Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Sorry, but hahahahahahahaha. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: This is an online forum for discussing computer games, since when do random strangers online need to 'earn your trust' to talk abouthow they like or do not like a game?! For real Your Royal Highness, get some perspective.

You're understanding it backwards. They don't need to earn my trust, there is no obligation. But Mole has earned the trust of the skeptics in this thread and that is why we trust his reports and point of view on the game. Others haven't and that is why they get critical responses to their trip reports.
I personally had two "moments" with the Star Citizen project. One was early after Arena Commander released, when I was shooting up a Scythe. I shot its wing off and the wing flew over my head/cockpit as I pursued it. That was freaking awesome. And that was 6 years ago. My second was the first time I landed on a planet, got out of the spaceship, and just looked around. It was just a nice quiet moment. And that was 3 years ago.

So when I'm told by both Roberts and the shills that my experiences of not just the ARG surrounding the project are wrong, but the software product itself, I'm more than a bit skeptical of the intent of the message and narrative.

This bit deserves a serious response. Firstly, I guess it means you had two more moments than I did. But two games I did enjoy a lot are Morrowind and ED.

I have always been a PC gamer, but until recently had no money to speak of. So my pcs were always kinda crap. Morrowind, one of my all-time favs, ran around 15-20 FPS and would crash every twenty minutes or so. I played it for 100s of hours.

In ED just sitting in my SRV on a barren planet in VR has been so impressive, that just that experience, doing nothing at all, was worth the purchasing cost for me. To others the SRV is a grindy, poorly designed snorefest they skip as often as possible.

So when someone says they enjoyed SC I have no problem believing them. I like none of it myself, performance is terrible, there is very little gameplay and all the hyped stuff is missing and unlikely to ever appear. But none of that means people cannot genuinely enjoy getting out of their SC bed, janking through empty hallways and flying their no-clip ships.

And when people talk about a game, it is normal to talk about the stuff you enjoyed and be excited. No e of us are journalists, nobody is paid to be unbiased or fair or anything. When I talk about morrowind I don't feel the need to add a 'btw it crashes a lot' disclaimer to counterbalance my praise. When I talk about how impressive watching an alien sunrise in VR was in ED I don't need to talk about how poorly balanced the shield meta is 'to keep it fair and honest'.

And never mind Agony's mind-boggingly and cultist idea that people need to 'earn our trust' before we can just accept random bloke had some fun in a computer game. Let's just take a step back and realize how obvious a truth it is that some people enjoy SC.

Some people like being kicked in the nuts. No need to doubt people claiming that, or ask them how much they truly know about shoe development. It doesn't matter anyway: SC doesn't become better or worse if some random bloke likes or dislikes it. The game is what it is, and we can discuss that without suspicion, paranoia or trust-earning.
You're understanding it backwards. They don't need to earn my trust, there is no obligation. But Mole has earned the trust of the skeptics in this thread and that is why we trust his reports and point of view on the game. Others haven't and that is why they get critical responses to their trip reports.

"I like a computer game a bit."
"You haven't earned our trust so I don't think you are speaking the truth."

Do you have any clue how that sounds to someone not invested emotionally in this crapshow?
Let's just take a step back and realize how obvious a truth it is that some people enjoy SC.

We all know that Sleut. You're wrestling with Blobers-esque cartoon villains in your mind, to make yourself feel like a hero.

The fact that some people also hard-sell the game in an active attempt to paint over its failings is still a phenomenon though, driven mainly by the 'sunk cost fallacy'. That is the simple, uncontroversial, point being made.

You're literally threshing around in a pit of hypocrisy with these big bad boogie men you keep conjuring and insulting, all while claiming to be the voice of non-tribal balance ;)
So, Ci-G can't release Nyx before they release Pyro, and they can't release pyro befor they release Server Meshing, and they can't release Server Meshing before they release iCache? But they had already removed Delamar from Stanton?
Looks like Hangar Module is the limit of CRobber's ability to make something work properly.
But hey, as long as avid backers can drool on their ships in the hangar, it's worth their money!

Lots of drive bys going on here...thought I had woke up in Manchester :oops:
Is it a bad omen when you wake up in Manchester? From the sounds of gunshots? In the car trunk?
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Not sure what that is supposed to mean. It is interesting though that about a dozen people here have spend literally thousands of pages repeating the same old "SC is poopy pants!" mantra, and every time someone pushes back even the slightest we get this Monty Python'esque "Help help we are being oppressed!" rhetoric. :ROFLMAO:

I dont know "thousands of pages" sounds better to me than "thousands of dollars" AMIRITE hahaha :D:D:D

and your

Okay, lets do this same old tired dance again. :rolleyes:

explains why that is :D

But same as in school you gotta go agaaaaaiiin from the start and enduldge the slow kids because its your job or you think its the right thing to do. Doing the right thing is actually harder than just turning your back. Some people here actuially are/were teachers but you dont need to be one to remember the past and have rational faculties.

