State of the Game

But that's true of a moddable version of ANY game - assuming your 'everything is configurable' utopia. You seem to be assuming that 'mod support' will turn ED into some version of 'RPG Maker in space'.

it's hardly expecting much being able to tweak BGS attributes via a mod interface (that's fairly standard stuff) or edit the database that you have access to (since it's your private server).

the game is not far from a lot of different "utopias" that's what players find the most frustrating about it. It's just shy of being great in a lot of ways. You dont need to be able to do much to push in it the right direction. The biggest obstacle to that is that the right direction is different for many different people. This allows you to cater to all of them (all of the ones where the utopia needed falls within the ability of the mod interface and personal server).
The state of the game as I see it.
I wanted to record my thoughts on the game as a long suffering (for all the right reasons) cmdr who has been playing since 1984 (on and off) and really loves Elite Dangerous and Horizons. In a million years time when a small portion of this blue green planet ends up in some scientists lab maybe they will come across this thread and finally understand. Or maybe the Lizard overlords will just erase it with a well deserved emphatic "cough".

I am in two minds. Much like Zaphod but without the ego. Either the game had no where to go and Odyssey was the last gasp before the big one or, the game has plenty of potential yet to be realised? In truth maybe somewhere in between. Lots of potential with no one to realise it.

I am not an Odyssey player. I play in open or a group and even then I play on my own. My style is Exploration, Trading, Mining and Thargoid combat (in that order). So FPS combat while interesting is not of interest. Ironically it was the non FPS aspects of Odyssey I was looking forward to. First planet foot fall (That Armstrong Moment). Discoveries. New and exciting planets. Having a drink in the bar. VR. Sadly, none of these aspects has been truly realised. But that's fine. Then again no it isn't.

VR is a big passion killer. Yes, I'm in a fortunate minority. But I sold the kidney, three testicals and half a liver to pay for it and I wan't it. In all it's impractical, jittery, warping nauseating game play. I wan't the choice. Why can't they just implement it in solo mode if there are concerns with PvP?. At least I could have something?

So what. I won't buy Odyssey because the core game play will be the same? Right? Wrong. From what I have read Odyssey is a big Exploration nerf. First it was admitted that the universe was reset. Not upgraded with love but just blanket reset. That's like saying to the player base "none of the previous years matter". Of course it does to me. But it also means a well loved route may turn out to be a beige corderoy nightmare with elbow patches. Immersion has suddenly become very flat.

But they didn't break anything else, right? The list of broken things to add to the previous list of broken things is quite astounding. I now have no idea if any previous well trodden paths are actually still standing. Trade routes trashed. Engineering mats cast asunder. My list of stations with toilet facilities now a soiled pipe dream. I could play for six months only to find I've missed 20% of the gameplay due to fails, bugs, purple sidewinders and errors or because it just isn't there. That's like trying to grind the grinder. My reaction therefore is to not play.

Putting the game down is good though. Give it a break. Come back when everything is fixed? Time is a good healer but not in gameplay terms. The longer you leave a game the less likely you are to return. I'm at the cusp. Elite Dangerous is still in my mindset. MSFS2020, No Mans Sky, Star Citizen, Moss and Lone Echo II are all clambering for my attention.

Here's the deal for me. I didn't buy Odyssey and won't until I see positive posts in the future. Neither will I throw some ARX to the devs to keep them interested. I did that in the past. I got no love. My ships are mothballed. The missus is in Cryo. I can't find the cat.

Give me unbroken game play.
Give me back the universe.
Give me VR and my Armstrong moment.
Add some more content.
Explain why I had three testicals.

The wait begins...

I was going to make a cheeky reply, on how this really isn't the place to discuss anything relating to the thread's title, as it evolved on page 1 into this mod-friendly abomination that even TJ enjoys!

However, your post was articulate, reasoned, and not full of wild claims on how the game will be dead by 9am tomorrow! So, I shall avoid this (although the above can be taken as a mild nudge towards future posting in the right direction, young man ;) ).

But, I found your post interesting to read, and I can't really argue against any of it. I haven't bought Odyssey yet either, despite my hanging out almost exclusively in here!

