
  1. Rebel Yell

    Powerplay Faction: Archon Delaine CYCLE 481: Nanomam Kaboom

    Ahoy Crew! First of all, let's start with the latest GalNet news from Nanomam... Archon Delaine declared his responsibility for an explosion aimed at shadow president Jerome Archer. The objective of the attack on a prominent figure of the Federation has not been explained... only the most loyal...
  2. Blight Born

    b2 Carinae. Worthy of GalNet article?

    I don't know if any Devs or community managers will read this, but I'll give it shot. For the past 6 months, conflict has ensued between Federation factions and Imperial factions in the system b2 Carinae. It has gained alot of traction with system status War breaking out this week, with Inara...
  3. Coehoorn


    AZIMUTH CONDUCTS AX WEAPONS RESEARCH The corporation Azimuth Biotech has outlined its plans to support the war effort against the Thargoids by improving ship anti-xeno firepower. CEO Torben Rademaker was interviewed on The Tau Ceti Journal’s official ICE-cast, where he explained: “As you may...
  4. Coehoorn

    Where the heck is the Eternal Vigilance?

    Related GalNet article Are we just going to pretend like nothing happened?
  5. A

    Talk Show Murder Broadcast - Cipher

    Using an alphabetical substitution to decode TFZIRQRL leads to GUARIJIO
  6. J


    A public referendum in the Marlinist Colonies has resulted in the majority voting to remain fully independent from the Empire. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval had proposed to make the colony systems an Imperial protectorate in return for Marlinist allegiance to the Imperial throne. This would have...
  7. chryco

    Reorte mining coalision need to stay green

    Hello this message is for frontier team . i love elite and is political side and BGS . but alliance folks and myself saw in the galnet about Reorte mining want to go independant it become very sad . everyone and i said everyone in the alliance player fight for Reorte mining because this is a...
  8. K

    Where is Galnet article 'A RETROSPECTIVE OF 3307 (PART THREE)'?

    I'm working on an unofficial localization video of Galnet and I surprisingly find that there isn't any 'A RETROSPECTIVE OF 3307 (PART THREE)' in my Galnet.What happened?Is this my problem or what?
  9. DragoCubX

    Bring back old local station news style!

    I just stumbled upon it skimming through some old chat logs, but I remembered that a long time ago, the local station news you could find weren't the purpose-built statistics reports with only dry information, but rather we had multiple fictional news outlets that would randomly generate news...
  10. AlienDrew

    Discussion Backend API ( Down???

    I have at least 2 different bots that check for information regarding ED and Galnet news, but both endpoints seem to be down, and have been down for at least a week or more. Were these perhaps moved??? The following specific URLs are the ones I normally...
  11. Gyfiawn Gryfudd

    BREAKING NEWS: Marlinist Minister Aaron Whyte Voted Out of Office After Granting NMLA Asylum

    Elections held in Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 resulted in a dramatic reversal of fortunes for Minister Aaron Whyte and his Marlinism Reformation Party. On April 16 when the survivors of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and their leader Landgrave Delacroix arrived in the system seeking asylum...
  12. VYPR

    Archon Delaine... campaign... to build... starports?

    I apologize that I may be interrupting any conspiracy theorycraft or discussions on in-game realpolitik, however upon logging into Elite Dangerous this morning I happened upon this queer notification on the main menu and could not help myself but to read the full article. I nearly spat out my...
  13. AlienDrew

    Release Galnet News - A Discord feed bot

    Features: Works on multiple discord servers Properly and stylishly parses original article formatting Gets latest Galnet News feeds (by the minute) You can set a channel you want the automatic news feed messages to go You can also have a role set to ping when a new article comes in Latest...
  14. C

    Elite Dangerous in game Social Media and Influencers

    So I was just brainstorming a small idea and while doing that I came across an idea regarding the social media in Elite universe and how it works. We the CMDRs of pilots federation get our news and all the latest happenings through Galnet which is easily accessible all across the galaxy, but...
  15. AlienDrew

    Discussion Galnet API Not matching up with Galnet archive???