I guess this thread has been reduced to the same thing that Star Citizen is.....a circus providing free entertainment and laughs. It helps to pass the time....and it helps to get over the disappointment that Star Citizen is to many. But if you dont like it.....

I'm just a dude who appreciates every single post on its own merrit without swearing eternal allegiance to a specific tribe of nerds. I know, it is very hard to grasp for someone who spends real-life money to get entrance to a safe space just to crap talk people who spend real-life money on fake space ships in a dumb game you've been hating on for years.

It's okay. Really. :)

You start out so well and then you obliterate your own saying with the rest of what you post.....cheers dude, good job 😂 (y)

People on the internet go on crusades against EA, Epic, Ubisoft, but for me, CIG are worse than any of those.

Aint that the truth....

Phew... what a lot of posts.

Getting up there with MBTFritz!

What are you talking about? Its not like you increased your post count or anything. You are doing this for quite some time already but because you "cannot hold a thought" you have to split your posts all the way or maybe your have a weird hand twitch which results in intermittent posts? :D I post maybe once a day and I admit my posts can be massive....if you combined all your posts into one you would dwarf me.....every day of the week :) Get help!

@Sanya V. Juutilainen
Dont think I didnt see that upvote....I m going to be cross with you :mad:

Naah - Fritz is like Lemmy.


...I m going to start a list, You wanne get on my list? DO YOU????

And the spectacular pictures of the island he quarantines his demonic cows on!

I think hes a nice guy so I ve come to the conclusion that his "farm" is really self.isolation on behalf of the rest of humanity and to prevent his cows from hurting innocents. While other people would use dogs he has his cats (they look positively feral) and speaks in "code" to name the other protectors sharing his fate ^^

Perhaps I will come here from time to time for the big news.

Awwww so we wont see you anymore? Shame :(

Its largely a matter of how people report on their experiences. Look at the likes Mole's posts get when he talks about the fun he has had and the positive reception he gets to his descriptions of the game.


Because we trust his reports, we trust him not to exaggerate about the fun he is having, we trust him not to lie about his experiences, and he will point out the good with the bad.

Others though, they haven't earned that trust because their reports are usually full of gushing praise and statements which are frankly speaking highly suspect.

scribbles down notes and puts it into his "how to get upvotes easily" folder

....continue neutral face

You're understanding it backwards. They don't need to earn my trust, there is no obligation. But Mole has earned the trust of the skeptics in this thread and that is why we trust his reports and point of view on the game. Others haven't and that is why they get critical responses to their trip reports.

Even tho most make an appearance claiming the same goals or motivations only to degenrate quickly into sndie, snark and personal attacks all the while defending Star Citizen.

Also Agony has his first "follower" cheers buddy, you throwing a party? :)
Lots of drive bys going on here...thought I had woke up in Manchester :oops:
Not dangerous enough yet, lots of Elitist talk though. It reminded me more of eating in a school cafeteria or I guess the SC mess hall. Lots of ideas for gameplay for NPC's.
Quick question when is SC 4.0 due out?
Quick question when is SC 4.0 due out?
Somewhere in/over 2017, but don't hold CRobber to dates.
Not dangerous enough yet, lots of Elitist talk though. It reminded me more of eating in a school cafeteria or I guess the SC mess hall. Lots of ideas for gameplay for NPC's.
Quick question when is SC 4.0 due out?

With CiGs "a major patch each quarter" it cant be too far off. What are 3 months? Time flies.
We all know that Sleut. You're wrestling with Blobers-esque cartoon villains in your mind, to make yourself feel like a hero.

The fact that some people also hard-sell the game in an active attempt to paint over its failings is still a phenomenon though, driven mainly by the 'sunk cost fallacy'. That is the simple, uncontroversial, point being made.

You're literally threshing around in a pit of hypocrisy with these big bad boogie men you keep conjuring and insulting, all while claiming to be the voice of non-tribal balance ;)

Right, so literally saying "I had a tad enjoyment" as Pug did is so outrageously "painting over the flaws" that it makes sense to openly be "suspicious" about it and claim he "hasn't earned our trust"?

Come on man, that stuff is just clownish.
SC backers pop into the thread all the time to say "I'm having fun" and think it is substantive. It's not relevant. Carlos Matos had a tad enjoyment with Bitconnect.
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