Please Frontier, Listen to the players and you will have the most profitable game ever.

So you haven't got Odyssey?

Then surely, by your own logic, that makes me more a paying customer than you!

EDIT: Resorting to petty insults? Okay, guess you've ran out of logical rebuttals.
it does!! and that IS THE PROBLEM...people like you will buy the DLC no matter how bad or poorly designed...but, thats why sales of the DLC missed their didnt reach the rest (MAJORITY) of the playerbase...thats why the sales were off. sounds like you finally figuring it all out.
not sure anyone is suggesting putting ALL the ideas for ED into the game....but maybe a few of the most requested ones? ya...
it does!! and that IS THE PROBLEM...people like you will buy the DLC no matter how bad or poorly designed...but, thats why sales of the DLC missed their didnt reach the rest (MAJORITY) of the playerbase...thats why the sales were off. sounds like you finally figuring it all out.
Rough translation: "They shouldn't put every idea into the game, just mine." "I think everyone must have the same opinion as me, and don't understand how other people like the thing I don't like."

Deleted member 110222

it does!! and that IS THE PROBLEM...people like you will buy the DLC no matter how bad or poorly designed...but, thats why sales of the DLC missed their didnt reach the rest (MAJORITY) of the playerbase...thats why the sales were off. sounds like you finally figuring it all out.

Alas, guess what? You literally have no influence on how I spend my own money, little internet-nobody.

I have had fun with it and frankly, I really don't get care if you got your perceived money's worth.

Selfish? Yes. Does this bother me? No, not really.

Let me make this clear: I've had my fun.

If the game collapses and no longer exists, guess what? I won't be losing any sleep. Life is too short to pursue perfection. You won't ever find it.

I'll be logging out now and doing some more artwork. I might suggest you make your own stuff, too, if you are unhappy with what someone else is making for you.
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it does!! and that IS THE PROBLEM...people like you will buy the DLC no matter how bad or poorly designed...but, thats why sales of the DLC missed their didnt reach the rest (MAJORITY) of the playerbase...thats why the sales were off. sounds like you finally figuring it all out.
Odyssey is note a bad dlc, the problem is that it had many bugs and was not optimized so we had low frame per seconds, but the gameplay is very good, i cant play without odyssey anymore.
Odyssey is note a bad dlc, the problem is that it had many bugs and was not optimized so we had low frame per seconds, but the gameplay is very good, i cant play without odyssey anymore.
So, something important for you to keep in mind if you want atmospheric worlds/ship interiors/etc. And hopefully a comforting thought:

Everything you're asking for in your OP are things that could not exist without the existence of Odyssey (or something like it) as a baseline. Odyssey added systems for on-foot first person gameplay, added systems and assets for interior spaces, and updated the entire planet generation system to facilitate both basic tenuous atmospheres and on-foot movement.

Even though the original launch was buggy and un-optimized, those systems are now in place. Everything you're asking for can be built on top of them if that's what FDev wants to do. And, with ship interiors in particular, FDev have heard the demand pretty loudly. Ball's in their court, but what you're asking for is a lot more possible because of Odyssey's existence.
not sure anyone is suggesting putting ALL the ideas for ED into the game....but maybe a few of the most requested ones? ya...

So who picks. Now let's just say look at this one;

lower orbits

The OP obviously doesn't know the station were moved into higher orbits at the request of players, for every idea put forward for the game there's almost guaranteed another idea has also been put forward that has the exact opposite effect.

Players don't design games for a reason, because, basically, we are crap at it. I can almost guarantee if most of my ideas were implemented 90% of players would just hate them!
it does!! and that IS THE PROBLEM...people like you will buy the DLC no matter how bad or poorly designed...but, thats why sales of the DLC missed their didnt reach the rest (MAJORITY) of the playerbase...thats why the sales were off. sounds like you finally figuring it all out.
People like us focus on the potential of the game instead of bashing it and kill the thing in the egg.
Rough translation: "They shouldn't put every idea into the game, just mine." "I think everyone must have the same opinion as me, and don't understand how other people like the thing I don't like."
never said that...dont hear what I didnt say...again, sales of the DLC were way, obviously they didnt put enough of what the players were calling for. There were ALOT of things that could have been added to the DLC that I would have liked to see...Literally NONE were added. NONE, and I had alot of things I would have immediately bought it for...FPS wasnt one of them. More grind wasnt one of them. Planet tech issues/problems wasnt one of them.
People like us focus on the potential of the game instead of bashing it and kill the thing in the egg.
I did that too...for several years. Like many people, that understanding and patience expired with the DLC. But, I respect you that you still are, and hope the best for the game.

Take a look at the last 3 noted additions to the game...
1_ New player experince and tutorials -- Ok, I was 100% behind this, did nothing for me, but I get it.
2_ Fleet Carriers -- Ok, not for me, but I was 100% happy for those who wanted it and enjoy. I get it.
3_ New DLC -- this marks the 3rd content drop for the game in a row, that did nothing for me. I no longer "get it"
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I did that too...for several years. Like many people, that understanding and patience expired with the DLC. But, I respect you that you still are, and hope the best for the game.
and see how far the game went because of that. 👏
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