    Galnet API URL in question: The Archive URL: When processing the JSON file, I found that some of the dates don't match up, and that the API doesn't go as far back as the archive does. Why is it that 23 AUG...
  16. S

    Re: Sol system in civil unrest as of jan 1 3307. Anyone know What's up? Ps @Galnet What's up with Sol?

    Was looking at Galaxy map and noticed the civil unrest tag. I'm 20000 ly away so have not taken closer look, any relationship to possible protests of Sirius corp. And they're activity that got thargoids upset?
  17. PurgeTheXeno

    Galnet compilation

    Has anyone compiled all the galnet articles into a document? Preferably an epub file? I'm running way behind because of a 3-year burnout, the wiki does not read well on my phone, and the apps keep losing my place/deleting articles I haven't read yet. I don't need the powerplay junk, just the...
  18. norlin

    NPCs are discussing recent GalNet / local news in chat window?

    Instead of the same couple of phrases they are posting everywhere, it would be great to make NPCs to discuss the recent GalNet or local news in the chat window. It will improve the immersion and also more commanders will know about what's going on and if there are something new in the news.
  19. Old Duck

    What's in a narrative?

    Most of you have read my laments in this week's "protect supplies" community goal thread. The lament boils down to this - it is heavily implied that both CGs revolve around getting supplies for refugees, and yet the bounty hunting CG has nothing to do with protecting supplies. There are no...
  20. Old Duck

    I'm Back!!!

    This thread really isn't about me, but rather the power of narrative and community events. The return of Galnet and community goals tied into that narrative have brought me back into the game like I was in the early days, where I'm actually excited to play the game despite the fact that it's the...
  21. V

    The GalNet Archive - 10th Sep 3306 - ?

    Welcome to The GalNet Archive. This is as much for my own use as anybody else's, I know they're elsewhere but they don't seem to be on one easy accessible page so I'm putting them on here for future reference. This Archive only covers from the return of GalNet on 10th September 3306 (2020). I...
  22. Plofski

    Player controlled galnet/ community goals

    Hi Frontier, fellow commanders I had a question about galnet and community goals: as I have read well Frontier has decided that galnet/ community goals are on a hold/ never coming back. I had the idea that players could write articles to galnet and organise community goals. I would propose to...
  23. Ceiling8cat

    GalNet and CMDRs

    If Frontier decided not to update their GalNet news system, why don't let Commanders do that? Like give them right to send news judging by their stats and stuff and everything will go better! They don't even need to create something their own, they could just describe whats happening in...
  24. A

    Why on earth has GalNet Audio been suspended?

    First of all I want to say I'm a great fan of the Elite series, I played it religiously in the 80s on my Commodore 64 and I love what David Braben has created with Elite Dangerous (Horizons). One thing always stood between me and getting connected more thoroughly to the Elite Universe: there...
  25. A

    How to make GalNet and the Galaxy feel alive

    This account, along with many others, is registered as the owner of an in-game faction, in this case Alliance Office of Statistics. Give these factions, specifically the forum account that "owns" the faction, the ability to post local GalNet articles to all systems that the faction has a...
  26. M

    A suggestion in response to Kai Zen's open letter to Frontier

    We all know that Frontier is trying to achieve some polish with fleet carriers, and as a developer myself I understand the level of commitment needed. However, universe immersion is incredibly important if we want to keep Elite Dangerous alive. Frontier staff don't have the resources at the...
  27. CMDR Kai Zen

    An open letter to Frontier Development

    I am a huge fan of your company and devoted player of your game, as well as purchaser of many, many paint jobs. I am the co-host of a podcast every week that is dedicated to the amazing thing that you have created. I love so many aspects of it that were I to fully unpack that statement it would...
  28. D

    Has GALnet run out of juice now?

