*******Odyssey: Console Release ETA. *******

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It's all about prioritization... Emotes would be on the bottom of a my devstack. But... maybe showing other players how much you like their new Arx-bought suit is really really important.

Someone must have set this feature above the so much needed performance fix, which is needed since release...
Or the people who are working on animations and HUD aren't the same who are building the engine.

What do you want? That all the artists, designers etc. simply wait until the engine programmers fixed the issues? Or that they get shifted to another project? That wouldn't make anything faster.
I don't get it. Maybe you simply don't know how video games are created (yeah funny, I know, neither does FDEV apparently...) but that doesn't explain why you (and the others) are so eager to share their ignorance.

So one more time: nobody has set emotes above performance fixes as a priority. The people who are responsible aren't the same. Maybe they aren't even working on the same corridor...
Or the people who are working on animations and HUD aren't the same who are building the engine.

What do you want? That all the artists, designers etc. simply wait until the engine programmers fixed the issues? Or that they get shifted to another project? That wouldn't make anything faster.
I don't get it. Maybe you simply don't know how video games are created (yeah funny, I know, neither does FDEV apparently...) but that doesn't explain why you (and the others) are so eager to share their ignorance.

So one more time: nobody has set emotes above performance fixes as a priority. The people who are responsible aren't the same. Maybe they aren't even working on the same corridor...

This has all been said to the console players and others before.

Or the people who are working on animations and HUD aren't the same who are building the engine.

What do you want? That all the artists, designers etc. simply wait until the engine programmers fixed the issues? Or that they get shifted to another project? That wouldn't make anything faster.
I don't get it. Maybe you simply don't know how video games are created (yeah funny, I know, neither does FDEV apparently...) but that doesn't explain why you (and the others) are so eager to share their ignorance.

So one more time: nobody has set emotes above performance fixes as a priority. The people who are responsible aren't the same. Maybe they aren't even working on the same corridor...
And it has been already answered by many that at some point even the coders are involved to implement the designers completed things. Also adding new stuff bears the possibility of new gamebreakers, that need to be fixed - on-top of the already existing bug pile.... all explained before and shared by other forum members.
Fictive Example: Ohh noooo... the new emote control UI blocks the other on-foot UIs e.g. the weapon change UI... Ohhh we have to fix this first, before we can return to fix X Y Z... Voila: even more delay added.
FDev has limited capacities on developing ED left. It's an old game. Forget about tens of teams working on different construction sites in ED. Not in a so many years old game. Even FDev stated this some long time ago, that the team size has changed over time. And no, I won't ping Sally for that question.

And I do know how dev processes run in industry and also managed this stuff - so I know, what I am talking about. I am into vehicle development. At some point feature increments of an ECU software are simply freezed to focus on stabilization. Forget about huge teams and divided realms of the codebase, where the creative guys freely create new wonders. Nope. At some point all comes together. And if the new added features are bugged, they become whole showstoppers for the whole software. That's why there is a feature increment freeze to reach an SOP in a good quality. Further feature upgrades are done in the next loop for the next vehicle modell upgrade e.g. a "facelift". I do not think, that developing a game is soo much different from ECU software. The designers may prepare movements and designer stuff, but at some poimt all comes together. Yeah... but some people just don't want to understand and keep cheering.
Not gonna explain it any time again. Understand it or not, not my issue.

This has all been said to the console players and others before.

Kinda arrogant statement, Mr. Bartlet. Sorry, that not everybody shares the same view with you. But your constant FD-defending is no brick wall, right?! The world would be much better place, if everyone shared the same opinion, right? Okay, lets stop it here. Over&out... Thanks for your feedback commander, highly appreciated.
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Nice try of provoking... nice try... so have a nice evening.
Am off to do some RL fun...
Are you actually capable of accepting a viewpoint other than your own without having to use terms like 'FDev-defending' and 'FDev cheering'? Because it detracts massively from any actual point you may have and just makes you come across as a bit weird. In a 'consumed by overpowering hatred, considering making a Braben voodoo doll, has a diary that you really hope the police never get to read' kind of way. Just saying.
Are you actually capable of accepting a viewpoint other than your own without having to use terms like 'FDev-defending' and 'FDev cheering'? Because it detracts massively from any actual point you may have and just makes you come across as a bit weird. In a 'consumed by overpowering hatred, considering making a Braben voodoo doll, has a diary that you really hope the police never get to read' kind of way. Just saying.
And you are an lawyer for your over the top Forum funny guys ?
Are you actually capable of accepting a viewpoint other than your own without having to use terms like 'FDev-defending' and 'FDev cheering'? Because it detracts massively from any actual point you may have and just makes you come across as a bit weird. In a 'consumed by overpowering hatred, considering making a Braben voodoo doll, has a diary that you really hope the police never get to read' kind of way. Just saying.

