
  1. Fradyan

    Powerplay Recover classified Data, the weekly doesn't make sense

    I followed exactly what the weekly asked me to do, I collected power data from the data ports of a reinforced system of my power, but when I was about to turn in the data, the contact told me I was "OUT-OF-RANGE". I tried to visit strongholds and fortified systems of my power to see where I...
  2. K

    Cross Platform Data Syncing

    Is it possible to have the same data across Xbox and PC? I own Planet Coaster 2 on Xbox and PC and would like to have the same data across both platforms. I don’t want to go through the hassle of uploading stuff to the workshop if I want to transfer my projects. Is there any way to do this?
  3. marx

    Powerplay merits - help record complete data!

    How the developers have (currently) set personal Powerplay merits gains from selling exploration or exobiology data remains to be seen. Unfortunately, mentions I've seen so far for UC data or VG samples sold and merits gotten all have missed something crucial: the system they were sold in, and...
  4. -EJ-

    In the market for some data material, Happy to negotiate.

    Hi there y'all, I'm just looking for some assistance with the procurement of some odyssey data. Having finally gathered all the manufactured materials I require, I'm pretty beat and hitting a brick wall at this point from all the grinding so I figured I'd throw up buy orders for the following...
  5. A

    New Data/Materials from Thargoid Maelstrom "Shutdown Data" (massive energy surge) = Massive Grind

    Dear frontier, Are you aware that: the new data/materials you introduced don't have the right rarerty rank (caustic crystal have rarety level 4, but need 200 units) the Shutdown Data is WORST than guardian terminal data as the limit is 200 units max but we get them...1 by 1 what
  6. C

    Transfer mode inventory

    It is not possible to select fleetcarrier odyssey resources (Data, Goods or resources) to transfer to my ship using the right panel, inventory tab. When I select a data, elite dangerous selects a resource. Is there another way to transfer data, goods or resources from the fleetcarrier to the ship?
  7. _bryan

    Newcomer / Intro Question about data materials

    Hi folks, I have been trying to collect data materials by going to Bug Killer and scanning the 3 communication boxes. Until recently I had issues with always being full, but I did find a reddit page that has these listed: Adaptive Encryptors Capture Atypical Encryption Archives Cracked...
  8. O

    More realist data storage for biological sample and data

    The whole "if your srv is destroyed you lose ALL biological data and sample" thing is absolutely stupid. Why would they store everything in the SRV rather than store only things that you've picked up since you left your ship. Once you get back to your ship the data and sample should be...
  9. Firestar97

    Game Files can't be synchronized with the Cloud after reinstalling

    I'm currently trying to start Planet Zoo after I fixed my Computer yesterday and when I want to start it, it isn't able to synchronize the local Files with the ones in the Cloud. Of course I don't want to lose my Progress. The Internet Connection seems to be relatively good at the Moment, so I...
  10. SergMx

    15 Financial projections

    Since one of the engineers needs 15 forecasts is there any way to stable production ? Even if it is long, but most importantly stable. I have already searched a bunch of residential buildings and even collected a lot of opinion polls. But I found only two forecasts. They are not given as a...
  11. Palindari

    what? Five Days and counting...

    That I have been able to play ED in general. First off, I've been truly enjoying the game and have been a long time player since Jan 2015. Though I have heard plenty complain about issues with Odyssey, I was relatively happy with my experience overall. My system is currently leading edge (Ryzen...
  12. marx

    Marx's guides, research, data, and various other stuff

    I wanted to make a collection of the various threads I've made over time, with the guides, research, data, and so on, but it wouldn't fit in my forum signature, so I decided I'd make a thread summing them up instead. Here they are: Guides: Marx's guide to finding Earth-like worlds Marx's...
  13. Chocolatier

    Newcomer / Intro Detailed White Dwarf & Neutron Cone Data with Escape Information

    This thread serves as my public "dumping ground" for information regarding White Dwarfs and Neutrons. Please use this as a precursor when encountering these stars. To begin, this is what I have: Current number of recorded tests: 115 Rate of Hull decay, without Reinforcement Packages...
  14. Hoff 07

