and gets drowned in a swarm of ridicule, snark or flames even tho some people seem to perceive it that way. Rather its a "path" these very same people build for themselves. Maybe they start out with simply sharing their good times but soon dig themselves into explaining, justifying and defending the project...thats the problem and you wonder if that wasnt their intention all along when they so easily go back to that base in the end. It wouldnt be the first time someone who "wants" to troll attempts to the "I m one of you guys" routine to drive the knife homer a little deeper.

I m not new to the internet and I have been faced with strong opinions a lot. When in the past I was easily triggered by inpolite or hostile reactions which I considered unwarranted I have come to the realization that "flaming" or "trolling" is a widespread activity these days entertained by many to various degrees. I have embraced trolling on youtube for a time, curiosity, glee, soon became too stressfull, too time-consuming and it started to affect my life in less the beneficial ways.

Am I fanatical. Am I part of a cult?

I like to ask myself that question or talk to outsiders getting their opinion on my behavior. They dont need to know the first thing about Star Citizen to give me what I want. A neutral judgement to let me know if I overreact, overdo it. If I get too involved, too triggered, hurt even.

This thread has been a good source for discussion, exchange of views or information in past years. Lots of people have a similar opinion to my own but I know where they are coming from because we asked and provided reasons for said views. I would say I have a "strong opinion" about Star Citizen and I dont even try to present it in a sensittive or polite way anymore. I dont have any problem with anybody who disagrees with me because of it. But people try to antagonize or attack me when they are unable to change my view...often because their own knowledge is inferior to mine and they simply dont have the perspective I have. I have shared that perspective numerous times which should have made it clear that my frustration and ridicule is directed at CIG, not individuals who opt to support and like the project. On the way I utilize the same strategies and tactics that I receive which is.....eye opening because strangely when I try to "level" the playing field (by adapting to tone and agression directed at me) it usually .degrades the conversation rapidly (aka double bias)

I "try" to be the adult and stay objective, stay level headed and calm and ignore teasing and trolling but it constantly rubs against the "why me...." thoughts and its oh so easy to give way to the frustration and extract revenge against people who overstep the line in the first place. There are limits I m not willing to overstep of course which probably is the controlling factor in shifting to fanaticism. Always be "better". Always turn a blind eye is akin to playing the eternal victim. You will not survive constant attacks if all you do is defend. So you learn to counterattack or use retorts that provide a warning if you will. It helps to reel people back who didnt notice they were going too far but whoever only tries to troll will "go for the kill" smelling weakness.

There are forums where I am kind of a "tourist" at best. Places where I only hop in once in a blue moon and just react to the last page or two because I didnt read up on the current topic or dont bother with the effort. Its kind of a "hey guys....whats new" asking for updates or just driving by for old times sake. If it was a thread I only visited 2 or 3 times a year I wouldnt consider myself "part of that community" but as soon as I recognize people or come back more frequently to check on replies or reactions I am. So suddenly I become part of that thread or community. When I label it with "these guy suck" I only really talk about myself.

I observe reddit or even spektrum from a distance. I dont log in or post there but I have my view on them which I dont need to share. If I do I m really looking for a fight.

So take a step back and evaluate the people who come into this thread for the sole purpose to throw around accusations and vitriol, drag people into roundabout arguments and create scenarios that enable them to point and say "see, these guys are all haters". The last few pages are filled with posts from people who rewind, revitalize, aggrevate the whole thing one more time and they even try to play the "I am not one of you guys" card which is hilarious when they sit there updating the site waiting for replies they can pounce on.

Are we the cult?

I dont know dude....I dont think so but of course....the cultist usually is the last who realizes it.
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I'm thinking of the difference between SC and NMS.

There was a lot of "hate" towards NMS, but i took a wait and see approach to it. And after a year or so of release, Helo Games really started to turn things around.

I took the same approach to SC. I didn't become an outspoken critic of CIG/SC immediate. I was skeptical from almost the start. The grand claims, the saving of PC gaming, the 2-3 years development, the ever growing stretch goals and funding, and the nail in the coffin, the helmet flip demo. All were part of my skepticism. But i waiting to see what would happen. I only became an outspoken and vocal critic in around 2014-2015ish (don't remember exactly) when it became clear for me that CIG were leading its backers a merry runaround, that the game that was sold to backers was never likely to happen but CIG were content to keep milking backers for more and more money while promising the game was just around the corner while the real date of delivery was being pushed further and further into the future. My skeptical predictions in 2014-2015 that the game would not be released until 2020 were clearly not even skeptical enough. Scary thought that! I can't even imagine now how many more years and how much more money CIG need to get a releasable product at this point.

But hate... i really don't get that at all. I don't hate CIG. They guys are just trying to do their job under difficult conditions. I don't hate SC. Its just a game (under development). I don't even hate CR. I do find him rather clownish, inept as a project manager and CEO, and think the best thing for SC would be if CR was to step down or somehow be removed. I do find their marketing practices distasteful and outrageous... but hate them? No, because i never fell for the dirty tricks CIG use.