The most important part I thought of your post though, is that the missus is in cryo. Is this a sci-fi reference, or have you killed her and put her in the freezer? I hope it's the first, or Rubbernuke will be knocking on your door pronto!

Not dead yet!

(on topic and in response to bottom hat's inquiry)


Hahahaha! Good man! Feel free to stay buddy - you made me laugh, and then I worried that I might have offended you. Granted I was too lazy to try and correct this, but it's the thought that counts.

Actually please do stay, and try to distract Ender from boring us to tears with more crap.
Actually please do stay, and try to distract Ender from boring us to tears with more crap.

It's not my fault the rest of the forum got super boring and so there's nothing to make fun of because fdev is taking forever to give us anything about patch 6 to rage and Doom over.

All they're doing out there is talking about opinions about people's videos that talk about their opinions on how to fix the game or how doomed it is if they dont listen to their ideas.
None of them are even touching on actual important issues either, like the crafting of Dredgers for personal piloting use by players.
I was going to make a cheeky reply, on how this really isn't the place to discuss anything relating to the thread's title, as it evolved on page 1 into this mod-friendly abomination that even TJ enjoys!

However, your post was articulate, reasoned, and not full of wild claims on how the game will be dead by 9am tomorrow! So, I shall avoid this (although the above can be taken as a mild nudge towards future posting in the right direction, young man ;) ).

But, I found your post interesting to read, and I can't really argue against any of it. I haven't bought Odyssey yet either, despite my hanging out almost exclusively in here!

The most important part I thought of your post though, is that the missus is in cryo. Is this a sci-fi reference, or have you killed her and put her in the freezer? I hope it's the first, or Rubbernuke will be knocking on your door pronto!

Hahahaha! Good man! Feel free to stay buddy - you made me laugh, and then I worried that I might have offended you. Granted I was too lazy to try and correct this, but it's the thought that counts.

Actually please do stay, and try to distract Ender from boring us to tears with more crap.
None taken at all Bottom Hat I try to save my offenses for the serious stuphfs

far too much easy offenseness (+5 for new word?) about these days in too many places.

and all hail the cosmic jellyfish!

and is anyone in the entire universe actually interested in this NMLA storyline?

the pace of the narrative is speeding along like the game is going to last for 25 years and the rest of the development of the game is behaving like it's already on life support.

I'm pretty sure the helm is just sitting there with the wheel spinning
I do find it amusing that most of the streamers who quit the game a few weeks ago (which signaled the doooooooom) are oddly still making videos about the game. And that the Steam charts that people keep posting of declining numbers (which signaled the dooooooom) have a similar decline for... well, more or less every other game as well. (Which has nothing to do with the summer, football, end of lockdowns, or anything like that. Well, not for Elite. For the other games, yes - for Elite, its because doooooooom)
I'm pretty sure the helm is just sitting there with the wheel spinning
It might - and I'm just spitballing ideas here - have something to do with the fact that the forums and social media had a full meltdown over the release of Odyssey, and as such they're right now all-hands-to-the-pump trying to put out that proverbial fire, and have postponed doing additional bits until the base stuff is sorted?
I do find it amusing that most of the streamers who quit the game a few weeks ago (which signaled the doooooooom) are oddly still making videos about the game. And that the Steam charts that people keep posting of declining numbers (which signaled the dooooooom) have a similar decline for... well, more or less every other game as well. (Which has nothing to do with the summer, football, end of lockdowns, or anything like that. Well, not for Elite. For the other games, yes - for Elite, its because doooooooom)

are they space flying games? cuz i know my video game habits are not impacted by sports (because i dont care about watching sports) and aren't really impacted by seasons and such...

and even if a streamer was leaving the game, i doubt they'd successfully be able to do it cold turkey. building up a viewership around a different game when you built yours around a single game is going to take time. gotta wean viewers off one and onto another

and like streamers or not, they tend to actually like the games they're always streaming about. so like 90% of this forum. they keep resisting reality and believing that they can enjoy it out of sheer will to get fdev to make whatever change that is making it all Doom for them.
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