    Anyone want the a trophy bobblehead? Join CRYS1S squadron and turn in exploration data before the season ends

    we are currently in 4th place we just need a little boost in data. 3rd place and up get a trophy bobblehead. There's 3 hours left in the season.
  15. Hoff 07

    What is the highest payout for a single system in exploration data? My record is over 18 million CR

    Found this system worth over 18 million.. located between Colonia and Sagittarius A. It has 9 terraformables with decent mass and 2 water worlds. The system is SCREAKI BA-Y D1-337
  16. F


    Hello people! Just a suggestion.....after hours and hours of travelling, mapping and a lot of effort to collect data, suddenly we get destroyed but an enemy. I think I am not the only one who had this experience. How about ED team just load our DATA (same as they do with our material and goods...
  17. CanYouHackett97

    How I Lost Millions Worth of Data in an Instant

    tl;dr: I just lost days worth of exploration data because I wanted to land on a planet before going to bed. I started in Elite Dangerous a couple months ago. At first I wasn't crazy about it, but I was able to buy an ASP Explorer after doing a wing mission with friends. Started grinding...
  18. A

    Found New Data Scanning Bug. THX FD

    started a Planetary Scan Job mission today, 2 days time limit. Location: CD-39 3269 (near Xinca) Planet 3C Found the Planetary Outpost and attempted scan of data point after switching to analysis mode. Turrets begin to fire on me as it is a restricted area, game crashes. makes that long...
  19. Lateralus

    [Suggestion] New galaxy map overlay categories: Traffic volume & Risk level

    In a game where players are distributed fairly thinly across a gigantic play area, we need a way of determining where most players are (for lawful and outlaw purposes). This would result in more organic PvP scenarios which can currently be very hard to find unless you go to a CG, which can get...
  20. wetwire

    Exploration Data Black Box

    So many explorers play in private or solo mode for fear of losing many days worth of game play in one accident, or being destroyed by another ship. As more of an intensive for explorers to play in Open I propose the following. I suggest adding a Black Box that CMDR's can interact with. A...
  21. Sheppard22

    Can i get my rebuy back ?

    So i was exploring in open i forgot to go in pvt group or sole my bad ;( I jumped into Omega nebula and 2 players ganked me for nothing so rip all my exploring data and rebuy cost on anaconda) Wish i could send this on support but i dont know how to send it and where because they are having too...
  22. D

    Exploration data lost?

    Greeting Commanders, I am far away from home and I am exploring the Void. I haven't play for a few months, so I update the game and was presented with new kind of scanner and new Planet scanner with probes. As much as cool it is I went to see what the Codex was and I find out that I...
  23. Flying Scorpion

    Establish Covert Link With Emplacement Data Link (Help - how do you finish this mission?) I don't know how to finish the mission. I've been attempting this mission for 2 days now. I've given up for today and maybe I'll try again tomorrow if someone can help me out.
  24. L

    Codex 'records'.

    We all saw that section of the Codex. It is a great idea, sort of a fishing thing, where you can see what was the smallest and the biggest one you "caught" so far. The problem is, it doesn't seem to work. It doesnt matter how many particular stars or planets you find the records sections will...
  25. Dread Quixadhal

    More useful galaxy map.

    So, I sat down to play Elite today, on my xbox for a change, and quickly discovered that it was frustratingly difficult to tease any useful information out of the in-game map interface. When playing on the PC, we have quick and easy access to multiple third-party web sites to perform routine...
  26. J

    Cannot scan Ancient Data Terminal

    Greetings, after having the terminal acticvated I try to scan, however my scanner does not start scanning. The Terminal is targeted, see attached pic. Link to pic: I have successfully scanned several Active Ancient Obelisks before. Any hints?
  27. RolloTreadway

    Newcomer / Intro Stupid question about data

    Hi everyone. Can I ask a silly noob question about data? Is it inherently a whole lot more difficult to accumulate it than raw and manufactured materials? Or is there some reliable way of getting data (particularly rarer forms) other than pointing a wake scanner and hoping for the best? What...
  28. P

    All exploration data lost - I'm so fed up!