Well said. Actually, I pity those slaving away, doing crunch time, while slowly realising that what they are doing is worth . . . next to nothing, as so many things are revamped, and revamped again.

I understand that sometimes, this is necessary, but it appears that C Roberts is a control freak. That in of itself need not be harmful -- but it becomes a huge issue when a) the control freak has nobody to stop them, b) the control freak knows little (if anything) about the things he is trying to control, and c) he therefore cannot understand that certain things require time, and resources, and are best not done a hundred times for the frig of it.

Even if I had what it takes to work at such a place, I'd rather shove a bottle of well-shaken Irn Bru up my exhaust port in an attempt to out-do Icarus first...
Bitconnect was a ponzi scheme. SC is not. SC is a confidence scam. So both have people who were conned. In both, the conned gleefully support the project (until it collapses). So claiming to be a "funhaver" is irrelevant.

And after the collapse, the conned blame everyone else, including the critics. That will happen with SC.

Well, theoretically speaking a collapse is not a sure thing. CIG could eventually release a game that is really "playable now" by the unwashed masses and be enjoyable. It won't be the game people were sold, but it would be releasable product. Assuming CIG can ever solve the underlying technology issues and CR will get out of the way for enough time for the devs to actually get a few more gameplay loops in and who knows, maybe even a few extra systems.
Bitconnect was a ponzi scheme. SC is not. SC is a confidence scam. So both have people who were conned. In both, the conned gleefully support the project (until it collapses). So claiming to be a "funhaver" is irrelevant.

And after the collapse, the conned blame everyone else, including the critics. That will happen with SC.
Well SC is not a ponzi scheme, but with what money they are paying to their investors? As I'm pretty sure they did not got a "pledge" from Calders...and CIG certainly should not run any profits...
My biggest disappointment with modern Internet discourse is that there is a significant amount of cynicism, with people assuming the worst. Just because a company or developer has not adhered to a single date, roadmap item, milestone, release date, game play mode, or even how many games that company may or may not be developing does not mean that developer lied, as opposed to the fact that it's just what you say when you want more money to "develop" something than you currently have.

We did, after all, say we would treat you like any other publisher.

Bitconnect was a ponzi scheme. SC is not.
It's only because CRobber doesn't understand how Ponzi scheme works. In Ponzi scheme you have to pay to earlier backers with funds from more recent backers, but Holy Roberts took all the money to himself. And what would you think? It somehow worked. I'm telling you, the man is a Genius!

wall of text

Are we the cult?

wall of text
And he is back!!!

Regarding the question:
I have checked the badges of our caps, they are looking good!

Edit: Damn, StuartGT beat me with the picture!
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How can a private individual, completely unrelated to any corporate entity involved with SC - reimburse or refund or otherwise compensate or perform any business on behalf of SC?
Because he's a generous soul who wants to help where he can with his own personal money.
Is that so hard to believe?
Que the influx of invoices 🙂
That's a very generous offer Pug - but I'll have to decline.

These weren't wasted pennies. It's not about the money - $500 is half-a-night-out in a not particularly great part of Chicago. It's a debt owed by Genuine Roberts to deliver what he promised to me and many others. And if he can't deliver on those promises - then for the rest of eternity, he'll owe that to us.
I get that Asp and I do share some of your frustration as the gaming industry is a terrible PTW mess in some cases but as usual some 'goldfish' ignore the water and it's wetness entirely and try to convince the other 'fish' that they are being forced to swim in Hydrofluoric acid. (rubbish analogy BTW)

It is disgraceful how long it has and will be going on for but my point all the way through these discussions is around that it is tangible at the moment and regardless of how much money is at the other end and the ethics of 'said' earner. You can use it now to a degree.
They need to introduce a Lemon law in gaming.

I really don't know how he said that with a straight face. By March 2015 they had sold stuff that still hasn't been delivered upon. There are ships that were sold before then they still haven't released. Never mind all the stretch goals. They still need more money to deliver on those things. They've had 6 more years of funding since then and still haven't delivered.

The man lives in a dream world of his own creation.
By March 2015 they had sold stuff that still hasn't been delivered upon. There are ships that were sold before then they still haven't released.
See? CRobber hadn't had to pay for that stuff he sold, just as he said.

I don't understand how he does that, but when Genuine Chris says anything, we hear not what he really implied, but what we think he implied. Several years later it always turns out that he was telling the truth, in the most blunt way possible, we just hadn't got the meaning in time.

CRobber promised that he will treat backers as he does treat publishers - and we bought it, despite knowing all to well how bad he actually treats publishers.
CRobber said that he can't spend five years on making SC, and he had spent nine years (and counting), but not five.
Back in 2012 CRobber said that this is the game while showing us a demo, and we do have a demo instead of the game.

Genuine Roberts is always telling the truth, we just interpret it wrong.
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