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You really don't get the real point here, do you ? I at least was looking forward to the unification of the code base ending the split in the playerbase. In an ideal scenario I could just launch Odyssey and instance with Horizons 4.0 players in space. Since that doesn't work, the next best thing would be me as an Odyssey owner getting the choice to launch my Odyssey client in Horizons mode to be able to play with Horizons 4.0 players. Not perfect, but still better what we have now: Both having to go back down to Horizons 3.8 to play together.
No I understand that.

I'm countering the suggestion that someone is entitled to horizons 4.0 and in fact the claim they "bought" it.
Presumably lifetime expansion pass holders were promised all future updates, so should have access to both 4.0 and Odyssey?
You are right , I am one of the LEP holders ( since 2014) but yes all content is added automatic. I know console players had the same Lifetime passes when they got released so you could say they should have all the expansions and content as well.
OK, then give me my money back. If NOT owning Odyssey is the only way to access Horizons 4.0, I will gladly accept a refund on the DLC.
I need an image of this guy facepalming with all four hands:

Especially as there's aspects on there that were or are TBC. If that doesn't tell you there's significant challenges with integrating aspects of odyssey and horizons together, I don't know what else you could say.
Exactly this. I've seen a few comments about EDH and base players being able to instance together as a justification for allowing EDO and EDH instancing. I don't see the two as being remotely similar (from a technical point of view).

With Horizons there was a very distinct gameplay boundary between EDH vs Base. You could not descend to the planet, therefore you could not visit any EDH only resources or be directly affected by EDH only gameplay. From a technical standpoint this made the EDH vs non-EDH use case considerations very clear cut. Whereas this is not a good analogy to the EDO vs EDH situation. For example, EDH players can still land and see the EDO settlements. If there are EDO enabled CMDRs at those settlements what would they see? What would happen if said EDO CMDR started shooting at the EDH CMDR's ship/SRV while on foot? There are a myriad of these sort of scenarios that would need to be resolved before common instancing could happen.

Perhaps (my speculation) the development effort to resolve this is prohibitively large and expensive, since this would be work that would need to be done without additional income from the player base. Or maybe they are still working on it. Fact is they have said they have nothing more to say on the matter at this time. and that's the only concrete thing we know for now.
Ok I think I get it; this is FDevs way of saying once the Azimuth saga is completed Horizons 4.0 will go the way of 3.8 and only receive maintenance updates or be deleted completely. That only new content added will be Thargoid on foot and ship interiors. So, there will be no need for Odyssey owners to jump back into Horizons 4.0 as there will not be any content added for you to do with your friends.

This makes sense now.
Thanks, that confirms that Horizons 4.0 is actually Odyssey. Then it does seem very weird that there is no Horizon 4.0 launcher option for Odyssey players..! Maybe someone can try the command line trick on the Odyssey client to see if they can instance with Horizons 4.0 players.
This is a nice thought but I suspect the launch options are controlled server side based on which account you are logged in as. But hey, I could be wrong ;)
Presumably lifetime expansion pass holders were promised all future updates, so should have access to both 4.0 and Odyssey?
not quite so...
if they consider that Odyssey is superseding the Horizons 4.0 :)

(usually new patches are replacing old patches...in terms of updates)

but anyway, having a LEP wasn't invoked by now
Go open a support ticket and demand access to Horizons 4.0 by virtue of LEP entitlement, see their response 😇
Ok I think I get it; this is FDevs way of saying once the Azimuth saga is completed Horizons 4.0 will go the way of 3.8 and only receive maintenance updates or be deleted completely. That only new content added will be Thargoid on foot and ship interiors. So, there will be no need for Odyssey owners to jump back into Horizons 4.0 as there will not be any content added for you to do with your friends.

This makes sense now.
Well the Azimuth Saga ended over a month ago so it doesn't make sense really.
I think it is a poor decision not to allow instancing between the two 4.0 clients, if that isnt available due to technical issues then OD buyers should be able to launch the H4 version. But, it is an FDev decision and what they rightly or wrongly think is best for their game.

I also dont get the comments of entitlement from some nor the white knighting of others.