    Checking Station Repair tonnage often, I noticed GALnet looks.... well.... quite "slim" these days. Has it run dry entirely now? I don't think I've ever seen it down to a mere two (2) Stories.
  29. don carnage1

    A simple fix to (maybe) save Galnet

    It’s easy. Galnet just needs to draw a clear distinction between in game events and pure flavor material. This is how you do it: FDev makes two categories of articles. TOP STORIES OTHER NEWS TOP STORIES would be reserved only for events with in-game ramifications. Top stories would always...
  30. Hully333

    Frontier missing a trick....

    Instead of releasing the patches with patch notes of what Frontier have introduced into the game why not have some in-game Tech Corporation release news through GALNET that they are working on some tech and eventually release it through GALNET. Thus giving the game a greater evolving feel rather...
  31. rootsrat

    Galnet vs Game improvement! WELL DONE FDEV!

    So I recently decided to visit Archambault Terminal in Chun Tstar system, following the Galnet article from 25th March about the station being held hostage by Children of Tothos terrorist group. And to my utter delight lo and behold - the station was in lockdown and it was listed as being...
  32. EWanderer

    Make Galnet Archives more Readable

    Hey FDev. For my research into another Suggestion I am currently working one, I stumbled upon the Antares Story Line on the Wiki. Unfortunately aside from the inital Galnet-Article about the Campaign no further Information was available and so I manually went through the Articles in Search for...
  33. K

    Galnet News PL na Space Empiria

    Hej, od jakiegoś czasu robię filmy z ED, w tym także galnetowe newsy. One były najpierw w trakcie gameplaya, ale teraz są co tydzień jako ekstra film - więc można to szybciutko sobie odsłuchać i być na bieżąco z fabułą, a to co się dzieje teraz staje się coraz ciekawsze. Zapraszam serdecznie...
  34. Cmdr-Wotherspoon

    Community Event / Creation Galnet News Digest Review of the Year 3304

    Do you ever wish you had a convenient summary of the stories that were published by Galnet News throughout 3304? Something that helped to show the flow of events in context, and which made sense of all those complicated stories? Read in a real human voice? We may be able to help! If you'd like...
  35. C

    Galnet voice volume? Quiet and inaudible? Bug?

    I’m docked in some little engineering station. When I listen to the galnet reader in the cockpit the voice is very quiet, very echoey and basically inaudible. When I listen to it from the actual galnet page iI can’t hear it at all. I wiped the audio settings, tried boost, overdrive the sliders...
  36. Factabulous

    Thanks Doctor Ulyanov!

    Hey Doc, long time no see ;) I read your recent report in Galnet about our findings with interest: Exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system: “This fascinating discovery implies that the missing chapters of the Far...
  37. Ouberos

    Are you ok hon?

    Seriously, have you not noticed? Oh god this is awkward for me to be the one to break it to you. It's just, it's just recently, well in fact for quite a while now, we have been watching you, and we understand you are going through changes which can be distracting but I think it's probably time...
  38. Cmdr-Wotherspoon

    Community Event / Creation Galnet News Digest

    A twice-weekly round-up of news from Galnet, as a podcast and (more recently) also on YouTube. The idea is to make Galnet a bit easier to understand. But it also sometimes strays into other territories.... "News from the Elite Dangerous galaxy. A completely unbiased, scrupulously fair and...
  39. OnTheMinute

    Attack on Meene

    What do you guys think of this failed raid of Phoenix Base? They speculate that it was potentially an attempt to steal materials but I have this feeling that is was the cult of the Fargod. I know they were cleared of the negative allegations against them but something tells me they are still not...
  40. buzzx

    Chapter 3 Galnet News (or lack thereof)

    Why has there only been one Galnet news article mentioning the chapter 3 content. That is they've mentioned that Ram-Tah has picked up energy signals from these 3 huge regions of space that have hundreds of stars. Obviously these locations have now been found. I'm assuming this would be the...
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