Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Q&A- First Footfall

Bruce G

I see the Console First Footfall question was tactfully avoided. It's a big shame that Console Cmdrs will be prevented in being able to ensure their first footfall on the planet of their choice. Also in future please don't patronise us with their are plenty to choose from. The Console community find it insulting. I fully understand the business decision behind the decision but ots wholly unfair imo.

Hey OrangePheonix,

First Footfall accolades will be available from the full PC launch. I understand you and other console playing finding this frustrating, however we'd like to reiterate the following:
  • Any landable planets in systems with a population greater than 0 will be considered to have already been claimed
  • We estimate with the launch of Odyssey that the amount of ‘landable’ planets will increase by roughly 20%
  • Currently only 0.05% of the galaxy has been explored.
With all this in mind, we are confident that there will be plenty of opportunities for console Commanders to make their mark at launch later in the year.

Edit: the accolades will be active from FULL launch, not the Alpha.
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Q: How does Odyssey affect the number of landable planets in-game?
The number of planets that will be landable for the first time in Odyssey will be in the billions but to give you a more tangible reference point, based on regions we’ve tested so far Odyssey will have around 20% more landable planets than the base game.

The base game had 0% of landable planets we had to wait for Horizons landable Ice and rocks
But the base game now includes Horizons (since October or November last year), hence use of the term base game in OP.
  • Any landable planets in systems with a population greater than 0 will be considered to have already been claimed
Oh wow ... OK that changes things. I retract my earlier comment about the rush for notable planets like Pomeche and BGS relevant planets then. I hadn't appreciated that you meant that ALL planets in greater then 0 population systems would be pre claimed ... I assumed you just meant the more obvious ones like those in Sol.
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Hey OrangePheonix,

First Footfall accolades will be available from the PC Alpha launch. I understand you and other console playing finding this frustrating, however we'd like to reiterate the following:
  • Any landable planets in systems with a population greater than 0 will be considered to have already been claimed
  • We estimate with the launch of Odyssey that the amount of ‘landable’ planets will increase by roughly 20%
  • Currently only 0.0XX% of the galaxy has been explored.
With all this in mind, we are confident that there will be plenty of opportunities for console Commanders to make their mark at launch later in the year.

Wait does this mean first footfall carries over from Alpha to main game?
Will there be new points of interest to explore? Some that are specifically tailored towards space legs? No need to get into any details (and spoil the fun of exploring). Just curious if there will be new things to look out for
How does that work lore wise then? Does the Federation Of First Footfalls supply us all with boots fitted with the latest quantum entangled data transmitters where Universal Cartographics still require a 27B/6 proof of discovery form to be handed in over the counter?

And will that on occasion not lead to a planet having First Footfall but the entire system being undiscovered as they didnt make it home safely?

  • Any landable planets in systems with a population greater than 0 will be considered to have already been claimed

uh, oh, I read from the OP that probably Guardian, Thargoid, INRA, Exodus etc would also have first footfall pre-discovered? Can this be clarified please, will Alpha PC users have all the uninhabited lore sites and others just the non-descript? Not taking anything away from the pride of first footfall on a barren moon 15k LY away but its still not the same as a lore site for those of us who play a lore game.
Oh wow ... OK that changes things. I retract my earlier comment about the rush for notable planets like Pomeche and BGS relevant planets then. I hadn't appreciated that you meant that ALL planets in greater then 0 population systems would be pre claimed ... I assumed you just meant the more obvious ones like those in Sol.

That's half an Eddie Izzard sketch. 😄

"I claim First Footfall. My name will forever be attached to this planet!"
"What do you mean First Footfall? We live here!"


Volunteer Moderator
Thanks very much for the Q&A. I have a couple of questions regarding some clarifications that you've made.

Hey @Athan, it will be instant and you won't have to sell any data. Thanks
Well that represents quite a change from the current mechanics. What was the reason you decided to do this, and will it stay in place only for first footfall and not discovered or mapped?

First Footfall accolades will be available from the PC Alpha launch. I understand you and other console playing finding this frustrating,
Not just console Cmdrs, but also anyone on PC who doesn't have access to the Alpha. In every other Alpha and Beta we have had in game, what happens in Beta stays in Beta. This comment means that now the Beta galaxy is actually going to be tied to the main game. Given that the Exploration data is kept in a different database and has never been fully part of any of the Betas this is another huge change!

Does this mean that every other activity that takes place in the Alpha and Beta is going to affect the live game as well?
Hey @Athan, it will be instant and you won't have to sell any data. Thanks

Please reconsider this. Part of the exploration experience is getting back safely with our data. Adding instant rewards is taking away from a playstyle that's already got precious little risk involved. Besides, it makes no sense as we have to log our discoveries with UC, we should have to log first footfall with them too to prove we were there!
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Please reconsider this. Part of the exploration experience is getting back safely with our data. Adding instant rewards is taking away from a playstyle that's already got precious little risk involved. Besides, it makes no sense as we have to log our discoveries with UC, we should have to log first football with them too to prove we were there!

We lost that argument with UCs on FCs. At least this solution to 1FF means we are all equal....cough Alpha cough
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