How big is our VR Community

Started ED in 2014 on my imac. When Mac support was dropped in 2016 i had to quit. Then in 2017 I bought a windows rig with a Vive and Saitec 52 pro HOTAS. In 2018 I upgraded to Vive Pro. In 2020 I switched to Virpil HOTAS.
NEVER going back to pancake-mode. So for me Odyssey will only be a visual upgrade regarding nicer planet graphics and more detailed flora. And I still hope the will make it full VR over time.
Oculus Rift (CV1) - maybe 30% of my total playtime is in VR. That may seem low, but most of my playtime is in Linux using Proton/WINE and getting Oculus hardware running smoothly in Linux just isn't good enough yet. When running in Windows, my VR playtime % is closer to 80%.
After starting on an PS4 last year I basically built a PC to run Elite Dangerous in VR with the goal of using it with a Reverb G2. It took a while to get the components (and lucky to snap up a 3090 while it was available as they are as rare as an honest politician now) but I built it and got a G2.

It took a good while to fine tune my Windows 10 installation to get it to run at a somewhat acceptable (for me) graphics quality as a G2 REALLY needs horsepower to make it shine. But ED was the first game I have ever played in VR and after that first time of actually sitting in my Vulture and staring in awe around the cockpit I knew that playing on a flat monitor is like going back to a black and white television after watching a film in an IMAX cinema. However, on my 27" 2560 x 1440 monitor I can put ED's quality settings up to Ultra on everything and set oversampling to 2.0 and it would run as smooth as butter. That is NOT the case in VR and I can't wait until we have the technology where I can up the quality settings to match a flat screen.

I am looking forward to Odyssey though, although I haven't played the alpha. I am a bit disheartened that Frontier consider VR as an afterthought although I hope that with enough pressure they'll make it a higher priority. I'm not sure how the experience will be going to a cinema flat screen in the VR headset, although initial reports show that it's pretty underwhelming. I hope they improve at least that.
Oculus Rift (CV1) - maybe 30% of my total playtime is in VR. That may seem low, but most of my playtime is in Linux using Proton/WINE and getting Oculus hardware running smoothly in Linux just isn't good enough yet. When running in Windows, my VR playtime % is closer to 80%.
I play 100% in VR (OR CV2) As soon as I'm forced to have a Facebook account (2022) to use the Rift, I'm dumping it and going for a different/new/more modern VR set up - maybe the G2 or G3 by then. Since I'm lucky enough to have VR, I refuse to play anything outside of VR.
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I play 100% in VR (OR CV2) As soon as I'm forced to have a Facebook account (2022) to use the Rift, I'm dumping it and going for a different/new/more modern VR set up - maybe the G2 or G3 by then. Since I'm lucky enough to have VR, I refuse to play anything outside of VR.
I'm looking at the DecaGear, sometime this year :cool:
Started with a HTC Vive sometime ago, but didn't have hardware to run it in VR very well. Now got a Quest 1, RTX2080, but need a faster processor and more VRAM/RAM.
Looking forward to the DecaGear if it eventuates, fully supports SteamVR, better controller (but using a HOTAS and Voice Attack) and resolution, and can be wireless. Guess graphics card update will have to wait.
I started off on Xbox and switched to PC earlier this year.

Got myself a Quest 2 for VR and recently picked up an X52 HOTAS for even more immersion.

I honestly don't think I could go backto playing flatscreen now I've tried VR.

I've also just spent £5 to make my ship computer sound like it has the I.Q of 12,000 car park attendants. I love Elite.
I'm returning to ED after a long absence. I play exclusively in VR, and to be honest, I found the game impossible to use without it. But that's a personal thing.

I use the OR CV1, but will dump this, probably for a G2 once I have to align my Oculus account with facebook.

The only exception to my vr use is the little buggy thing..I cannot handle that in VR!
I play 100% in VR (OR CV2) As soon as I'm forced to have a Facebook account (2022) to use the Rift, I'm dumping it and going for a different/new/more modern VR set up - maybe the G2 or G3 by then. Since I'm lucky enough to have VR, I refuse to play anything outside of VR.
There's no such thing as a CV2. Do you mean Rift S or DK2?
Still don't get it why they'll put us in this cinema-view in Oddyssey. No one expects to have a fully developed VR-experience with VR-Controllers like Half-Life Alyx. But just a normal SRV-like VR-View and an X-Box controller would be enough to make us happy, right? Hell, I could even use the thumbsticks on my HOTAS to control my character in space legs.
Didn't find confirmed information anywhere. So I hereby ask the devs: How big is the VR-Community in Elite Dangerous? Are you able to track that information? Just curious.

If not, I would like to see a poll or a possibilty to have a checkbox "VR-User" in the users profiles. I would like to know whether or not the VR thing is growing in ED.
I only play Elite in VR - I'm so used to it that playing on a flat screen just feels weird to me. I don't know how many of us there actually are, but those who aren't playing in VR are missing out lol.
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