What? Since when is FD-defending or other wordings aggressive or hatred with voodoo dolls? Lost some sense for reality? I did not insult anybody personally. (And I myself will also cheer and defend FDs strategy, if the trust is re-earned.... cheering and defending are no negative coined terms) And no, i have no hate or stuff like that. I also accept his PoV, but also have to read, that we, who share it not, are a brickwall? Soo yeah... it was a response in the same manner. But honestly: I don't care. So maybe someone wants to understand the message, or not. Either way it won't change anything, since nobody of the deciders will care. And the guys who complain, will keep complaining and the guys who accept everything and nod the head to everything will also to continue to do so...
But to me this whole "consumed by hatred... yadayada..." line is so much off from reality... but yeah... kinda insulting...
I just wanted to point so things out to deliver a critique. But understanding requires the wanting to.

Why did I write? Cause I like ED and hope the path of the development heads not into a dead end road. Thats why. No weird stuff with voodoo dolls. But... yeah believe what you want - you re grown up, I guess. shoulder shrugging

have a nice evening... off to do some RL fun w/ some nice mellons... (just cooking, not what you think)
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And you are an lawyer for your over the top Forum funny guys ?

What? Since when is FD-defending or other wordings aggressive or hatred with voodoo dolls? Lost some sense for reality? I did not insult anybody personally. (And I myself will also cheer and defend FDs strategy, if the trust is re-earned.... cheering and defending are no negative coined terms) And no, i have no hate or stuff like that. I also accept his PoV, but also have to read, that we, who share it not, are a brickwall? Soo yeah... it was a response in the same manner. But honestly: I don't care. So maybe someone wants to understand the message, or not. Either way it won't change anything, since nobody of the deciders will care. And the guys who complain, will keep complaining and the guys who accept everything and nod the head to everything will also to continue to do so...
But to me this whole "consumed by hatred... yadayada..." line is so much off from reality... but yeah... kinda insulting...
I just wanted to point so things out to deliver a critique. But understanding requires the wanting to.

Why did I write? Cause I like ED and hope the path of the development heads not into a dead end road. Thats why. No weird stuff with voodoo dolls. But... yeah believe what you want - you re grown up, I guess. shoulder shrugging

have a nice evening... off to do some RL fun w/ some nice mellons... (just cooking, not what you think)

I know neither of you has English as a first language, so I'll accept that concepts such as hyperbole may not come across particularly clearly.

Let me put it bluntly then. You think that categorising everyone you disagree with as an 'FDev defender' or 'FDev cheerer' enhances your points because it allows you to disregard those other people's comments as if they were the work of shills, dupes, or people with an ulterior motive of some kind.

But it doesn't. It actually diminishes any point you're trying to make because it gives the impression that you're incapable of looking at the actual issues and instead want to focus on ad hominem attacks on the people making them. A point with merit stands on its own feet without needing to disparage the person making it.

And before you say but... but.. that's what you were doing Red, yes. Yes I was. Specifically, I was doing it in response to about a month's worth of this 'FDev defender!' and 'FDev cheerer' crap. Because I'm tired of it now. It was boring and juvenile on day one, It hasn't got any better with age.

I'm sorry if that's an uncomfortable truth for you. But a truth is what it is.
Didn’t you quoted that your are an console player too? Funny to see, that you are just a over the top funny guy, who has nothing to do, just to be annoying. Just keep this way, ,,forum comedy guy‘‘ no need to take you serious 👍
Just to make one thing clear for you on Leo's behalf, people are allowed to own more than one gaming platform you know. He can play EDO despite being a console player because he owns a PC (gasp!) an XBox (shock!!) and a PS4 (horror!)

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