But I didnt pay for H4.0 I bought Odyssey so im not entitled apparently is an argument.
What if I bought Horizons, can I install and use H4, yes, no argument there?
I then buy Odyssey, which installs over the top of Horizons, so I did buy Horizons and I did buy Odyssey but I cant use H4 ;) But I did buy Horizons.................................lol

I bought odyssey, dont like the onfoot and a few other issues so dont use it, but I do like the lighting and menus and other QOL improvements, but because I have bought Odyssey which I dont like and dont play (heresy) I can enjoy the few Odyssey positives I do like using H4, no you cant..............oh the joys.

Anyway, im off to play Odyssey.
I then buy Odyssey, which installs over the top of Horizons, so I did buy Horizons and I did buy Odyssey but I cant use H4 ;) But I did buy Horizons.................................lol

The point everyone is making is this:
you bought Horizons 3.8. Not Horizons 4.0. (4.0 was a curtesy gift)
when you buy Odyssey, you lose Horizons 4.0 (no need for a courtesy gift when you have the real deal)

That's how i'm seeing it
And that's how currently is (Sure FDev might change their stance on this)

However, i would not want Horizons 4.0.
Seeing a Odyssey settlement but no NPC - well, that basically kills the entire idea of Odyssey settlements.
And no NPC is due PEGI7 rating.
The point everyone is making is this:
you bought Horizons 3.8. Not Horizons 4.0. (4.0 was a curtesy gift)
when you buy Odyssey, you lose Horizons 4.0 (no need for a courtesy gift when you have the real deal)
Doesn't make much sense though does it - I bought Horizons. Not Horizons 3.8, or 3.7, or 3.6. It's just a weird decision to take away EDH4.0 if you have Odyssey and making ppl play 3.8.

nvm, when 3.8 vanishes we'll all be together in 4.0 dreamland :love:
I do wish some Odyssey owners wouldn't try to argue that they don't have Horizons 4.0. They do, it's called "Odyssey", with bits switched off. You have that, plus those bits.

This isn't an argument about "access to Horizons 4.0". It's an argument about instancing. You're not missing any part of the actual game, what you're missing is the ability to instance with a specific group of players, who are currently in a sort of limbo, unable to instance either with Horizons 3.8 or Odyssey players (unless they go into 3.8).
The point everyone is making is this:
you bought Horizons 3.8. Not Horizons 4.0. (4.0 was a curtesy gift)
when you buy Odyssey, you lose Horizons 4.0 (no need for a courtesy gift when you have the real deal)

That's how i'm seeing it
And that's how currently is (Sure FDev might change their stance on this)

However, i would not want Horizons 4.0.
Seeing a Odyssey settlement but no NPC - well, that basically kills the entire idea of Odyssey settlements.
And no NPC is due PEGI7 rating.
Excuse me, but I think your post deserves a correction.

We didn't buy "Horizons 3.8" nor "Horizons 4.0".
We bought the "Horizons Expansion pack".
The point everyone is making is this:
you bought Horizons 3.8. Not Horizons 4.0. (4.0 was a curtesy gift)
when you buy Odyssey, you lose Horizons 4.0 (no need for a courtesy gift when you have the real deal)

That's how i'm seeing it
And that's how currently is (Sure FDev might change their stance on this)

However, i would not want Horizons 4.0.
Seeing a Odyssey settlement but no NPC - well, that basically kills the entire idea of Odyssey settlements.
And no NPC is due PEGI7 rating.

1: It's less that you don't need that courtesy gift and more You can't instance with folk in that courtesy gift if you don't log into said courtesy gift: EDO Cannot instance with EDH 4.0, even in space where everything else would be the same.

2: The rating matters very little still: ESRB still has it at T, and a good portion of the playerbase has played the earlier games, earliest there being from 1995. Few teenagers have the patience to tackle the learning cliff of this game, and those that do wouldn't be bothered by whatever is in it.
not me.
seeing Odyssey is discounted on FDev store, as soon as i get home i'll put an end to this no-NPC-EDO-Settlements thing and will get the real deal.
Well, you are lucky that you have no Horizons pals or you'd be leaving them behind. Or banishing all of you back to 3.8 to play together 🤢
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