    Hi everyone, I have spent literally days and days exploring (something I am quite new to) as I had to travel 5000 light years to unlock Prof Palin. So guess what.....I did really well scanning all types of stars and bodies and was looking forward to amassing millions of credits doing this...
  29. C

    Guardian data retrieval

    Hi guys, returning starside after a break and in need of guardian data for the impending Q2 update. Can anyone confirm the current situation with data obelisks? Does one require the correct combination of artifacts to retrieve pattern data, or are you still able to get it just by scanning? Any...
  30. RolloTreadway

    Exploration: Quality of Life improvement, much needed, please, it's been years now

    I know this has been suggested before, probably many times, at least once by me. But the change never happens and I'm not going to stop going on about it until it does. PLEASE can we have an improvement to the system for giving exploration data to Universal Cartographics. It really is not fun...
  31. V

    Missions to colonia?

    Hey cmdrs, I was wondering if anyone has seen any more data delivery missions to colonia anymore? I know there were a bunch when 2.4 hit but I haven’t seen any since then. I wanted to pick up a few on my way out into the black since I plan on being out there a while and don’t want to take...
  32. Cmdr Zund

    Discussion Secure Data

    Is the client data encrypted from client to server? I'm not terribly afraid of someone hacking my account, but I'm curious. I still use a VPN for most all internet traffic. But this only encrypts my data to the VPN server and not the game server. Cheers! CMDR Zund
  33. Riverside

    Wake Scanning for Data

    I play in a pretty varied way, I travel around, I trade, do missions & explore, I shoot at stuff until it pops then collect the stuff that falls out. So as far as the new materials & data collection is concerned I have collected a lot of everything, many of my bins are full, I miss the dilemma...
  34. Rick Bravo

    Newcomer / Intro Data deliver missions- credit toward trade rank?

    So I haven't been able to find answer to this question so I thought I would try here. Do data delivery missions/courier(data delivery) missions give credit toward trade rank? If so, do bonuses received on those data delivery missions also count toward trade rank or is only the original amount...
  35. n13L5

    Trying to make SENSE of SENSORS - in regards to ship scanning for DATA

    Up to now, I've mainly been putting D-rated sensors on most ships and A-rated sensors on combat ships, as I heard a long time ago, that you can pick up enemy ships from greater distance. This seemed simple enough, and I really had no need for further inquiry, as there weren't any options to...
  36. Bitwalker

    Xbox & Data -> Inara Import?

    Hello, dear Commander! Like many, I also use INARA.CZ to manage my achievements. Presumably, this question has been asked many times, but the search function does not give me any decent results. Is there, or will someday be the opportunity to somehow link the data and materials of my...
  37. S

    I don't know what to do anymore...

    Today I joined the forum, hoping to make some future contribution to the community and build myself as a player.. Today I was most upbeat as I had almost finished a passenger mission to Colonia. Now, I had the idea to take a few passengers out there, so I loaded my asp explorer with 3 cabins and...

    Please can we have a 32t fuel tank for the Chieftain?

    Please could we have the fuel tank in the Chieftain increase to a 32t as standard, as this would make this ship just that bit more perfect for those of us who would like to do more than just combat. I for instance would like to use this tough ship as a secure fast transport for passengers, and...
  39. T

    Why is the Explorer path so unbalanced?

    So, I have a question, why is the explorer career so unbalanced? This applies to all modes, but this is mostly about Open. The context here is when your ship is destroyed as opposed to your time investment. Let me explain.... (hint, there is a TL;DR to this.) The Combat Role: If you are...
  40. Avi0013

    Release Questions about a replacement for Maddavo's updating for TradeDangerous

    Hopefully, most of you know Oliver (@kfsone) wonderful tool, TradeDangerous (TD), which is now being semi-maintained by @gazelle (Bernd) here: The beauty of this tool is in its completeness and complexity. It is a route planner, a market database, a buy...
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