Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 3


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
This is a bit of a renegade way for me to do this, but you should know me by now...

If you're a regular Horizons Only player on PC OR Console and are experiencing crashes when making jumps in your Fleet Carrier, can you either link me an existing issue for this that's somewhere in the tracker, or jot me one up please? https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/37010

Want to get this nailed down. Thanks!
Exterior terrain overflowing into interior (cargo container from Irregular Marker) and chest preventing looting of items.


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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Ah Sally, while we're at it and you're working overtime. I'm now at 11,635 hours playtime. How about a little jubilee donation once I hit 12,000?
How about 500t of tritium, pretty please?
/jk (yes I know, I'm childish)

What I CAN give you is a little...cheer. Like I would absolutely openly cheer at my desk because that is incredible effort logged there o7!!
This is a bit of a renegade way for me to do this, but you should know me by now...

If you're a regular Horizons Only player on PC OR Console and are experiencing crashes when making jumps in your Fleet Carrier, can you either link me an existing issue for this that's somewhere in the tracker, or jot me one up please? https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/37010

Want to get this nailed down. Thanks!
Hi Sally, I don’t own an FC, but my observations on PS4, when you jump somewhere with lots of FCs you start getting lots of performance issues frame rate tanking instancing fails etc and sometimes crashes, less so on PS4, but more so on PS5 from what I’m hearing/seeing from the lucky ones that have the rarest of console beasts.

Great work by the way! o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Wow! Just wow!! Thank you @sallymorganmoore and @Zac Cocken and all the Community Team, this is precisely the type of interaction that goes a long way, also we just love nattering with you so thanks for being here! :) Please make mucho positive noises to those who want to hear such positive noises for your change of approach!

Now to business..
The Item wheel is still inverted on the Horizontal axis when using a controller. It has been this way since day 1 of Alpha and has been highlighted many times, it really breaks the ability to use it correctly. Here is the issue on the current build of Odyssey issue tracker:

The Jetpack doesn't work correctly when using an xbox controller.. it won't accept long presses so just gives one short spurt, not enough to satisfy until you press it again and again. it results in rapid tapping but doesn't gain the height of a long press nor the control which means a controller user is at a serious disadvantage.. can't even jump ontop of me ship at times!

Thanks once again guys, you're doin a bang-up job, stay safe an keep well!

I'm good at noises. Thanks Piglet!
Also thanks for pushing these links. Gottem o7!
It may be that the game is looking at your loadout when you disembark as a reference on what to resupply with you with.
I'll try it later and report back!
I noticed this a couple of days ago. It has only happened since I bought some ebreaches, but what happens now is that I drop the ebreaches as it won't let me enter the ship with them in the backpack, and once in the ship, it seems I am automatically resupplied. Even if I attempt to leave the ebreaches at home, some helpful leprechaun adds them to my pack, unless I'm not quite using the UI properly. So I now appear to have infinite e-breaches. And to have them in my backpack at all times. It also happens to commanders I'm winged with, even if they've never bought an e-breach... I wonder if it's linked in some way to the infinite ammo bug, as that seems to be spreading from my ship (Krait MkII) to commanders I'm winged with too...
They don't show as POIs anymore, that's intentional. You have to go looking for them ;)
Oh, do you mean roam the planet surface from any drop point and search it entirely until you come near it to show a POI or you see it from your cockpit?
I notice they fixed the culling issue that made a wall in the station vanishing allow me to see the landing pads etc - unfortunately that bug proved that no culling is happening because my frames actually went up by 2 fps when the wall was missing and I was looking out into the station, when the wall was drawn I got 2 fps less!! now the wall doesn't vanish and I still only get about 30FPS - meaning the game is still drawing all the stuff in the barrel of station that I can't actually see because I'm down by the turbo lifts looking at a pain wall.

I still only 20FPS when I look out of the window in the pioneer store towards the concourse and get about 32fps when standing the other side of the window looking at the view.

Also space is still too dark, I almost flew into a planet! I literally couldn't see it - I only noticed I was no seeing stars ahead and just managed to pull up in time!

FYI: I tested the update in the station before and after upgrading to the current Nvidia driver from the previous version - no difference at all in FPS.

Deleted member 38366

Hm, I'm seeing the blue Artemis Exobiologist Suit being more complete now - it's still missing its Helmet though.

Other than that, things run a tad smoother now, much appreciated.
Hello! One for the issue tracker if you have time please! Thanks millions! https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/37010
Would love to though uneventful to date. Reported cases like this and other issues in Issue Tracker. Since May, all issues reported, with those including multiple player additions confirming reproducible, all remain in Confirming state.

Though a great effort for development and QA for the list of issues in the previous and current update releases. Well done.
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Thanks for the update Sally. The team have been busy! I'm loving Odyssey and I really appreciate all the hard work the team are putting into it. Please pass on my thanks to the whole team. :)
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